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Trick-or-Treat II Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!!!!


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So I'm rereading on phone.


I'm a bit new to DM mobile and maybe someone can help me with it. I find myself struggling with making notes. Mt biggest problem is that there's just no way to identify posts.


I see a post that looks interesting. But I can't see the # of the post (neither the numbering within the thread nor the global numbering). Actually, not even the page number is shown without clicking into the address bar of the browser.


So anyone has an effective way to do this from phone?


Also I don't seem to have a search bar for ISO?

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You still should be able to see avatars, but yeah dm mobile is pretty basic with features.


So, did everyone playing just disappear?

DM mobile looks quite good, actually. I just wish I had a way (any way) to save post's identity for myself for later reference. The best I got for now is either keeping in mind on which page it was, or save some words of the post that can be looked up later. Timestamps don't show (if it's old enough), post number don't show, anything else that would help? How would avatars help me there?

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Rather lynch you or an inactive. 


Make a case so I can sheep you.



Maybe shortly. I'm going out tonight so it might have to wait for the morning. Preemptive sheep me? I'll give you quick options: 


Darthe is Darthe and Verbal's kill feels like it was trying to frame me. Could see Darthe doing that. 


Ishy hasn't added much gamewise and is being super spammy and not being his normal townie self. 


Hallia/Lenlo/Yates inactives not giving game input. 

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About halfway through on my re-read.

I keep getting second thoughts about Cloud.


On one hand, he seems very much townie to me. Main reasons are:

  • His strong reaction to AJ's "Dap is town" statement.
  • His D1 play was quite straightforwards actually. His play didn't look forced, it had a natural flow.
  • This post looks like a strong town defense to me. Especially the "it-was-just-a-thought" part. I believe a mafia player would have dropped that point long since and wouldn't react so strongly
Then every time I make up my mind, I find gems like this (just the tip of the iceberg):



@Cloud- Hahaha. You're funny. Please quote where I said you would "flip town" and thus prove that we should lynch Not Bob. As I recall, I said he was protecting you. I believe you are scum and I believe he is your scum buddy.


I never said that you said I would flip town. I know that you think I'm mafia, and that's why I don't understand why you think NotBob has been protecting me when he has been voting for me. I'm suspicious of you because you have been linking Moon, NotBob and me together from the start.


See the bolded. Cloud knows that Aemon thinks Cloud's maffia. Now that would mean he knows Aemon's town (else Aemon wouldn't have a scum read on Cloud) ...


I still believe these are just the usual Cloudism's we all love him for.

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  • Handling the knife seemed very townish to me.
    • She used it at the right time
    • She asked for input, but didn't overuse it.
    • I also believe she picked a good target
  • The prods she's been making seemed appropriate. Seemed like good scumhunting to me.
Basically, her D1 play gave me a quite strong town read. I haven't caught up fully yet so maybe someone could explain what's going on there?

Also @Leelou - you were talking about being setup by the Verb kill. How so?

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Lenlo's posts (not too many, mind you).



  • ##3050652 - yo
  • ##3050734 - jokey
  • ##3051739 - intrigued by Despo case, sounds like a good reaction
  • ##3051842 - jokey
  • ##3052561 - what?
  • ##3052658 - jokey
  • ##3053069 - "you have created wifom" - not liking
  • ##3053375 - Cloud & Moon … no vote tho
  • ##3053636 - defends vs Despo calling him out on the wifom thing
  • ##3054035 - buzzwords
  • ##3054592 - not sure what RTE means (me neither)
  • ##3054905 - asks Leelou about what the knife does (sounds like a natural reaction to me, even if fishing)
  • ##3054922 - shooting advice, sounds reasonable
  • ##3055212 - chatter
  • ##3056256 - chatter
  • ##3056270 - he doesn't think Des was a good shot, Ishy should be looked at more, okay with NB but wanna reread… yea you guessed it, no vote
  • ##3057781 - white house chat
  • ##3059339 - I don't get what he means here, some AJ interaction
  • ##3059350 - Some more on AJ. He wants AJ's points to be factually correct so he can defend against them. Yea I dislike defense mentality
  • ##3060150 - white house chatter
  • ##3060193 - white house chatter
  • ##3061112 - Dap for present



Not much to go on. Somewhat on the scummy side, with some pingy posts and no playing and all. Definitely could vote there.

Len, are you planning to start playing?

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Ket's posts:



  • ##3050464 - says hi
  • ##3051320 - good points on game mechanics
  • ##3052474 - joke vote
  • ##3054073 - been sick, 20 points (feel genuine), calls out Leelou over the trigger, votes Cloud
  • ##3054078 - social
  • ##3054085 - sees Leelou's points, corrects vote, bye
  • ##3055481 - asks Leelou on why she picked Des
  • ##3059343 - explains why she's been away, okay with AJ vote
  • ##3059348 - wants to read more before forming opinion
  • ##3059925 - upset about Mish hammering so soon (before flip)
  • ##3060439 - votes for night, explains her reaction

These posts make me lean town on her. But she's been absent most of the game. Need more input.


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  • ##3050354 - colour vote
  • ##3050366 - N0 chat
  • ##3050399 - N0 chat
  • ##3050406 - N0 chat
  • ##3050454 - N0 chat
  • ##3050473 - N0 chat
  • ##3050693 - N0 chat
  • ##3050701 - N0 chat
  • ##3050741 - N0 chat
  • ##3050889 - N0 chat
  • ##3051770 - N0 chat
  • ##3051823 - N0 chat
  • ##3051837 - N0 chat
  • ##3052170 - N0 chat
  • ##3052171 - Nudged Darthe
  • ##3053020 - Aj is agressive, Despo's case was quite reasonable, Cloud's strange, Moon's unvote is bad. As I pointed out earlier, points fingers, but doesn't vote. A bit scummy post.
  • ##3054179 - Comments that colour picking meat nothing, but some posts did.
  • ##3054971 - Points out that Ishy didn't share thoughts, shaes her thoughts on what Leelou should do. Townish post in my book.
  • ##3056564 - Apologizes for her absence, I don't like these sort of posts at all. With that said, it didn't sound like an excuse.
  • ##3057007 - She says that she caught up and shares her thoughts. I'm not going to repeat them here. This post feels alright. Votes NB.
  • ##3057572 - Picks colour for the night.
  • ##3059516 - A decent post, but I wish she'd share her thoughts on more players. I don't understand why she changed her views about Ishy's quiet (from "worrisome" to "don't give me a scum read, just a sad").
  • ##3060207 - colour vote
  • ##3060978 - event vote
  • ##3060990 - Calls out Yates on his Leelou vote. She has a good point there actually.

I wouldn't say I've got a null read on her, but I definitely need much more to form an opinion. A few pings, a couple of decent posts, but just not enough. Her posts have content though, apart from the obvuious N0 chatting. I'm inclined to believe that she's been busy, but that gives no info either way.


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  • Handling the knife seemed very townish to me.
    • She used it at the right time
    • She asked for input, but didn't overuse it.
    • I also believe she picked a good target
  • The prods she's been making seemed appropriate. Seemed like good scumhunting to me.
Basically, her D1 play gave me a quite strong town read. I haven't caught up fully yet so maybe someone could explain what's going on there?

Also @Leelou - you were talking about being setup by the Verb kill. How so?



Think about this, if you were mafia how would you use a Vig kill if given one?


You could shoot and then announce it.  Moderately townie.

You could shoot and never tell.  Clearly a scum move, only gains you the effect of the death.

You could never announce it and never use it.  Useless option.

You could announce that you have it and reap the rewards as people praise you for killing anyone, town or not.  This is most beneficial.


Inversely, if you were town how would you use it?


Hold it forever?  Not practical but safe.

Announce it, let the town decide?  Practical, risks having the mafia influence it.

Shoot blind? Bold players might do this.  I would.  or

Announce it but give people no choice.  This takes responsibility for the act good or bad yet it also brings pressure into the game.


Reading her posts, I don't see that leelou used the kill in the interests of the town specifically or in a way that was beneficial to us as a group.  She announced that she had it, shot quick, gave enough time that a couple of people could take partial blame if things went wrong and it left wiggle room.

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The reast of the "inactives":

  • I really liked Yates' play on D1, then he disappeared completely.
  • Ishy has a few good points. When he does add something, that sounds townish to me, but he doesn't add much.
  • As I said earlier, Hally's play sounded genuine. She has only a few posts containign much of a gameplay, but those sound alright.
  • Moon/Krak - I still believe Moon's play was incredibly scummy. Krak's seem to be doing some sniping and nothing much more. I gotta say that his posts make me feel a little better. Emphasis on little, cause he's just not posting enough.
I'd like to hear more from Krak, Len, Ishy, Tress, Yates, Kat and Hally (order is from scummiest to most townish). Yea I do realize that's half of the players alive. Might be having some activity problems this game?


Now it's getting very late and I'm not gonna finish with my read tonight, apparently. I'm leaning town on Leelou and NotBob. Wary of Darthe, Mish, Aemon and Dap.


I could go with Aemon or one of the scummier inactives.


@Aemon - care to add your thoughts on more players than NotBob? You seem to be tunneling at best.

@Darthe - what do you think of Dap's play? His play looked rather weird to me on D1. What's your read on Aemon?

@Cloud - care to explain your reads?


Also, D3 has been very strange so far. Votes without reasoning, Darthe/Leelou voting one another, activity totally dead (yes I know it's the weekend).

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@Darthe - I liked that she made her shot at the right time (plenty of time left to secure a lynch on a target with extra info), that she announced it and did use it for gathering some reactions, but in the end she took full responsibility and shot reasonably well. I didn't get the feeling that she was trying to put the blame on someone else or that she was having a play as a maffia with a vig kill in hand.


Basically your argument comes down to

  • Leelou is quite smart and bold, she's good enough to try and get away with a vig kill as maffia so she would.
  • She would have to do it anyway as people would be likely to figure out that she had the kill anyway, so she didn't have the choice to keep it hidden.
Is that it?


In any case, you're raising some good points. Gonna pay some special attention to this on my second half of my read-up tomorrow.

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