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Despothera's House of the Undead Mafia! Game over! Town wins!!!!!


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It had been a strange couple of days indeed for the villagers trapped within Despothera's castle. First the failed attempt at killing their agreed upon victim, which was followed by the extremely unusual "jump" to the next day, as if night had never happened, although they still found another of their number dead. They had proceeded on at the best of their abilities, though they were all tired, miserable, and in general ready to find their way out of this miserable game. They noticed however, that something had seemed... off for a brief stretch of the day. As if for a short time, their captor wasn't paying close attention to them, as if he was caught in between realms or something and couldn't be bothered while they continued playing his game.


And then, not long ago, without any forewarning a sudden fit had taken ahold of the monkey that they had brought along with them. One second he was fine, the next he went through a brief series of convulsions before ultimately passing away. It was apparently due to natural causes as far as any of them could discern, however nothing that happened to this house could easily be ascribed to "natural" causes.


Regardless, they knew they could not leave until they finished the business that had been set before them, so with somewhat strained ardor they pushed on. They decided they could not move on until they found out whether or not the man they had attempted to kill the day before could in fact be killed. Why, it seemed too heinous for even Despothera to have them play a game that they had no chance of winning, so they found the idea of an immortal player in the game to be quite unfair.


One amongst their number found it particularly annoying, and while others still recovered from the strange occurence that had happened to the monkey (some thought the convulsions themselves were another strange dance move or something) this one decided enough discussion had been carried forth. With a resolute look to his eyes, he grabbed his 12 gauge double barreled Remington, and crept behind the action. This was a wiley one, and he might need to be a little stealthy to do the deed. He let his fingers caress the walnut stock of the shotgun, and felt the cool touch of the cobalt steel as he gripped it solidly in his one good hand, the other being a weird steampunk medieval style robot hand.


He stopped though as he noticed a sudden commotion in front of him. The man that he had been stalking had ... transformed somehow, and was levitating in the air as he addressed his accusers. They looked like they were being held back somehow, as if by an unseen force, and the madman was raving forth at them.


"You silly mortals! You think you are sooooo clever, huh? Turning my game around on me, and trying to slay me in MY OWN HOUSE?!?! You come here with your torch and pitchfork, and your precious ideals and morals held close to your chest. You dare call me a monster, when you yourselves have been the cause of your own suffering for years beyond count. Thinking I'M the bad guy, when I am but a mere individual who was blessed with mighty intellect and the strength of multiple forms of the Undead and Awesome. And for what? Killing me won't change a thing. There will always be those who prey on the weak, no matter if they say they are good, or bad. You shall see, you-"


Tired of hearing the guy monologue as if he couldn't get more cliche, Yates cleared his throat loudly. Despothera spun around in midair, and looked ready to launch a whole new tirade against the one who had interrupted him, but Yates aimed and fired his boomstick before he could utter a single word. While the smoke still gushed forth from the twin barrels of his gun, Yates braced himself for the next line.




"Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the gun."

Mawthtex: Despothera, 1 time Unlynchable 1 time Unkillable Phase-ending Vampire Zombie Werewolf Rockstar Mack Daddy of the Mafia team has been lynched.

It is now night. Get your actions in quick if you can. Deadline is here
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If I was Despo I'd be pissed.


Hell, I'm playing the game and I'm pissed. What's with the stupidities at the end of Day 3?


I swear to God the double standards of this place... It's ok to spam nonsense if you have at least one friend doing it with you now?


How is any of that helpful to town?

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Yep. I was just wondering. I thought you breadcrumbed something but if you had to google that then you didn't.

Oh. I did breadcrumb something. It has been a while. I'd have to revisit to see if the futhark is a part of it.
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Okay screw it. Sorry, not in the mood at the moment for an epic scene. Will try to edit one in later when I have more time/motivation.


Mawthtex: Despothera, 1 time Unlynchable 1 time Unkillable Phase-ending Vampire Zombie Werewolf Rockstar Mack Daddy of the Mafia team has been lynched.



It is now night. Get your actions in quick if you can. Deadline is here


I see Despo thinks highly of himself.

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If I was Despo I'd be pissed.


Hell, I'm playing the game and I'm pissed. What's with the stupidities at the end of Day 3?


I swear to God the double standards of this place... It's ok to spam nonsense if you have at least one friend doing it with you now?


How is any of that helpful to town?

Nice mock outrage buddy. Why don't you go back to the kids' table?

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*facepalm* Great work Ed, just great.



Now, Yates, who was pushing so hard on me... In hopes of getting me lynched instead of Maw possibly? He did try awfaully hard to tie me to Maw.

Ok you primitive screwhead... lets dance.
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If I was Despo I'd be pissed.


Hell, I'm playing the game and I'm pissed. What's with the stupidities at the end of Day 3?


I swear to God the double standards of this place... It's ok to spam nonsense if you have at least one friend doing it with you now?


How is any of that helpful to town?

Nice mock outrage buddy. Why don't you go back to the kids' table?



Outrage is a strong. Just annoyed.


Refer to the Pokemon game if you care enough to comment about my annoyance.

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