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Trick-or-Treat II Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!!!!


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Just read the case he crafted against me, you'll get it.

Actually I do find your unvote on me weird. I have a hard time raeding you, not sure what to think yet.What do you think about RTE? And if you believe Pray's "case" on you stinks, why aren't you voting him?

Not sure about RTE. I'll review his posts later when I'm not on mobile. My vote for NB is because he is closest to lynch and I think his train could be helpful depending on how he flips. Prior to that my vote was on Pral.

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Just read the case he crafted against me, you'll get it.

Actually I do find your unvote on me weird. I have a hard time raeding you, not sure what to think yet.

What do you think about RTE? And if you believe Pray's "case" on you stinks, why aren't you voting him?

My read on AJ hasn't changed. I was playing around for interaction, nothing more. That case was simple plausinle enough to get the ball rolling.

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1. Mish - Scum read. More gut than anything. She went after Moon early and then defended Cloud against Pral. Her later vote for me and then Aemon seems off. I'm curious as to why she hasn't voted elsewhere.

2. Cloud - Town

3. Ishy - Lurking. Leaning scum

4. RTE - Null

5. Moon - Null

6. Hallia - Lurking. Leaning scum

7. Verbal - Lurking. Leaning scum

8. Kat - Town

9. Leelou - Town

10. Aemon - Null. Don't know his meta although some of his arguments don't make a ton of sense to me.

11. Darthe - Null. Had a scum read on him but his play later changed that.

12. Tress - Null.

13. Andrej

14. Yates - Leaning scum. His arguments on Des made sense at the time but considering the flip he took a good side of the argument to sway Leelou's kil.

15. Pralaya - Swaying between Null and Scum read. His post against me was mostly fabricated where a lot of his points could be easily debunked. Feels like he was going for what he hoped would be an easy lynch.

16. Not Bob - Null. Could go either way. Best lynch option IMO to examine his train.

17. Dap - Null.

18. Salami - Null

19. Des killed d1, roleless town

20. Lenlo - Null

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  • Club Leader

Nothing has changed since the last VC. I just like to have one on every page.



Vote Count:


Not Bob (6) – RTE, Aemon, Leelou, Mish, Hallia, AJ

Cloud (3) – Verb, Dap, Kat

Pral (2) – Darthe, Cloud

Andrej (2) – Pral, Not Bob

Lenlo (1) – Yates

Moon (1) – Salami

Hallia (1) – Lenlo



With 19 alive, it takes 10 to lynch

Deadline – Monday 8PM MST/ 11PM EST (I think I'm GMT -8 for you Europeans)


Not voting – Ishy, Tress, Moon

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Cloud, could you elaborate on what parts of his case you liked? As I recall, the only parts that weren't invented were the quotes from me. His analysis made conclusions that I have already debunked once.


I basically liked every point he made against you. When I say that I like a case I mean the whole case or otherwise I would have specified which parts I agree and disagree with etc. You didn´t debunk the most important part:




All of Aemon's posts:


House color vote (yellow)


Costume reveal (Elvis)


Vote's Dap, no reason given, was second vote after Kate joke-voted Dap


Says he'll be back in 30 mins with more thoughts


Posts 30 mins later, exactly (creepy) - Pretty much just parrots what everyone else has said about Cloud or Moon. Kinda suspect that after going through the thread for half an hour, he doesn't actually come up with anything original to say and fos's the two main people in the spotlight. Votes Cloud.


"I don't read too much into people FoSing me without a vote" - ... then proceeds to fos Notbob without voting him. Says Notbob's vote seems more bandwagonish than him thinking Cloud is scum. Kinda sets the groundwork for him to later link Notbob and Cloud.


Pretty terrible post right here. Seriously, just click on it - This was his reaction to Notbob unvoting Cloud because of Kat's wot. He says Notbob is either distancing from Kat... actually let's just stop there. What kind of scummie would distance from a teammate by saying on thread "I don't want to be on the same train with this person"?!?!?!?! Would literally be the worst distancing attempt ever undertaken. Serious FOS @ Aemon for trouting out that garbage (I pronounced garbage all french like to make it sound worse).


Says he could also be delaying a Cloud lynch, which doesn't really make that much sense since NB voted Cloud to begin with... I could mebbe buy this if NB had given any kind of rational thought or reason why he was unvoting, instead of the crap about Kat.


Lastly says that Notbob is at the top of his scumlist, but that he's happy with a Cloud lynch. Yeeeeaaaahhhh (say that as awkward as you can for full effect).


"Hahaha, you're funny Cloud (says he didn't say Cloud would flip town) - Cloud forgot to respond with the Goodfella's clip. Not much here, although I do think Aemon is making a bit of a show about how much he thinks Cloud is scum.


Says he didn't start linking Cloud and NB until after NB removed his vote - only comment here is that there might be an overuse of sarcasm quotes in this post.


States verbatim what Notbob did when he unvoted Cloud - nudges Notbob, says he is looking pretty scummy, doesn't vote him. It's way easier for Aemon to case Notbob, but he apparently doesn't want to move his vote from Cloud. Remember what I said before about mafia liking to park votes instead of move them? I think Aemon is scared of moving his vote to Notbob for fear of being called out.




"I was going to say much the same" (I believe he was referring to what Lenlo said about Leelou stabbing who she wants) - moves his vote to Notbob, but doesn't say anything about Cloud... Repeats that NB is at the top of his scum list. Again, thinking he feels he has to make a show out of saying he's voting someone cause he thinks they're scum. Also, what happened between the last couple of posts and this one that made him change his mind to vote Cloud instead? Mebbe cause Cloud's train looked like it was dying so Aemon's self-consciousness made him move his vote so he could still fit in with the crowd?


Someone else pointed this out, but he also includes an unnecessary tidbit about how if Leelou chooses to knife Notbob, he'll change his vote, obviously. If it was obvious why did you feel the need to say that? Furthermore Leelou hinted that she would be using the item at night, and perhaps can only use it at night. So why mention the knife thing at all in regards of who to vote for? The knife will come after the lynch has already been decided. This was Aemon's response to being called out about that.



That's actually enough for me. Still wouldn't mind a lynch on Notbob at all, but Unvoting and Voting Aemon seems like a thing to do. Also the best chance of catching scum atm imo.

I'm just going to address some of the more glaring errors in this train wreck of a case.


1. I was the second person to FoS NotBob and also the second to vote him. How does that compute to "fitting in with the crowd"? If you are going to make accusations like that you should probably read the entire thread instead of just grab one person's posts.


2. Leelou never hinted at anytime that she could only use the knife at night. iirc, she said "I have a knife and I'm itching to use it". On my phone right now so I can't go back and grab the quote, but that's what the post boiled down to.


3. You seriously didn't get that my commenting on moving my vote if NotBob was killed was my stab (see what I did there) at a joke?


4. How in the world did you come to the conclusion that if one of us flips town the other must then be scum? It would be a null tell at best.






Your attempt to get both of us killed has me thinking NotBob is town as well, despite his scummy play.



1. You are only focussing on his accusations on you where he said that you were bandwagoning, and you defend yourself by saying that you were the second person to vote for him which I suppose is fair, but at the same time you also ignore everything else Despo has pointed out about your play surrounding Not Bob. You didn't defend yourself in any way about you parroting everyone else's opinion about Moon and me at the start of Day 1; FoSing NotBob without voting for him and then linking him with me; claiming that NotBob has been distancing from Kat; claiming that NotBob was trying to delay my lynch which like I pointed out before doesn't make any kind of sense because he voted for me first; nudging NotBob's lynch and saying that he is at the top of your scum list you are still voting for me. I think you can see the point I'm trying to make here. 


2. You are right on the knife thing.


3. Ok it was a joke.


4. He thought that one of you must be scum because of the way you went after him.




Laya train is best train, AJ train is worst train evar.


Sheep me for teh win.

What's the case on Pral?


@Leelou - haters gonna hate.  I would have cut Des, too.



My reasoning to vote for Pral is him FoSing me at first while not voting, and then coming up with a very delayed vote after a couple of posts anyway, and then unvoting without giving ANY reason because the train on me was dying so he switched to AJ with a very weak case.

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I don't understand why you're questioning RTE so much about a town read on me when you apparently think I'm town. You even said "fair enough" when you asked him about it the first time and he explained.


What's up with that Cloud? Am I the Rosetta stone to figuring out the mafia for you? Just ask someone for their read on me and you'll start pooling data?


Seriously tho. If you think RTE is questionable, you should come up with something a LOT more solid than wondering why they have a town read on someone you think is town.


I know that you are dead, but I just wanted to respond to this. I started to question his town read on you because of his reasonings why he believed that you were town. He mentioned something about you posting a lot and sharing your thoughts, but you do that in every game regardless of allignment. The other thing that made me doubt was him thinking both me and you are town while you had a case against me going, so he must have at least found part of your case on me to be wrong. I suspected that you would unvote from me with your next post and that's why I thought you were most likely town, and you did.


Some more current thoughts: I really liked Despo's case on Aemon and it expanded on my own suspicions regarding him. Mish suddenly changing her mind about Aemon and Despo after Yates' post struck me as odd, but she also made a good point in her first post about how Leelou saving the knife for future use would be a bad idea so I find it plausible that she got pursuaded by Yates. Still, if she really believed in Despo's case on Aemon then why did she change her mind so quick after just one post?


I still think both Pral and Aemon are most likely scum. I have a hard time reading Not Bob, but the way Aemon has been going after him makes me believe he is town.



Both me following Des and mentioning I could move my vote to his had several reasons, mainly to see how he'd react. I'd expect a mafia Des to scold me for following him, and a town Des to pick up on my inconsistensy. Also, Yates did point out things that I hadn't noticed that well when Despo originally posted, so I wanted to add some more pressure there and see how Des reacted to Yates' post before deciding if I thought him town or mafia now. Now I didn't get the chance to test his reactions; but that's the gist of it.



It was a smart move :)




vote NotBob


Let's lynch this dude and see his flip.


Why aren't you willing to move to Pral if you believe his case on you to be so bad? I would think that you would go for someone that you have a better scum read on?



Why lurk? Make yourself a part of the game. If you're Town, then show it.


Personally I'd say kill the lurkers, but I know the stigma around here for that sort of business.


Dude, lurkers don't have to be scum. I hope some players will step up their game and be more active, but calling them scum makes you more difficult to read this game if that makes sense to you.

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vote NotBob


Let's lynch this dude and see his flip.


Why aren't you willing to move to Pral if you believe his case on you to be so bad? I would think that you would go for someone that you have a better scum read on?


Why lurk? Make yourself a part of the game. If you're Town, then show it.


Personally I'd say kill the lurkers, but I know the stigma around here for that sort of business.


Dude, lurkers don't have to be scum. I hope some players will step up their game and be more active, but calling them scum makes you more difficult to read this game if that makes sense to you.



My vote was on Pral. I unvoted and move it to NotBob because there doesn't seem to be any traction gaining on Pral. Like I said, with NotBob's play (which always seems scummy) I'd rather lynch him and remove any doubt. Plus it would give us a train to analyze. The way he plays gives the mafia an easy person to park their vote on given that he flips Town. So I want to find out.


You're right, lurking doesn't =/= scum. But at the same time, if you're a Town player, I feel like you should make an effort to invest yourself in a game. A lot of people still have under 10 posts and the game has been going nearly a week now with plenty of content to comment on. 25 pages worth. I've never liked lurkers because I can't read them. It's a bad way to play IMO.

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So you still think I am mafia Darthe?

No, I never had a mafia read on you.


@Cloud, we are still out drinking. Gimme a bit



Spending the whole evening only drinking belgian beer and whiskey is great and all, but my wallet really hates me right now >.>


I shall hit up thy liquor store. Let us drink and play teh mafia.

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Cloud, could you elaborate on what parts of his case you liked? As I recall, the only parts that weren't invented were the quotes from me. His analysis made conclusions that I have already debunked once.



I basically liked every point he made against you. When I say that I like a case I mean the whole case or otherwise I would have specified which parts I agree and disagree with etc. You didn´t debunk the most important part:




All of Aemon's posts:House color vote (yellow)Costume reveal (Elvis)Vote's Dap, no reason given, was second vote after Kate joke-voted DapSays he'll be back in 30 mins with more thoughtsPosts 30 mins later, exactly (creepy) - Pretty much just parrots what everyone else has said about Cloud or Moon. Kinda suspect that after going through the thread for half an hour, he doesn't actually come up with anything original to say and fos's the two main people in the spotlight. Votes Cloud."I don't read too much into people FoSing me without a vote" - ... then proceeds to fos Notbob without voting him. Says Notbob's vote seems more bandwagonish than him thinking Cloud is scum. Kinda sets the groundwork for him to later link Notbob and Cloud.Pretty terrible post right here. Seriously, just click on it - This was his reaction to Notbob unvoting Cloud because of Kat's wot. He says Notbob is either distancing from Kat... actually let's just stop there. What kind of scummie would distance from a teammate by saying on thread "I don't want to be on the same train with this person"?!?!?!?! Would literally be the worst distancing attempt ever undertaken. Serious FOS @ Aemon for trouting out that garbage (I pronounced garbage all french like to make it sound worse).

Says he could also be delaying a Cloud lynch, which doesn't really make that much sense since NB voted Cloud to begin with... I could mebbe buy this if NB had given any kind of rational thought or reason why he was unvoting, instead of the crap about Kat.

Lastly says that Notbob is at the top of his scumlist, but that he's happy with a Cloud lynch. Yeeeeaaaahhhh (say that as awkward as you can for full effect)."Hahaha, you're funny Cloud (says he didn't say Cloud would flip town) - Cloud forgot to respond with the Goodfella's clip. Not much here, although I do think Aemon is making a bit of a show about how much he thinks Cloud is scum.Says he didn't start linking Cloud and NB until after NB removed his vote - only comment here is that there might be an overuse of sarcasm quotes in this post.States verbatim what Notbob did when he unvoted Cloud - nudges Notbob, says he is looking pretty scummy, doesn't vote him. It's way easier for Aemon to case Notbob, but he apparently doesn't want to move his vote from Cloud. Remember what I said before about mafia liking to park votes instead of move them? I think Aemon is scared of moving his vote to Notbob for fear of being called out.Joke"I was going to say much the same" (I believe he was referring to what Lenlo said about Leelou stabbing who she wants) - moves his vote to Notbob, but doesn't say anything about Cloud... Repeats that NB is at the top of his scum list. Again, thinking he feels he has to make a show out of saying he's voting someone cause he thinks they're scum. Also, what happened between the last couple of posts and this one that made him change his mind to vote Cloud instead? Mebbe cause Cloud's train looked like it was dying so Aemon's self-consciousness made him move his vote so he could still fit in with the crowd?

Someone else pointed this out, but he also includes an unnecessary tidbit about how if Leelou chooses to knife Notbob, he'll change his vote, obviously. If it was obvious why did you feel the need to say that? Furthermore Leelou hinted that she would be using the item at night, and perhaps can only use it at night. So why mention the knife thing at all in regards of who to vote for? The knife will come after the lynch has already been decided. This was Aemon's response to being called out about that.

That's actually enough for me. Still wouldn't mind a lynch on Notbob at all, but Unvoting and Voting Aemon seems like a thing to do. Also the best chance of catching scum atm imo.


I'm just going to address some of the more glaring errors in this train wreck of a case.

1. I was the second person to FoS NotBob and also the second to vote him. How does that compute to "fitting in with the crowd"? If you are going to make accusations like that you should probably read the entire thread instead of just grab one person's posts.

2. Leelou never hinted at anytime that she could only use the knife at night. iirc, she said "I have a knife and I'm itching to use it". On my phone right now so I can't go back and grab the quote, but that's what the post boiled down to.

3. You seriously didn't get that my commenting on moving my vote if NotBob was killed was my stab (see what I did there) at a joke?

4. How in the world did you come to the conclusion that if one of us flips town the other must then be scum? It would be a null tell at best.UNVOTE


Your attempt to get both of us killed has me thinking NotBob is town as well, despite his scummy play.


1. You are only focussing on his accusations on you where he said that you were bandwagoning, and you defend yourself by saying that you were the second person to vote for him which I suppose is fair, but at the same time you also ignore everything else Despo has pointed out about your play surrounding Not Bob. You didn't defend yourself in any way about you parroting everyone else's opinion about Moon and me at the start of Day 1; FoSing NotBob without voting for him and then linking him with me; claiming that NotBob has been distancing from Kat; claiming that NotBob was trying to delay my lynch which like I pointed out before doesn't make any kind of sense because he voted for me first; nudging NotBob's lynch and saying that he is at the top of your scum list you are still voting for me. I think you can see the point I'm trying to make here. 


2. You are right on the knife thing.


3. Ok it was a joke.


4. He thought that one of you must be scum because of the way you went after him.


You agree with all of the points he made...except the ones I have put in bold where you prove my point. Right. Ok, when I answered his "case" I said I would address the most glaring inaccuracies. I guess I'll have to address the others now.


1. You call me out for "parroting" what others have already mentioned, yet you are doing the same with Despo's case against me. How is it that when I agree with what others have stated it is parroting but when you do it, it isn't? Right. Thought so.


1b. You should really have read the post where I FoS'ed NotBob. It addresses everything yo are trying to call me out on. Be ause I don't believe you will go back and read it, I will recap. I FoS'ed him for jumping off your train when Kat voted him. I also state vey clearly that he was EITHER distancing from Kat OR defending you. I also clearly stated that I believed he was defending you and that was why I was not changing my vote. I never accused him of both.


4. I also addressed this in a later post which you apparently skimmed over. He suggested lynching one of us and if that person flipped town lynching the other. That is patently absurd as a town flip tells us nothing about the alignment of the other.


I still believe you are scum. You have obviously not investigated any of this to form your own opinion. Instead you have latched onto a case which you admit in several places is incorrect while professing to believe in the entire case. Contradiction after contradiction. First NotBob, then Cloud. That's my plan for today and tomorrow.

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vote NotBob


Let's lynch this dude and see his flip.


Why aren't you willing to move to Pral if you believe his case on you to be so bad? I would think that you would go for someone that you have a better scum read on?


Why lurk? Make yourself a part of the game. If you're Town, then show it.


Personally I'd say kill the lurkers, but I know the stigma around here for that sort of business.


Dude, lurkers don't have to be scum. I hope some players will step up their game and be more active, but calling them scum makes you more difficult to read this game if that makes sense to you.



My vote was on Pral. I unvoted and move it to NotBob because there doesn't seem to be any traction gaining on Pral. Like I said, with NotBob's play (which always seems scummy) I'd rather lynch him and remove any doubt. Plus it would give us a train to analyze. The way he plays gives the mafia an easy person to park their vote on given that he flips Town. So I want to find out.


You're right, lurking doesn't =/= scum. But at the same time, if you're a Town player, I feel like you should make an effort to invest yourself in a game. A lot of people still have under 10 posts and the game has been going nearly a week now with plenty of content to comment on. 25 pages worth. I've never liked lurkers because I can't read them. It's a bad way to play IMO.



Fair enough, but I think that it's still a bit too soon to start consolidating because that diminishes the chances of Pral getting lynched even more.


I agree with you that lurkers are a bad thing for town, but starting to lynch lurkers on Day 1 isn't helpful either and I personally think that it's the job of the mod to deal with any inactivity issues that might come up in her game.


You agree with all of the points he made...except the ones I have put in bold where you prove my point. Right. Ok, when I answered his "case" I said I would address the most glaring inaccuracies. I guess I'll have to address the others now.

1. You call me out for "parroting" what others have already mentioned, yet you are doing the same with Despo's case against me. How is it that when I agree with what others have stated it is parroting but when you do it, it isn't? Right. Thought so.


1b. You should really have read the post where I FoS'ed NotBob. It addresses everything yo are trying to call me out on. Be ause I don't believe you will go back and read it, I will recap. I FoS'ed him for jumping off your train when Kat voted him. I also state vey clearly that he was EITHER distancing from Kat OR defending you. I also clearly stated that I believed he was defending you and that was why I was not changing my vote. I never accused him of both.


4. I also addressed this in a later post which you apparently skimmed over. He suggested lynching one of us and if that person flipped town lynching the other. That is patently absurd as a town flip tells us nothing about the alignment of the other.


I still believe you are scum. You have obviously not investigated any of this to form your own opinion. Instead you have latched onto a case which you admit in several places is incorrect while professing to believe in the entire case. Contradiction after contradiction. First NotBob, then Cloud. That's my plan for today and tomorrow.



You asked me which parts of his case I liked, and I obviously replied to the first quote first before reading your response. There isn't anything contradictory about me admitting to have liked every point he made against you when I first read his case. I get it that you disproved a couple of his points, but you still left the most important ones unanswered in your previous post. 


1. I wasn't parroting Despo's read on you. I was suspicious of you before he even started writing his case, and I said in a previous post of mine that I like it because it expanded on my initial suspicions about you. The difference between me agreeing with Despo's case and you agreeing with everyone's mafia reads on Moon and me was that I was giving original thoughts.


1b. Well, neither make sense! What kind of distancing from a teammate would it be when someone announces it clearly on thread that he doesn't want to be on the same train as that person?? He also couldn't have defended me with his unvote because he voted for me in the first place which he didn't have to do if we were teammates. What kind of useless defending is that?


4. I don't skim. I already said that in my reply to you that one of the reasons why Despo suspected is the way you have been going after NotBob and linking him to me, so it makes sense that if NotBob flips town the chances of you being mafia would be much higher. If we lynch you and you by any chance flip town, then that tells that your suspicions about NotBob were legit but it wouldn't mean that he is mafia. However, Despo was also very suspicious of NotBob before you became his prime target so it's logical that he would then go back to his initial read on Bob. 



Sorry about the rather large quote. On my phone. Makes it very difficult to take out all the unnecessary bits.


No problem.

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So you still think I am mafia Darthe?

No, I never had a mafia read on you.


@Cloud, we are still out drinking. Gimme a bit



Spending the whole evening only drinking belgian beer and whiskey is great and all, but my wallet really hates me right now >.>


I shall hit up thy liquor store. Let us drink and play teh mafia.



I shall go to sleep because of the damned timezone differences. Enjoy your drinking!

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Spending the whole evening only drinking belgian beer and whiskey is great and all, but my wallet really hates me right now >.>


I shall hit up thy liquor store. Let us drink and play teh mafia.


Boooo alcohol.

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Spending the whole evening only drinking belgian beer and whiskey is great and all, but my wallet really hates me right now >.>


I shall hit up thy liquor store. Let us drink and play teh mafia.


Boooo alcohol.



Underaged? lol


So what's up Len? Got any thoughts?

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Spending the whole evening only drinking belgian beer and whiskey is great and all, but my wallet really hates me right now >.>


I shall hit up thy liquor store. Let us drink and play teh mafia.


Boooo alcohol.



Underaged? lol


So what's up Len? Got any thoughts?


Naw, I just dont like the taste of the stuff. Tastes horrible from what ive had. Everytime I hear someone talk about how alchohol is an acquired taste I always think of Stockholm syndrome.


And yeah I have thoughts. I dont think Des was a good shot in my opinion, but it was Leelous shot so she can hit anyone she thinks is scummy. I definitly think Ishy should be looked at more. Hes never this quiet. Especially when talk about drunk mafia is going on.


I think im ok with the NotBob lynch but I wanna go back and make sure im remembering everything correctly before I do anything.

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