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These I guess would cover all types of Warder bonds::

-channeler of either gender bonding a non-channeler of either gender

-channeler of either gender bonding a channeler of either gender

-channeler/channelers & non-channeler/non-channelers of any gender combination doing share technique toward a non-channeler of either gender

-channeler/channelers & non-channeler/non-channelers of any gender combination doing share technique toward a channeler of either gender

-channeling Warder of either gender bonding bond-holder/bond-holders

-share technique with Warder of any gender combination toward Warder's bond-holder/bond-holders

-channeling bond-holder of either gender passing the bond to the Warder

-channeling bond-holder of either gender passing the bond to a non-channeler of either gender

-channeling bond-holder of either gender passing the bond to a channeler of either gender


these I guess apply to Warders of all bond types::

-quick healing

-ability to go long periods without food/water/rest

-ability to sense Dark One's taint at a distance


these I take apply to both Warder and bond-holder of any type::

-detect the relative direction/location of the other

-detect the emotions of the other

-detect the physical needs of the other

first two of those if bond is not masked; depending on who holds the bond.  saidar bond holders able to mask location; saidin bond holders able to mask emotion.



You may comment on these things and/or bring up other Warder related things.



Warder types that appear in the books::

-channeling bond holder, non-channeling Warder

--many opposite gender.

---Aes Sedia, soldier

---Ashaman, wife

---Moiraine, Thom

--2 same gender.

---Elayne, Birgitte

---Egwene, Egeanin/Leilwin

-channeling bond holder, channeling Warder; all being opposite gender

--Alanna, Rand

--bond-holders being Logain and 49 Ashamen of his faction, Warders being Eliada's embassy to Black Tower

--bond-holders coming from the rebel Aes Sedia, Warders being other Black Tower residents of Logain's faction

--Warders being some of Rand's Ashamen bodyguard

---Merise, Narishma

---Corele, Damer

---Daigian, Hopwil

-reciprocal Warder bond. Androl & Pevara.

-share technique.  Elayne/Aviendha/Min, Rand

-Warder passing.  Warder being Lan.

--first bond-holder Moiraine

--second bond-holder Myrelle

--third bond-holder Nynaeve


I have always wondered if warders aging is slowed also or if Aes Sedai out live several warders. When discussing the loss of a warder it seems to be mentioned as being an uncommon thing, but wouldn't most Aes Sedai loos them to age or do they release the bond once the warder is past his prime?


I have always wondered if warders aging is slowed also or if Aes Sedai out live several warders. When discussing the loss of a warder it seems to be mentioned as being an uncommon thing, but wouldn't most Aes Sedai loos them to age or do they release the bond once the warder is past his prime?

This might be of some use to you:



Week 13 Question: Is the White Tower currently aware of any way to completely dissolve/undo the bond between an Aes Sedai and her Warder so that the link no longer exists and all the positive and negative effects of the bond are removed?


Robert Jordan Answers: Yes, they are. It is called releasing a Warder, and an Aes Sedai who is very old or injured so badly that she knows she is going to die will, if she has the strength, release him so he doesn't suffer from her death. This does require the two of them to be together, and a little more time that laying on the bond. If they are physically apart, or she doesn't have enough time or strength remaining, touch on him.


It has also been used to get rid of a Warder who proved to be unsuitable in some way, such as a man who is discovered to be a thief or who takes reckless chances, a fighter of duels who won't stop without the bond being used to force him. No sister is going to want a Warder who will risk getting himself killed, with all the attendant results to her, for no very good reason.


Although use of the bond in that way (controlling) was not unknown in the past, it came to be regarded as a form of Compulsion to use it so except in the slightest forms. Besides, using the bond to control a Warder all the time is a lot of work. An Aes Sedai wants somebody who can watch her back and keep it safe, not somebody she has to work on all the time. (Which is one of the reasons Aes Sedai stopped bonding men against their will. Not ethical concerns or ethical growth, I'm afraid; it was just not very practical really) Better simply to release the fellow who can't measure up and find another who will.


By the by, releasing a Warder except for cause (the Aes Sedai's imminent death, his own unsuitability) or because he has asked for release is something that JUST IS NOT DONE! It would gain the sister considerable opprobrium from other sisters. A sister certainly would be looked at askance if she released a Warder who was dying, for example, just to avoid the effects on her of his death. When an Aes Sedai bonds a Warder, she is expected to buy in for the full ride. For that matter, releasing him for unsuitability is considered to reflect on the sister's judgment. She should have known better about him from the start.

From here.




Do Warders have a regular lifespan?
Yes they do. They hang on to what you would call 'vitality' longer than the average man, but they live a normal lifespan. They do get things out of the bond, but not a longer life.

From here


Egwene's short-lived bonding of Egeanin.

Sometime after the question, did recall the bond; skimmed through various scenes days before asking the question.

Did some additions to the list.

  • 7 months later...

From Pevara & Androl, I would guess that people in reciprocal bonds would be able to read each other's thoughts.


From Elayne & Birgitte, I would guess that people in same-gender bonds could quickly mirror each other emotionally & physically.


I have always wondered if warders aging is slowed also or if Aes Sedai out live several warders. When discussing the loss of a warder it seems to be mentioned as being an uncommon thing, but wouldn't most Aes Sedai loos them to age or do they release the bond once the warder is past his prime?

I think that I saw someone mention something RJ or a Team Jordan member said that the aged warders would be released.  As to the slowing in aging, this has to have happened if on a much more smaller scale than with the sisters.  The proof of quicker healing and all the benefits are there to show the power flows through them to give them those gifts.  I would imagine that the use is minuscule compared to that which sisters use, so the effects would be much less noticeable.  I think Lan doesn't appear as old as he really is, and with Jordan...inspired heavily...from Tolkein, the First Men like Aragorn live very long lives.  The visions Nynaeve has of the Seven Towers restored, Lan and their child being old enough to nearly go to the tower he hasn't aged too much.  How many years would it take to rebuild a city and reestablish the kingdom to the point that As Sedai advisers are there to advise at court, regular trade seems to be flowing, etc?  I think that Lan was already fifty towards the end, but probably looked to be in his late thirties or early forties.  And if I'm wrong, at least that is what I took away from the series.


I think that I saw someone mention something RJ or a Team Jordan member said that the aged warders would be released.

That's not what was said:


Robert Jordan


Yes, they are. It is called releasing a Warder, and an Aes Sedai who is very old or injured so badly that she knows she is going to die will, if she has the strength, release him so he doesn't suffer from her death. This does require the two of them to be together, and a little more time that laying on the bond. If they are physically apart, or she doesn't have enough time or strength remaining, touch on him.


It has also been used to get rid of a Warder who proved to be unsuitable in some way, such as a man who is discovered to be a thief or who takes reckless chances, a fighter of duels who won't stop without the bond being used to force him. No sister is going to want a Warder who will risk getting himself killed, with all the attendant results to her, for no very good reason.


Although use of the bond in that way (controlling) was not unknown in the past, it came to be regarded as a form of Compulsion to use it so except in the slightest forms. Besides, using the bond to control a Warder all the time is a lot of work. An Aes Sedai wants somebody who can watch her back and keep it safe, not somebody she has to work on all the time. (Which is one of the reasons Aes Sedai stopped bonding men against their will. Not ethical concerns or ethical growth, I'm afraid; it was just not very practical really.) Better simply to release the fellow who can't measure up and find another who will.


By the by, releasing a Warder except for cause (the Aes Sedai's imminent death, his own unsuitability) or because he has asked for release is something that JUST IS NOT DONE! It would gain the sister considerable opprobrium from other sisters. A sister certainly would be looked at askance if she released a Warder who was dying, for example, just to avoid the effects on her of his death. When an Aes Sedai bonds a Warder, she is expected to buy in for the full ride. For that matter, releasing him for unsuitability is considered to reflect on the sister's judgment. She should have known better about him from the start.



As to the slowing in aging, this has to have happened if on a much more smaller scale than with the sisters. 


Think it's been linked already but once again, warders do not slow:

Interview: Dec 19th, 2005 Robert Jordan

For David, Warders don't slow. They age at a natural pace, but they do maintain vitality and vigor beyond the levels associated with most ordinary men. That said, I recently saw a photograph of a man in his seventies who had an absolutely ripped six-pack. In fact, from the neck down, if you were told you were looking at somebody in his 20s or 30s, you'd just think he was in incredible shape. And he wasn't bonded to anyone. Also, Aes Sedai can release a Warder from the bond. In fact, I have said that most Aes Sedai who have time to realize that they are dying will release any Warders they have in order to spare them the effects. I'm pretty certain I have said that publicly, by the way.


  • 1 month later...

physical & emotional mirroring that I mentioned.

First time for the physical I think was Crown of Swords; Birgitte gets drunk and Elayne acts as if drunk.

Do not remember when the first time for emotional, yet there seem to be a number of examples; one of them would feel a certain emotion then the other would shortly after feel the same emotion.  And sometimes the emotion would like increase with both of them.


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