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Trick-or-Treat II Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!!!!


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For reference:



Day 1


Vote Count:


Pral (10) – Darthe, Mish, Ishy, Dap, Cloud, AJKrak, Aemon, Leelou, Hallia

Not Bob (3) – RTE, Tress, Salami

Andrej (2) – Pral, Not Bob

Cloud (1) – Kat

Lenlo (1) – Yates

Hallia (1) – Lenlo



With 19 alive, it takes 10 to lynch

Deadline – Monday 8PM MST/ 11PM EST (I think I'm GMT -8 for you Europeans)


Not voting – Verb


Day 2  


Vote Count:


AJ (9) – Not Bob, Leelou, VerbYatesDartheKrak, Ishy, Cloud, Mish

Not Bob (1) - Aemon

Dap (1) – AJ

Krak (1) – Salami


With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch

Deadline – Friday 8PM MST/ 11PM EST.


Not voting – Dap, Hallia, Tress, Kat, Lenlo


Day 3


Vote Count:


Krak (8) – Not Bob, Leelou, Cloud, Salami, Mish, Dap, Tress, Ishy

Leelou (4) – DartheYates, Kat, Krak

Ishy (1) – Lenlo

Not Bob (1) – Aemon


With 15 alive, it takes 8 to lynch

Deadline – Sunday 8PM MST/ 11PM EST.


Not voting – TGlems


Day 4

Vote Count:


Darthe (7) – Leelou, Mish, Ishy, Cloud, Not Bob, Lenlo, Tress

Ishy (3) – Dap, Aemon, Darthe


With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch

Deadline – Wednesday 7PM MST/10 PM EST


Not voting – TGlems, Salami, Kat



Day 5

Vote Count:


Lenlo (6) – Salami, Leelou, Cloud, Snow, TGlems, Not Bob

Aemon (3) – Mish, Tress, Lenlo


With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch

Deadline – Thursday 4PM MST/7 PM EST


Not voting – Kat, Aemon

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Players alive: 


1. Mish

2. Cloud

3. Ishy/John Snow

6. Hallia/TGlems

8. Kat/ Not Bob

9. Leelou

10. Aemon

12. Tress

18. Salami


I actually don't like the numbers breakdown. If there are 3 scum left we really need to get today right. 

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Who do you think are the scum? Everyone basically had Kat on their list. 


Yes.  An interesting wifom scum has created.  Everybody had Kate as scum a read but John Snow who listed her as a null tell.



I don't like that you aren't voting or talking about who you want to vote for. 

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Who do you think are the scum? Everyone basically had Kat on their list. 


Yes.  An interesting wifom scum has created.  Everybody had Kate as scum a read but John Snow who listed her as a null tell.



I don't like that you aren't voting or talking about who you want to vote for. 



I understand that.  Really want to analyze the voting patterns.  I can give you my reads going into that review.  I also realize at where we are in the game.  Hence, I would like to slow down for a little.

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NotBob: Town

Leelou:  Town


Mish: Lean Town

John Snow: Lean Town

Cloud: Lean Town

Aemon:  Lean Town


Salami:  Null to lean scum

Tress:  Null to lean scum

Tglems:  Null to lean scum (most interesting list) (Only player to list Cloud and John Snow as scum)


Kat:  Scum (the main reason was the VC from the day Krak was lynched) (quote coming)

Lenlo:  Scum (the VC from Krak and general lack of town play)


Want to look back at some of Hallia/TGlems posts.  Probably will not get done today but want to placeholder.  Either he's scum or he's the contrarian in all this that sees a different picture.


Ugh, I'm awful as town. I need to reread some posts and interactions with the dead scum. That's going to have to be the morning though. 


Yes, I cannot make a good evaluation on this set tonight or tomorrow either but here my thoughts/contrarian opinions.


Obviously, Kat and I are town.


Leelou:  Doc


Mish:  Solid voting record, good commentary.  Most likely town.


John Snow:  TBH hated I Ishy's commentary on Krak.  There was no need for it.  It was the hammer.  Look at the time between Krak's reveal and Ishy's hammer.  Easily could have discussed in QT with a plan to earn town credit.


Cloud:  Solid voting record, decent commentary but in a way I felt he was over-defending/buddying me since the start. 


Aemon:  He's done nothing to help the town.  He tunneled me from the get-go and held on for dear life.  Thought for the most part he's played mis-guided townie but his play yesterday looked a little like a resigned losing scum.


Salami:  I've seen him player better as town which I was I suspect he is not.  On D2 when we lynch AJ Salami keeps his vote (solo) on Krak but the next day while the town is stringing up Krak, Salami is late to the party.  What caused his reticence? 


Tress:  I don't know what to think of Tress.  In multi-games with her and she has slowed her usually insightful contributions.  Voting record read like someone just going with the town's ebb and flow.  The one question I have for her.  Why Salami?  Tress, Leelou and NotBob1 were the only players to have a scum read on him and I'd like to know how she came to that conclusion?


TGlems:  This requires some quotes I want to pull for future analysis.  Bottom line:  he's changed his scum reads and not sure that just a re-evaluation or convenience.  Quotes to follow.


Anyway, long weekend.  Have much to do. 


@ Lily, when is the new deadline?

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 ^^You have added even less to the game than Hallia and it was already hard to have a solid read on her. I know the game is long, but you've replaced in a few days ago now. Do you have any reads? 




Leaning town on Cloud and Mish as well. Had a slightly town read on Hally, but Hally/TG adding nothing will get you nowhere.




So, continuing to catch up.


Kat - Scum.  Pops in, agrees with everyone and makes bland "i'm so town" statements.  Hardcore scum lurking

Cloud - still a scum lean. 

Mish - looking town, her back and forth with Leelou looks town on town

NotBob- NB is a little lurky/funny in general, town lean based on a few insightful comments throughout the game

CS - normally is much more "analytic", he did do it a bit with organizing a few people's posts but his analysis type activity is way below normal.  very slight town lean only for sniping on krak and activity on pp 40-43

llllllllenlo- scum lean.  the swipes he is taking at other players seem surface level at best, like a scum trying to look busy

Ishy - jumps in to hammer Krak on "didn't RB leelou" but leelou had a daykill, does not make sense (#907),  running commentary on darthe with cloud leading up to lynch, scum lean

Aemon - strange comment about how krak had no reason to lie and trying to use dying scum wifom to make game arguments.  bleargh.


Cloud and Ishy - definitely one of them is scum for their running commentary the night before the darthe lynch


In short, scum team is Cloud/Ishy, Lenlo, Kat.  Town reads are Mish, NB, CS, Leelou, maybe Tress.    Not sure about Aemon but he looks more confused townie.




My top three have flipped to Kat, Aemon, Lenlo.  For the sake of competing trains, vote Aemon.  Let's put some pressure on Aemon and Lenlo and get some gameplay out of both of them.



@ John - TGlems made that list during the night, so not sure how he would have voted? Unless you mean he didn't as soon as day broke? It's just the start of day...


Can everyone make lists from townie to scum? 


Thanks for pointing that out Leelou.  I lol'd that Snow started the post with my quote about how tough it is to get thoughts in order when catching up.


Also, welcome back Snow.  Glad to see you here.  We were worried about what happened to you when you disappeared. 



Ishy/Snow was on my initial scum list, then I realized what was actually going on with Leelou and took him off.  Right now he is on my town list.  Cloud remains on my scum list, however.


These three quotes.

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Sorry I'm even more busy as I thought I would be. Keep hoping to be able to do some re/read or analysis, but I'll be working this weekend too.


I believe Leelou and Snow to be town. The rest is just not that sure at all. I believe that we need to find three scum (out of nine).


Aemon should be one and KatNB another, but then we'd need a third still. That could be Tress (find that most likely at this point), or one of Cloud/Mish/TG. My views are rather outdated on those three, wasn't focusing on them lately (or even the game, for that matter).


From my experience it's the first days of gameplay that could give the best leads in these situations.


Now the KatNB situation is something that bugs me deeply. Kat had very low gameplay indeed with some scummy leans. Then someone else (who already had a strong established meta) picks up her game. Just no way to tell.

For now my gut says we should leave them alone. Watch NB, it would be hard to catch him if indeed scum, but at some points he would have to change his views as the field is getting quite limited.


With all that said, I'll vote Aemon for now, as he's my best lead. As it should be clear from the above, I could move to Tress. I'm intending to review Cloud/Mish/TG tomorrow, hoping to find something that should help me get a better read on them. I think we should leave the Kat named Bob alone for now.

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Vote Tress


She's gotten little to no pressure all game. 



This is true, I suppose, for what it's worth.



Tress:  I don't know what to think of Tress.  In multi-games with her and she has slowed her usually insightful contributions.  Voting record read like someone just going with the town's ebb and flow.  The one question I have for her.  Why Salami?  Tress, Leelou and NotBob1 were the only players to have a scum read on him and I'd like to know how she came to that conclusion?


For reference:


Salami - Early ping with the "HEY GUYS I'M CHANGING MY PLAYSTYLE" - although I'm really liking the New Improved Salami Style to be honest with shorter posts. Re-reading I noticed a decent amount of questioning other people instead of giving his own input, and a lot of his reads seem to be more meta based than gameplay.  Slight scum lean.
With 20 players to start, 5 mafia seems to be the most likely, and at the time only one was dead.  I had pretty strong scum reads on Len and Aemon, and a decent amount of suspicion on Kat.  Cloud and Salami were the two I felt least strongly about, so I re-read their posts in isolation.  Of the two, I figured Salami was more likely to be mafia based on a greater tendency to ask questions instead of offer opinions of his own, and more meta-based reads.
Aemon is still my top suspect as of right now.  
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I actually really hate it when dead players sub back in. Makes it harder to read the person. So far, I'm not really liking the train on Aemon, we are pretty much screwed as town if we don't get this right today and it feels like it's being rushed. He very well might be scum, but there are still at least 3 scum and it feels like most people have given up. I'm going to have some time after I wake up in a few hours to go through the game again and see if I can see anything. 

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Who do you think are the scum? Everyone basically had Kat on their list. 


Yes.  An interesting wifom scum has created.  Everybody had Kate as scum a read but John Snow who listed her as a null tell.



What?  NotBob, you're saying the fact that everyone has Kat on the scum list is wifom from scum?  So, somehow, Leelou, who is clearly town, having Kat on her scum list is wifom from scum?  I'm already not liking the new NotBob and it only reinforces my view that Kat was scum.




 ^^You have added even less to the game than Hallia and it was already hard to have a solid read on her. I know the game is long, but you've replaced in a few days ago now. Do you have any reads? 




Leaning town on Cloud and Mish as well. Had a slightly town read on Hally, but Hally/TG adding nothing will get you nowhere.




So, continuing to catch up.


Kat - Scum.  Pops in, agrees with everyone and makes bland "i'm so town" statements.  Hardcore scum lurking

Cloud - still a scum lean. 

Mish - looking town, her back and forth with Leelou looks town on town

NotBob- NB is a little lurky/funny in general, town lean based on a few insightful comments throughout the game

CS - normally is much more "analytic", he did do it a bit with organizing a few people's posts but his analysis type activity is way below normal.  very slight town lean only for sniping on krak and activity on pp 40-43

llllllllenlo- scum lean.  the swipes he is taking at other players seem surface level at best, like a scum trying to look busy

Ishy - jumps in to hammer Krak on "didn't RB leelou" but leelou had a daykill, does not make sense (#907),  running commentary on darthe with cloud leading up to lynch, scum lean

Aemon - strange comment about how krak had no reason to lie and trying to use dying scum wifom to make game arguments.  bleargh.


Cloud and Ishy - definitely one of them is scum for their running commentary the night before the darthe lynch


In short, scum team is Cloud/Ishy, Lenlo, Kat.  Town reads are Mish, NB, CS, Leelou, maybe Tress.    Not sure about Aemon but he looks more confused townie.




My top three have flipped to Kat, Aemon, Lenlo.  For the sake of competing trains, vote Aemon.  Let's put some pressure on Aemon and Lenlo and get some gameplay out of both of them.



@ John - TGlems made that list during the night, so not sure how he would have voted? Unless you mean he didn't as soon as day broke? It's just the start of day...


Can everyone make lists from townie to scum? 


Thanks for pointing that out Leelou.  I lol'd that Snow started the post with my quote about how tough it is to get thoughts in order when catching up.


Also, welcome back Snow.  Glad to see you here.  We were worried about what happened to you when you disappeared. 



Ishy/Snow was on my initial scum list, then I realized what was actually going on with Leelou and took him off.  Right now he is on my town list.  Cloud remains on my scum list, however.


These three quotes.



Yes NotBob, I realized what was going on and that Ishy/Snow was likely town so I changed my reads.  Trying to make a case out of that is incredibly weak and looks like scum reaching.


I actually really hate it when dead players sub back in. Makes it harder to read the person. So far, I'm not really liking the train on Aemon, we are pretty much screwed as town if we don't get this right today and it feels like it's being rushed. He very well might be scum, but there are still at least 3 scum and it feels like most people have given up. I'm going to have some time after I wake up in a few hours to go through the game again and see if I can see anything. 


I think Aemon and Kat/Bob's not my name are both scum so I don't have a problem lynching them.   I don't agree we are rushing with only two votes on Aemon so far.

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@LilyModdess; your VC still says Kat :)



TG said parts of what I was gonna say, in his first post there. Also:


"John Snow:  TBH hated I Ishy's commentary on Krak.  There was no need for it.  It was the hammer.  Look at the time between Krak's reveal and Ishy's hammer.  Easily could have discussed in QT with a plan to earn town credit."

From NotBob.


Again: How could the mafia know at the time that Leelou was the Doc? It was D3, and we'd had one kill each night. The only way the mafia could know who was the doc, is if they tried to shoot her, and she survived. But if that'd happened, that means that we'd have either N1 or N2 without a kill, and we haven't had that. Or, someone else is vig, and would probably have CC'd by now.


For the record: In my eyes, both Snow and Leelou are confirmed by now, and anyone trying to use that situation to try and make one or the other look bad, will get a big, fat FoS from me. So that is NB, Aemon and to a lesser extent, TG.


unvote vote NotBob

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I actually really hate it when dead players sub back in. Makes it harder to read the person. So far, I'm not really liking the train on Aemon, we are pretty much screwed as town if we don't get this right today and it feels like it's being rushed. He very well might be scum, but there are still at least 3 scum and it feels like most people have given up. I'm going to have some time after I wake up in a few hours to go through the game again and see if I can see anything. 


I would have said no but agreed because Lily asked and she had not had luck filling the spot.


What?  NotBob, you're saying the fact that everyone has Kat on the scum list is wifom from scum?  So, somehow, Leelou, who is clearly town, having Kat on her scum list is wifom from scum?  I'm already not liking the new NotBob and it only reinforces my view that Kat was scum.


No.  I'm saying scum chose to re-introduce me into the game with the knowledge that Kat was town.



"John Snow:  TBH hated I Ishy's commentary on Krak.  There was no need for it.  It was the hammer.  Look at the time between Krak's reveal and Ishy's hammer.  Easily could have discussed in QT with a plan to earn town credit."

From NotBob.


Again: How could the mafia know at the time that Leelou was the Doc? It was D3, and we'd had one kill each night. The only way the mafia could know who was the doc, is if they tried to shoot her, and she survived. But if that'd happened, that means that we'd have either N1 or N2 without a kill, and we haven't had that. Or, someone else is vig, and would probably have CC'd by now.


For the record: In my eyes, both Snow and Leelou are confirmed by now, and anyone trying to use that situation to try and make one or the other look bad, will get a big, fat FoS from me. So that is NB, Aemon and to a lesser extent, TG.


Good point.  Didn't peel that onion back enough.

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Who do you think are the scum? Everyone basically had Kat on their list.

Yes. An interesting wifom scum has created. Everybody had Kate as scum a read but John Snow who listed her as a null tell.

What? NotBob, you're saying the fact that everyone has Kat on the scum list is wifom from scum? So, somehow, Leelou, who is clearly town, having Kat on her scum list is wifom from scum? I'm already not liking the new NotBob and it only reinforces my view that Kat was scum.






^^You have added even less to the game than Hallia and it was already hard to have a solid read on her. I know the game is long, but you've replaced in a few days ago now. Do you have any reads?


Leaning town on Cloud and Mish as well. Had a slightly town read on Hally, but Hally/TG adding nothing will get you nowhere.



So, continuing to catch up.


Kat - Scum. Pops in, agrees with everyone and makes bland "i'm so town" statements. Hardcore scum lurking

Cloud - still a scum lean.

Mish - looking town, her back and forth with Leelou looks town on town

NotBob- NB is a little lurky/funny in general, town lean based on a few insightful comments throughout the game

CS - normally is much more "analytic", he did do it a bit with organizing a few people's posts but his analysis type activity is way below normal. very slight town lean only for sniping on krak and activity on pp 40-43

llllllllenlo- scum lean. the swipes he is taking at other players seem surface level at best, like a scum trying to look busy

Ishy - jumps in to hammer Krak on "didn't RB leelou" but leelou had a daykill, does not make sense (#907), running commentary on darthe with cloud leading up to lynch, scum lean

Aemon - strange comment about how krak had no reason to lie and trying to use dying scum wifom to make game arguments. bleargh.


Cloud and Ishy - definitely one of them is scum for their running commentary the night before the darthe lynch


In short, scum team is Cloud/Ishy, Lenlo, Kat. Town reads are Mish, NB, CS, Leelou, maybe Tress. Not sure about Aemon but he looks more confused townie.

My top three have flipped to Kat, Aemon, Lenlo. For the sake of competing trains, vote Aemon. Let's put some pressure on Aemon and Lenlo and get some gameplay out of both of them.



@ John - TGlems made that list during the night, so not sure how he would have voted? Unless you mean he didn't as soon as day broke? It's just the start of day...



Can everyone make lists from townie to scum?

Thanks for pointing that out Leelou. I lol'd that Snow started the post with my quote about how tough it is to get thoughts in order when catching up.


Also, welcome back Snow. Glad to see you here. We were worried about what happened to you when you disappeared.

Ishy/Snow was on my initial scum list, then I realized what was actually going on with Leelou and took him off. Right now he is on my town list. Cloud remains on my scum list, however.

These three quotes.

Yes NotBob, I realized what was going on and that Ishy/Snow was likely town so I changed my reads. Trying to make a case out of that is incredibly weak and looks like scum reaching.

I actually really hate it when dead players sub back in. Makes it harder to read the person. So far, I'm not really liking the train on Aemon, we are pretty much screwed as town if we don't get this right today and it feels like it's being rushed. He very well might be scum, but there are still at least 3 scum and it feels like most people have given up. I'm going to have some time after I wake up in a few hours to go through the game again and see if I can see anything.

I think Aemon and Kat/Bob's not my name are both scum so I don't have a problem lynching them. I don't agree we are rushing with only two votes on Aemon so far.

There were 3 votes, mish just changed. So yes, 3 votes with 5 to lynch and it hasn't been that long since day started is going quickly.

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