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Hawkwing and his "Advisor"

Hero of Satsuma

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Sorry of this one has already been hashed out...


I have only recently began reading the BWB. I am still not all the way through it, but I did just finish reading the section on Hawkwing.


It is mentioned that he (possibly) didn't begin his seige on Tar Valon until he had a new "advisor." Not much is known about this "advisor," but it is mentioned that he supposedly didn't age during the 20(?) odd years that he was with Hawkwing. It also goes on to say that all the leaders that he "advised" after Hawkwing, didn't fare too well. Then he just up and disappears.


Who was this mysterious "advisor?" Can it be assumed that he was Ishamael (as it has been argued that he had a hand in the Trolloc wars as well)?


Note: Sorry if any of my facts are off, I don't have the BWB in front of me at the moment.

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It was indeed Ishamael...... he made some comment about whispering in Hawkwing's ear and causing Aes Sedai to be hunted down...... yeah yeah yeah, I know it's believing Ishamael. :P


Mordeth was the advisor to Aridohl back during the Trolloc Wars, and the whole Compact of the 10 Nations. I believe that was before Hawkwing's empire.

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Guest Barmacral

Mordeth could not have been Hawkwings advisor, as he had already been trapped in Shadar Logoth for a thousand years, and was going to be trapped there for another thousand.

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Are there any reference to the advisor being Ish in the story or only in the BWB?


TEoTW: Chapter 14' date='[/b'] The Stag and the Lion


Ishamael (Ba'alzamon at this point ;)) pulls Rand into Tel'aran'rhiod and makes lots of claims, including that he'd never been fully sealed in the bore, and that his advising of Artur Hawkwing led him to declare war on all Aes Sedai, and to send his armies across the Aryth ocean to Seanchan. Plus that doing these things sealed twin dooms. the doom of his dream of one united land, and another doom yet to come.

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