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Trick-or-Treat II Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!!!!


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Or he did and Ishy is using it as cover. The Krak train was leaving the station. Someone would have hammered him. By calling BS On Krak, Ishy gives himself town cred and everyone assumes he has a PR. I'm not buying it. There is no reason why he would have lied about blocking someone since that person would be able to deny it. I believe it was a gambit cooked up between them. He gave a false block so Ishy could come in and save the day with Leelou verifying that she was not blocked. Ishy is scum. Leelou is town in my opinion. It is possible that Leelou is scum and in on the gambit, but I find that highly unlikely as they would want a townie that can will stand strong I defense of Ishy.


In response to the person who said I was tunneling Leelou (Ishy if I remember correctly): I think you meant to say NotBob.

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I actually find Kat and Krak's votes more scummy than Yates's right now. If he doesn't pick it up then I'm going to look at him more. 


^ that should have said Kat and Darthe's votes. >.< I should not post when playing WoW. 


Thoughts on Ishy's claim - he's a watcher and knows Krak was lying, he has some sort of role and was blocked himself and took that to mean Krak was lying, he just guessed, or he's scum and was in on a plan/hammered the obvious lynch and get cred doing it since he's been under some suspicion himself. I'll have to go back through his posts today after I get to work to see which option I find more viable. 


People I'll be looking at to case/lynch tomorrow: Darthe, Aemon, Kat and Lenlo 


Tglems and Yates will be added to that list if they do not start contributing. 

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A quick check in from work:


@Dap - because light green is my favourite colour?

@Leelou - I agree with nudging the lurkers more.


I'd like to go after Len in particular. He skipped most of the day, then came back promising some activity later, then all he did was adding a quick vote with little reasoning. We don't have his views, we don't have his play.


I'm more wary of Kat now with all that game skipped and her voting with nothing added. But then wouldn't she try to add something if she were scum? Still leaning town, but I don'T like her skipping the days then come late with nothing added.


#Darthe: I believe him not adding as much as usual is a null tell, considering how he's playing in the cross-forum game (I think that has close to 200 pages by now) and he's modding a game here right now. I'm always wary of him, of course.


I'm looking forward to see TG playing. Had a townish read on Hally for what it's worth. I'd also like to hear more from Aemon and Yates now that they seem to be back in force.

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Just a heads up. I'm gonna have a crazy busy week (well, likely next weeks too for that matter, but I can't see that far). For some reason we have almost as many projects in october than we had the whole summer.


I'll try to be around and add as much as possible. Might have a little more time on wednesday as that's national holiday and at least I don't have to go to work that day.

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Csarmi, night cannot end until a majority is realised on the colours or the time runs out

Voting something random like that can only delay night if anything (though hardly) but it still doesn't help to randomly vote colours


Uh, no? Night ends when all actions are sent in or the deadline is out. We'll go to the house with the most votes, doesn't matter if one house has 5 votes and all the reat has 4 votes. We don't need a majority like for a lynch. Honestly Dap, this was discussed thouroughly N0.

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Csarmi, night cannot end until a majority is realised on the colours or the time runs out

Voting something random like that can only delay night if anything (though hardly) but it still doesn't help to randomly vote colours

You're wrong and it has been pointed out a few times already, let me pull the quote for you:



@Lily - I'm assuming that the votes for houses count like the majority vote for a lynch? Also, is there a specific order for which house we'll visit after D1 or will we vote each time?

The houses don't need a majority vote. Once everyone has checked in, the house with the most votes is where you will go. Yes, you vote each night. On future nights, once all the night actions are in (or deadline is reached) the house with the most votes at that point is where you go next.


Not sure how can people still get this wrong, after we've been through this at least twice.

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Csarmi, night cannot end until a majority is realised on the colours or the time runs out

Voting something random like that can only delay night if anything (though hardly) but it still doesn't help to randomly vote colours


Uh, no? Night ends when all actions are sent in or the deadline is out. We'll go to the house with the most votes, doesn't matter if one house has 5 votes and all the reat has 4 votes. We don't need a majority like for a lynch. Honestly Dap, this was discussed thouroughly N0.



^^ This. I'm not sure why this is such a hard concept to get since it's been gone over a few times. 

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Csarmi, night cannot end until a majority is realised on the colours or the time runs out

Voting something random like that can only delay night if anything (though hardly) but it still doesn't help to randomly vote colours



Uh, no? Night ends when all actions are sent in or the deadline is out. We'll go to the house with the most votes, doesn't matter if one house has 5 votes and all the reat has 4 votes. We don't need a majority like for a lynch. Honestly Dap, this was discussed thouroughly N0.


^^ This. I'm not sure why this is such a hard concept to get since it's been gone over a few times.

I'm pretty sure I was even involved in that convo with lily.

Sorry I had no memory of it until I saw that quote from mish


Like I said earlier


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I am leaning hard toward Ishy being scum for two reasons:


1. RTE was our tracker. With the number of people that have flipped Vanilla, I do not think Lily would have redundant power roles in her game. Therefore, Ishy's softclaim is basically a three-coil steamer.


2. Krak had absolutely no reason to lie since he was trying to get his head off the block. Telling the truth could only have benefited him. The fact that he lied speaks volumes toward Ishy calling him out on it and placing the hammer vote. The only way Krak's play makes sense is that Ishy told him to lie so he (Ishy) could get town cred and coast to endgame. 


Guess where my vote will be in the morning.

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Was it you that got the event trigger yesterday then?

I wouldn't know. I received a PM saying I could not talk during the day other than to vote. I had been assuming these were two different events but can't be certain.


And I wasn't just talking about this Day; I was talking about the whole game so far.

My assumption is that this is precisely why *I* was targeted for silencing. Scum were taking advantage of the fact I hadn't imersed myself in this game yet. FoS remains.


Yates was silenced, Ishy knew Leelou wasn't visited, Mafia RB claimed town RB but didn't give his real views for some reason.


I am puzzled.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?




There is no reason why he would have lied about blocking someone since that person would be able to deny it.

9 out of 10 times the first thing I do as a scum roleblocker when forced to claim? Claim to have blocked my scum buddy. Remember this as I will use it against you the next time I'm a scum roleblocker.


More on Ishy and Leelou when I get back from the *real* dentist.

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I am leaning hard toward Ishy being scum for two reasons:


1. RTE was our tracker. With the number of people that have flipped Vanilla, I do not think Lily would have redundant power roles in her game. Therefore, Ishy's softclaim is basically a three-coil steamer.


2. Krak had absolutely no reason to lie since he was trying to get his head off the block. Telling the truth could only have benefited him. The fact that he lied speaks volumes toward Ishy calling him out on it and placing the hammer vote. The only way Krak's play makes sense is that Ishy told him to lie so he (Ishy) could get town cred and coast to endgame. 


Guess where my vote will be in the morning.


I actually do not know if Krak was lying or telling the truth, but I'd rather not talk about that right now. That's why I can't decide on which option Ishy fits into and would love to hear from him. 

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Csarmi, night cannot end until a majority is realised on the colours or the time runs out

Voting something random like that can only delay night if anything (though hardly) but it still doesn't help to randomly vote colours


That's not exactly true. When all the night actions are in, the color with the most votes is the house you'll be going to.

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I think Darthe, Kat, AK and Yates have played the scummiest so far.

Based on:

Looking at today's final vote count, I think we should look hard at Kat and Yates tomorrow. Lurky play combined with staying away from the Krak train, staying parked on Lee makes me leery of them.



You have been softclaiming a PR since this post:

Leelou is Town. You're all wasting your vote.

Ready to cowboy up and explain this?


Town roleblocker.

Leelou N1 and Ishy N2.

You didn't block Leelou N1. Busted.







Well now that you can talk, would you like to give reasons for your vote.

Basically, post 749. At that point, the AJ lynch was in the bag and it looked like you were trying to set up Mish. My strongest Town reads at the time were Mish, NotBob, and Darthe. So it looked like you were setting up a mislynch on one and I was cool with pressuring you while sheeping my other two Town reads.


When you make defenses like this:

So would anyone actually like to give specific reasons as to why you think I'm not playing a town game or for your votes?

It reminds me of defenses like this:

Seriously, I'm not really seeing much of a case against me.

So I stayed on there. Obviously, Krak's flip helps you given his treatment of you mirrors his treatment of AJ.

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