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Back from the dead


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Hi everyone. Sorry about the extremely long hiatus. Lots of changes were going on. I have moved back to sunny Southern California, am just getting ready to start my senior year getting my bachelor's degree and am now driving a big rig from Rancho Cucamonga up to Reno, Nevada and back every day with a buddy of mine. You have no idea how much I've missed being in these forums, but I am back and shouldn't have too much trouble staying active. It's good to see so many of the same people are still here. Feels like coming home.

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So, I was rolling down I-5 last night and I had an idea for a mafia game unlike any I have yet seen. What I want to do is have a 9 player game where off thread communication in any form is open to all the players. I know. That's not new at all. The new part is that I want a TOWN HALL thread where everyone in DM can case the players and communicate their own thoughts on what is happening in-game. If there is anyone that doesn't feel like signing up for it, I'd love to share the entire game structure to work out any kinks.

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