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Xbox One - Great System, or the Greatest?


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yeah that entire article read like a smart ass having to back down from an arguement.   their wording choice could have been alot better.  for instance


"We have listened and we have heard loud and clear from your feedback that you want the best of both worlds."



which is simlar to a person saying "having your cake and eating it too"  which is tounge in cheek for saying "you can't always get what you want".




also, does this mean that i'll need to have an Xbox Live Account to register?


"After a one-time system set-up with a new Xbox One, you can play any disc based game without ever connecting online again. There is no 24 hour connection requirement and you can take your Xbox One anywhere you want and play your games, just like on Xbox 360."

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I'm going to assume yes... don't you require one for the 360 to? (I'm assuming it automatically makes one up for you? I know my PS3 did, no big hassle either.... Though, that might just be the difference between users on the console, and actual xbox live/PSN account...)


I'm going to guess, that Xbox finally caved, after they watched their stocks dive after E3, while Sony's Soared.

Seriously, it was hilarious, before E3, Sony, and M$'s stocks pretty much stayed level, During, and After E3, M$'s nose dived, while sony's practically doubled over night. I found it quite hilarious.


I didn't peak at Nintendo's, but I'm sure theirs went up to.


All-in-all though, its good that they finally listened. Even if they were only begrudgingly accepted it. They had to have realized, specially after the US Military came out and said, that no one in the military would buy the X1 because it was to restrictive to internet...

And man Military. and console Sales go hand in hand. You get soliders, who don't need money while they are over there, and then, when they come home, they have $40k sitting the bank, and you consider most of them are already in the 18-32 demographic which is prime gamer-territory, then you top off the fact that most of them, having this money are going to make sure to prep things they can bring over with them... like the X1, or Ps4....(ironically, guess who are the biggest consumers of pirated goods? LOL)


Previously, because of the net issue, they would have had to have bought the PS4. And after they do get internet.. Why buy the X1? they already got the PS4...


Now they can actually buy the X1, and can play it over seas, is a damned good thing, from a sales  perspective.

But... really Microsoft needed to take their collective heads out of their ass, and stop listening to the talk of 'profit profit profit' from the investors.

Investors would have a company sell off its assets, for short term profit, instead of actually going for innovation, for long term profits. Dumbasses! lol


and the 1MB will be on the low side with the consoles.  which is why i have a big problem with the PS4's auto download feature for demos.


I forgot to mention Red, I believe they stated that you can shut-down this feature. Otherwise, in your case, just don't connect it to the net at all. (which, given your connection, probably wouldn't be a bad idea anyways.)

And If you ever need to update it, (aside from updates on discs) You do have a public library you can access to download onto a USB flash drive I assume?

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I think the guys from IGD nailed it today

Bad PR and the 24 hour thing were really the only thing holding X1 back

All that other stuff actually seemed kind of cool but...now it's all gone because publishers aren't gonna wanna deal with that without DRM 

And I thought it was telling how Kovick was talking about how the east and west coast was cool with the 24 hour thing (somewhat) but everyone inbetween was not onboard

May or may not be true but I think it reflected the discussion we've had here accurately

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I think the guys from IGD nailed it today

Bad PR and the 24 hour thing were really the only thing holding X1 back

All that other stuff actually seemed kind of cool but...now it's all gone because publishers aren't gonna wanna deal with that without DRM 

And I thought it was telling how Kovick was talking about how the east and west coast was cool with the 24 hour thing (somewhat) but everyone inbetween was not onboard

May or may not be true but I think it reflected the discussion we've had here accurately

Just to note, My brother lived out in Maryland for awhile, and.. they actually had worse internet, than I did, in Minnesota. They literally upgraded from Dialup, a year before he moved there...

He lived not more than 50 miles from D.C.

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I hear the arguments for and against consoles being always online.


One way or another it's going to happen.  You are going to stop buying physical games, just like the nook/ipad is slowly killing hard books.  Just like Netflix killed movie rentals.  Just like itunes killed cd sales.  Videogames are the next step. 


In 2-3 years all of your games will have been bought and downloaded online.  Needing to play a single player game with an internet connection is stupid, but buying the game and downloading it in your living room is the future.

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I hear the arguments for and against consoles being always online.


One way or another it's going to happen.  You are going to stop buying physical games, just like the nook/ipad is slowly killing hard books.  Just like Netflix killed movie rentals.  Just like itunes killed cd sales.  Videogames are the next step. 


In 2-3 years all of your games will have been bought and downloaded online.  Needing to play a single player game with an internet connection is stupid, but buying the game and downloading it in your living room is the future.

Where have I heard all this before...?

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@ SD - no, Live was not required to hook up the 360.  i have all 3 consoles and none are hooked up. 


@ Nol - bad PR not so much, more like too much of a condensending attitude and not listening to consumers fast enough.  gammers have been complaining abotu the same 2 things for months, ever since the rumors of the internet requrement and the non-used game rumors started up.  correct me if i'm wronge, thats been since about Feb.  its now June, and they only reversed the shit because they saw their profits drop, so this whole "we listen to our gammers" crap is just that, CRAP.



I hear the arguments for and against consoles being always online.


One way or another it's going to happen.  You are going to stop buying physical games, just like the nook/ipad is slowly killing hard books.  Just like Netflix killed movie rentals.  Just like itunes killed cd sales.  Videogames are the next step. 


In 2-3 years all of your games will have been bought and downloaded online.  Needing to play a single player game with an internet connection is stupid, but buying the game and downloading it in your living room is the future.


you can still buy phsical books and the technology is over 5 years old now. infact, it costs just as much or more to download the books, and physical book prices have remained the same.


actually, Netflix didnt kill movie rentals, the industry shifted from stores to kiasoks.  physical movie rentals are still prime buisness and the kiaoks like Red Box have soared since their inception 2 years ago (which is aroudn the time that Blockbuster and the like started going bankrupt)


more comparable to this situaion for Netflix is how its affected Movie purchases; which it hasn;t much.  people still buy the physical movies at Best Buy and other retaliers or order them off line.



and the music comparison is equally faulty.  the MP3 format and digital download of music has existed since Napster, which is almost 15 years old now.  people still buy the phsycial albums at stores, people still burn the Downloaded albums to CDs at home.  people LIKE the physical copies for security, because backing up shit is a hassel.   and DLing an entire CD off Amazon or iTunes is just as much as uyign the physical CD in most cases, as the price of CDs has dropped (most sell for around 9.99 at Best Buy).



you state "15 years its all going to be online only" i say your counting yoru chicken before they hatch and putting your eggs all in one basket.  


back in the 80's when Debt Cards and Credit Cards got popular people said we'd be a paperless society by 1990.  its now 2013 and we're no where near paperless.

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What I was referring to with bad PR was that they didn't do a good enough job of selling the positive features of the 24 hour DRM check such as the family sharing thing.

It all just kind of faded into the background and that was completely a flub on their part.

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What I was referring to with bad PR was that they didn't do a good enough job of selling the positive features of the 24 hour DRM check such as the family sharing thing.

It all just kind of faded into the background and that was completely a flub on their part.


They could still have a 24 hour family share program, and not have a 24 hour check-in to play your (disc) based games off-line.


To put it simply. Steam operates kind of like how the X1 supposedly would have. But, all you have to do, to play a game offline, is enable it to be played in offline mode. I don't believe there is a time-limit either. (and if it is, its weekly or some such thing.) 


But, as far as PC users go. We don't really mind. We've almost always had CD-keys since PC's been around.

We've been used to being unable to re-sell games. (Depending on the  game at least. Some, as long as it has the CD-key in it, you can still sell it, but online games, like mmos, its useless)


So, you could say, Steam already beat M$ to the punch, and already have a superior method.

Infact, its entirely possible, given a recent news article, that Steams going to enable Game-Sharing, which... will beat M$s to the punch. (officially)


And this, will still be superior to M$'s. People would know, that if you want to 'borrow it' you need to be online in order to play it.

If you own the game, you could go off-line, no problem, and still play it, and since your not online, no one else could play it either. (well, if you've enabled it in off-line mode at least)


I really do like the concept of Sharing-games. I wish PS4 enables something like that, cause it IS a great idea. I even hope, steam will eventually allow people to resell their games on a steam-auction, to compete, or even under-bid steam sales. (And all steam would have to do, is disable your key, give it to someone else, and no real problems as now you can't play it, and the person who bought it, can.)


M$ actually HAS to allow the sale of digital games, in some countries, else they can't have a any digital game sales in said country. (I want to say Germany?) So we know this thing is going to happen, at least with M$ eventually, and possibly even Steam (as steam would have to do the same, in said country.. or any other digital distributor.

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Yeah but publishers don't like that. They want DRM.

In theory Microsoft could just get rid of all the things we don't like and do all the things we do like.

But the middle man is in the way and it's not in Microsoft's best interests to screw them like that.

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