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i still need to watch them all ... got only a few episodes of Soul Eater on TV, unfortunately :happy:


Tsuki, wanna join the Band (and become an Archer like Dors ... and me) ?


Don't you have a group for devious, dual-wielding assassin types?


that's the archers regiment  *grins*


u can choose between wielding a bow or two daggers

got myself jonestu and shado

u see nice japanese names *wiggles eyebrows*


*points at her brotherhood of the lilly signature*


then assassins tend to prank other band members ... steal their drinks, stuff like that

sometimes with their fellow archers, sometimes without...


(can't say more as i feel im being watched) 





And what type of a bonus do you get for dragging a warm body before the recruiter, and do I get to claim faction immediately?


draggin a warm body *grins*


i don't know yet but that sounds like an interesting offer


unfortunately, u can't claim faction immediately ... first u need to spend some time with the latrine diggers (the infantry) then with the mylittleponies lovers (yeah the cav), so you can compare and understand why the archer are sooo awesome


c'mon... you can make tons of fun of have tons of fun with the other regiments, as long as you choose the awesome archers in the end. I had to go through recruiting, i survived, and am known as one of the worst lawbreakers in here.


I would nearly dare you to do worse... or.... better... whatever floats your boat (probably seawater)


...What happened here? Honestly, I step out for one minute and the cavalry are already putting up with being called bronies?!?!


*accidentally lets the horses loose to trample over some silly, disrespectful archers and wannabes*


Oops! ;p


*reveals that the stables are full of drinks which may or may not be payment for having vanished*


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