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E3 2013 Speculation Thread


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I found I'm far more excited for Dice's Battlefront 3 than their Battlefield 4, despite the presentation of glorious collapsing-building physics. Perhaps because I have fond memories of the First two battlefront games on the PS2 when they came out, perhaps because I am mad.


Or maybe because my mind has been completely null to any new first person shooters set in the modern world. My mind is just too warn out by them, it just refuses to feel any excitement for them, regardless of how promising the gameplay looks.


They'll probably drag the marvelous collapsing-building physics into Battlefront anyway, so I'm not too worried.

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Final Fantasy Versus XIII!







This will blow some peoples minds!


Kingdom Hearts 3!


Mad Max looks sick!


And, Now Sony just gave a raging middle finger to Microsoft.


No required online to play games. Or 24 hour network connection with disc-based-games..

No impediments to reselling your game, or lending it to friends. :biggrin:

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Microsoft status:


[ ] Not told
[ ] Told
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[x] Command & Conquer: Toldberian Sun
[x] GuiTold Hero: World Told
[X] Told King of Boletaria
[x] Countold Strike
[x] Unreal Toldament
[x] Stone-told Steve Austin
[X] Half Life 2: Episode Told
[x] World of Warcraft: Catoldclysm
[X] Roller Coaster Toldcoon
[x] Assassin’s Creed: Tolderhood
[x] Battletolds
[x] S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shatold of Chernobyl
[X] Toldasauraus Rex 2: Electric Toldaloo
[x] Told of Duty 4: Modern Toldfare
[X] Pokemon Told and Silver
[x] The Legend of Eldorado : The Lost City of Told
[X] Rampage: Toldal Destruction
[x] Told Fortress Classic
[x] Toldman: Arkham Told
[X] The Good, The Bad, and The Told
[x] Super Mario SunTold
[x] Legend of Zelda: Toldacarnia of Time
[X] Toldstone creamery
[x] Mario Golf: Toldstool Tour
[X] Super Told Boy
[X] Left 4 Told
[X] Battoldfield: Bad Company 2
[x] Toldman Sachs
[X] Conker’s Bad Fur Day: Live and Retolded
[x] Lead and Told: Gangs of the Wild West
[x] Portold 2
[x] Avatold: The Last Airbender
[X] Dragon Ball Z Toldkaichi Budokai
[x] Toldcraft II: Tolds of Toldberty
[x] Leo Toldstoy
[x] Metal Gear Toldid 3: Snake Eater
[X] 3D Dot Told Heroes
[x] J.R.R Toldkien’s Lord of the Told
[x] Told you that ps3 has no games
[X] LitTOLD Big Planet
[x] Rome: Toldal War
[x] Gran Toldrismo 5
[x] Told Calibur 4
[x] Told Fortress 2
[x] Castlevania: RonTold of Blood
[x] Guilty Gear XX Accent Told
[x] Cyndaquil, Chicorita, and Toldodile
[x] was foretold
[x] demon’s told
[x] http//:www.youtold.com
[x] Tolden Sun: Dark Dawn
[x] Tic-Tac-Told
[X] Biotold 2
[X] Toldbound
[x] icetold
[x] Told of the Rings


And to rip open the wounds that little bit wider, they showed off a game from BUNGIE, a studio that Microsoft has relied on the last two generations, at their own conference.


Sony in the lead.

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Kingdom Hearts 3!


This is literally the first thing I have read about either console that actually got me excited. The brief tease of gameplay they showed just made it that much worse - just that little glimpse of a flood of Shadows in Twilight Town was gorgeous.


FFXV, as I suppose we're now meant to call it, not so much. I mean, it's already been in development for seven years, I have a hard time not expecting the next Duke Nukem: Forever when and if it finally does release


I liked "Toldstone Creamery", although it served to remind me that I can't find one in Columbus that isn't a five-item-menu tumor on Tim Horton's.

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  • Community Administrator


HOLY **** I just watched the trailer of Final Fantasy XV and it looks AMAZING!!! Sony just blew Microsoft out of the water with their new console!


huh, I missed where they said Versus XIII was now XV. O well, it was speculated that had happened.

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