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seasonal venting


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Because December brings out the best (and worst) in everyone, I give you our annual venting thread! What pushed your buttons today?


PS- no judging here! Every emotion is valid, even the illogical ones, and we're all entitled to get annoyed. Please respect that in your neighbors. I'd rather they vent here than in the middle of a crowded shopping mall...


PSS- my challenge for you- we if you can post one positive thing in this thread (http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/86446-joys-of-the-season/) for every negative thing you posted here. It's not a requirement, just a challenge. See how it makes you feel...

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Nothing quite beats the feeling of working all day, coming home and studying all night and every night. Nothing beats working and studying for an exam on the last day of the year. Nothing beats spending 2 straight weeks at the parents house studying all day, not even leaving the bloody house. Meanwhile, everyone else is celebrating Christmas and having a holiday.


Not me though. Nah. When this is over, I have more bloody work to do, an essay to write before I go back on the 6th of January, and an absurd amount of data collection for research, which has already cost me dearly in time and effort just getting to access to the systems I need to begin to conduct it. So far, I have nothing to show for it. Going to have a fun January collecting all the shit I should have already gathered. This will all happen while I'm still working my "regular" day at the hospital every day.


I love how my study and work rules my life. Love it. Love how my job will eat up even more of life. A thankless job, working myself to the bone to care for ignorant morons who do nothing but criticize the service we provide. Love that I have a non-existent personal life, and no time to even think about doing anything about it.


The amount of ill-will I'm carrying right now makes Scrooge look like Santa himself.

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Wow, rereading that, I was a little bit crazy last night!


Feel a whole lot better now. 


Medicine Lor. This year and next before I graduate and become a doctor. And contrary to my angry counterpart last night, I do love it, and the study and challenge and constant learning the majority of the time. Pre-exam stress isn't one of those times evidently  :myrddraal: 

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Nothing quite beats the feeling of working all day, coming home and studying all night and every night. Nothing beats working and studying for an exam on the last day of the year. Nothing beats spending 2 straight weeks at the parents house studying all day, not even leaving the bloody house. Meanwhile, everyone else is celebrating Christmas and having a holiday.


Not me though. Nah. When this is over, I have more bloody work to do, an essay to write before I go back on the 6th of January, and an absurd amount of data collection for research, which has already cost me dearly in time and effort just getting to access to the systems I need to begin to conduct it. So far, I have nothing to show for it. Going to have a fun January collecting all the shit I should have already gathered. This will all happen while I'm still working my "regular" day at the hospital every day.


I love how my study and work rules my life. Love it. Love how my job will eat up even more of life. A thankless job, working myself to the bone to care for ignorant morons who do nothing but criticize the service we provide. Love that I have a non-existent personal life, and no time to even think about doing anything about it.


The amount of ill-will I'm carrying right now makes Scrooge look like Santa himself.


I lived a life light that.  I was working full time and going to school full time.  I also had to provide free services through "field work." I had no life.  Now I do.


Eventually, you will get there.

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I know I am not a member of this board, and this isn't all seasonal woes, but I really need to vent.

This last month has been more than a little unkind, and I keep waiting for karma to somehow balance this all out.  My brother gave me less than three weeks notice that he was moving and then, moved.  (This after I emptied my savings account trying to help pay more than my share of bills so he could pay for dental work.)  This gave my three weeks to plan and - hopefully - execute a move of my own because I now can't afford where I was living (moving this Sunday, Light willing).


I found out my dad has a form of leukemia that is the treatable cousin to what killed Mr. Jordan, but means he is now on a pill form of chemo that is kicking his rear.  To top it off, treating the cancer makes treating a stroke causing genetic problem of his impossible, and he has had three TIA's in one day.  My mom is in a panic about the whole mess and, since I am the oldest, keeps coming to me for a shoulder to cry on.  This is tearing me up emotionally, but I will not shirk my duty as her eldest child by sending her away when she needs me.


I finally got in to see a doc after sitting on a waiting list for a month for a persistent health problem, but found out I might need surgery that will kill my chances at having kids if the meds the doc prescribed don't work.  Then, I got hammered by the medical bills...and I still have to go back in a few weeks for followup tests to make sure the medicine is working.  Insurance is less than helpful and I don't qualify for medicaid or anything like that.


Grandma went coo-coo and needs to be put in a home, leaving my sister and I to try caring for her in my dad's stead until said home can be found.  Which, subsequently, has us getting harassed by dad's siblings who can't be bothered to help but seem to have a ton to say on the subject anyway.


Oh!  And through it all, work has been a less than understanding.


I have kept my job informed of all this as it has arisen.  I have begged for some time off to deal with this all and been rejected repeatedly.  (Although, I think I may have won a single day to do the final walk-through with my old landlord.) They said I was allowed to slow down on one aspect of my job so I wasn't so stressed, then called me in yesterday to reprimand me for "falling behind" on that specific aspect of my duties.  To top it all off, I have been asked to write a manual to train someone new to do my job...which means I am likely going to be fired soon.  ....  I could cry.  Really, I could.


Is this year over yet?

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*hugs* It'll be over soon, Elynde! That's a heck of a mess to hit you all at once! I wish I had some advice, though I'm not even sure where to start! 


I hope venting helped, either way, and you're always welcome to come in and let your hair down! Vent, laugh... whatever you need to do! 

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