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Xbox One - Great System, or the Greatest?


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*Disclaimer, I'm a Sony fan boy. :tongue:*

So yea, this was revealed today.

All I've caught, was 8GB of memory(ram)

And you can watch TV on it.


And of course, a lot of EA and Sports games.

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Wouldn't this all be better as one thread? And where is the Wii U thread?

Console wars have started again, we can't be expected to argue about them all across multiple threads!

We don't speak about the Wii-U. Nope. Not at all. :wink:

Its not a real console anyways...

Don't we all agree on that? :tongue:

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Xbox One:

CPU - 8 cores

Ram - 8GB

HD - 500GB : NOT removable, though you can use usb as storage


Wireless n with Wi-Fi Direct

HDMI in/out

USB 3.0


TV hub: can works as TV receiver so don't have to switch inputs to actually watch TV (not sure if that'd work with all providers)

Always listening: Can turn on xbox by saying "xbox on" (I thought there was some of this already with kinect? guess it's just refined)

Snap mode: while doing something you can run an app that appears from the side of your screen (imdb during movie, skype during gaming?)


NO backwards compatibility (have to keep the 360 for older games, but guess you can replace your TV receiver with One)

Sort of always online: even single play games will require a connection every 24 hours. Developers can require games to always be connected.

Restricted ability to play used games: new games come with a code, used games need to buy code that unlocks the game 

New kinect: 1080p rgb sensor at 30fps, sensor field expanded by 60%, can guess your heart rate by seeing minutes changes in skin colour. This is pretty cool:


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Restricted ability to play used games: new games come with a code, used games need to buy code that unlocks the game 



is the reason PS4 wins.


Should note, that thankfully sony squashed rumors of basically the same thing. The Backwards compatibility nixing & using a game streaming service... is kind of similar in this regards. (however, removing backwards compatibility was probably needed at this point. now, if they can just make sure there PSN games, even the Ps1-3 releases, can be played on the ps4... We'll be set.)


Anyways, here's a video Criticizing the X1.


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Sort of always online: even single play games will require a connection every 24 hours. Developers can require games to always be connected.


this drives me nuts, I have a limited internet connection so this could cause me a fortune. Can't stand the forcing to use the internet

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Restricted ability to play used games: new games come with a code, used games need to buy code that unlocks the game 



is the reason PS4 wins.


Don't kid yourself, that's the future of gaming and Sonny is just slow to adapt


By the time next gen rolls around there will be no physical gaming market let alone a used gaming market

It's gonna be all about the Cloud and digital downloads


Basically Steam but for consoles

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Restricted ability to play used games: new games come with a code, used games need to buy code that unlocks the game 



is the reason PS4 wins.


Don't kid yourself, that's the future of gaming and Sonny is just slow to adapt


By the time next gen rolls around there will be no physical gaming market let alone a used gaming market

It's gonna be all about the Cloud and digital downloads


Basically Steam but for consoles


And how exactly does PS4 skimp out on the digital downloads and cloud gaming?

They both allow you to purchase, download/install games online, play them (even while they are still downloading).

The only difference is...

You don't need to purchase pre-owned games twice.

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Also note: Sony's also gone out of their way to include some semblance of backward compatibility, on the PS4, specifically via cloud streaming.


Xbox One won't be backward compatible in any way, shape or form - Even though the technology exists in order for it to be so.

To strike the pun: Microsoft isn't even playing the same game. Though if they were, they'd have to get their own copy, but they can borrow yours for the weekend for sure, but make sure they pay the fee, and the other fee if you want to play online, too...


“We created something that understands how to be performant for all scenarios and all combinations. If you’re backwards compatible, you’re really backwards.”

-Don Mattrick

That's why Microsoft's bringing you the future of entertainment media: MORE WAYS TO WATCH TV! TV TV TV! Common! TV! ...Guys? HELLOooooo...TV, it's like totally cutting edge!

.... ... .. .

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Restricted ability to play used games: new games come with a code, used games need to buy code that unlocks the game 



is the reason PS4 wins.


Don't kid yourself, that's the future of gaming and Sonny is just slow to adapt


By the time next gen rolls around there will be no physical gaming market let alone a used gaming market

It's gonna be all about the Cloud and digital downloads


Basically Steam but for consoles


And how exactly does PS4 skimp out on the digital downloads and cloud gaming?


I never said it did. I said by the time next gen rolls around that is ALL gaming is going to be.

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Restricted ability to play used games: new games come with a code, used games need to buy code that unlocks the game 



is the reason PS4 wins.


Don't kid yourself, that's the future of gaming and Sonny is just slow to adapt


By the time next gen rolls around there will be no physical gaming market let alone a used gaming market

It's gonna be all about the Cloud and digital downloads


Basically Steam but for consoles


And how exactly does PS4 skimp out on the digital downloads and cloud gaming?


I never said it did. I said by the time next gen rolls around that is ALL gaming is going to be.


Well you did say Sony was slow to adapt...

And it should be noted, that... Sony was well ahead of the curve (compared to Xbox at least) when it comes to digital releases... 


Just look at the PSP:GO It can only buy games digitally thru the PSN. Hence, they were already ahead of the game when it comes to digital/cloud gaming. They also bought Genkai (sp) which was all about streaming video games. (and its going to use that service, thru the ps4.) I believe the game.. Aion, actually used the Genkai service, to allow people to 'try before you buy' it to.


Eitherway, the biggest problem with this current next generation is going to be ISPs actually upgrading their services to make this useful. The generation after this next one? (PS5/Xbox Zero.) yea, I definitely agree, assuming they are still a 'thing' they'll definitely be digital only.


Hopefully, in the future though, both steam, PSN/Xbox live, allows you to 'sell back' games, or even 'sell/trade' with other uses, through their service. I believe Steam has been eyeing ways to implement that themselves. Hell, being able to 'loan' a game to a friend, through said service wouldn't be that hard, simply by 'locking' it on the owner, until it is 'returned', either by a timer '6 days' or by clicking a 'return to owner' button. :biggrin:

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Nol i think your counting your chickens before they hatch with the cloud gamming.  in the enterainment industry, nothign happens over night


if it does happen, and to me thats a big if because alot of people like a phsycial back up; it will be a slow conversion like the CD to MP3 format has been.  MP3 capabilities and cloud services for the music industriy are about to turn a decade old; yet you can still co out and by a pyshical CD as well as order them online.


if anything, we'll probably see an implimentation of an iTunes sort of feature for the gammign consoles that allows you to add your phsycially purchased games to your consoles cloud. (if this doesn't alreay exist on this gens consoles, they should tweak it in).



and really, i have to agree with others when they say Sony and Microsoft are shooting themselves in the foot with going towards an external Cloud service and mandatory Interent connection for streaming.  all it takes is for a good clump of users to have their consoles hacked with ransomware and this phase will go away.



imo, next gen will step away from connectivity and focus more on processor speeds and digital quality.



edit - and its funny you claim Sony is behind the ball with the locking out pre-owned games; as i beleive this will be the main point that will cause majority of people to prefer the PS4 over the xbox one.

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imo, next gen will step away from connectivity and focus more on processor speeds and digital quality


well, with cloud gaming, they could, theoretically build 'Ultra Server/PCS' and you would 'rent out' the use of said ultra-server to play those games. So your $600 'cloud gaming box of the future', could be nothing more than a 'share' in the Ultra-Servers...


One of the reasons for that type of technology, is.. quite frankly technologies going to get to the point, that we really can't house enough power, in a smaller unit without exponential heat generation, and power draw. And if they could make 1 Ultra-Server for every 1000 cloud-boxes. (and give all 1000 equal use of said ultra-server) and assuming internet becomes googles Domain by then...  it would allow for better looking games (on our end) without the hard-ware failures that would be the result.. (and they could give you a tinier box to play with)


The idea does have merit, but wouldn't work very well in America, until we ALL actually got access to a 20Gb Connection. (minimum) both suburban/city, and Rural living. Sucks when living in a rural area, your connections maximum is basically your Cell phone speed. (and Dish Network is barely better than dialup.)

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Sort of always online: even single play games will require a connection every 24 hours. Developers can require games to always be connected.



Being a digital platform, where you can only obtain games digitally, and requiring a  connection to play the games, you bought, are two different things.

And given the way people are already 'fickle' over requiring a 24/hour connection to play a game (look at Origin on the PC) this is just going to hurt M$ more than its going to hurt Sony. (Not that Sony isn't keen to that kind of system. But they probably don't have the servers for it, and after watching say... EA & Sim City, they've seen the obvious Pitfalls of requiring that....)

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Nol i think your counting your chickens before they hatch with the cloud gamming. in the enterainment industry, nothign happens over night


Look at any other major entertainment industry and it's obvious.

Books: Kindle/Nook.

Movies: DVD's come with digital download codes, Pay Per View, Netflix, Hulu, HBOGo.

Music: iTunes, Pandora, Spotify.


And of course cloud and digital download is already one of the biggest markets in the game industry. Steam aside there is also Origin and GOG. And of course the service on the consoles such as the XBLA.


Cloud is absolutely the future and consoles will be gone in a generation or two. At this point consoles are just glorified PC's anyway.

They may survive in some form or another and I think that's what the X1 is going for. Making itself relevant not just as a gaming device but something that can be used in so many different ways it'll hopefully be considered essential since you're going to be gaming and doing all this other stuff anyway.

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Sort of always online: even single play games will require a connection every 24 hours. Developers can require games to always be connected.


Being a digital platform, where you can only obtain games digitally, and requiring a connection to play the games, you bought, are two different things.

And given the way people are already 'fickle' over requiring a 24/hour connection to play a game (look at Origin on the PC) this is just going to hurt M$ more than its going to hurt Sony. (Not that Sony isn't keen to that kind of system. But they probably don't have the servers for it, and after watching say... EA & Sim City, they've seen the obvious Pitfalls of requiring that....)

...I tried linking to a youtube video but I guess it doesn't like that on the mobile version.
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Linked a video earlier, from the escapist.  It goes into the fact, that a lot of your New TVs, already do what the new X1 does. (Web/apps/ect) And PC's... have been doing that for years.


Cloud is absolutely the future and consoles will be gone in a generation or two. At this point consoles are just glorified PC's anyway.


Yea, but in the mean time,  with physical media still being a major stake (if not the biggest share) you can't neglect that. The idea of using CD keys, on a product, is nothing new. But, even then its still possible (short of MMOs) to sell/trade games like require them.


That's what's going to eat people about the X1 over the PS4.

Its going to kill Game Stop (for X1). Physical discs are now virtually worthless with the X1. Pretty much, stop into a store, pick it up and leave, no cash down. Because you have to pay for it online first. (Which, again is going to be ANOTHER issue... Know how many people whine about having to use a credit card on line! In this day and age! Uggh, so that means, you'll have a nice big game-card to go along with any purchase of a used game. (another physical product not tied to a game).


In the mean time, Steam & GoG will continue to sell PC games at great prices, while the X1 attempts to get you to buy used games at a full price for years after they are past their prime. (uggh)


That's why I said earlier, that if these companies were smart, they'd think twice about 'always on' to play a game (even if its only once every 24 hours), and rethink their approach to re-buying a used game.  And maybe even incorporate a way of 'trading' or 'borrowing games' through simply enabling/disabling it on other's consoles.


Hell, over seas, they've ruled that it is legal to resell a digital game.

So its only a matter of time before those countries, either have no digital games sold there at all. Or companies like Steam, GOG, and Xlive/PSN allow the resale of said games.

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Check it out, guys. On amazon.co.uk, after the Xbox One reveal, sales for the Wii-U jumped 875%
That's how much Xbox fans were disappointed over this reveal. They are willing to switch over to the Wii-U over it.
Article here.

So yeah. You were saying?...

We don't speak about the Wii-U. Nope. Not at all. :wink:
Its not a real console anyways...
Don't we all agree on that? :tongue:

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@ Nol.  you miss my point.  you're talking about goign to a gamming existance that completely does away with the phsyical disk.  i'm saying that its not going to happen



Books: paper books still out sell the digital formats, and bookstores are still going strong


Movies: you have to buy the PHSYICAL DVD to get that code.


Music: the digital format is nearing a decade old and i can still go to Best Buy and purchase the PHSYICAL CD or order the PHYSICAL CD off Amazon.




point is, you saying that the next gen will go to cloud only format (when the next gens will be release in less than 10 years) is jumping the gun.

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basically you guys are trashing the new xbox over rumors and half truths at best lol

That it requires a once every 24 hour check to play any game, isn't a rumor. Its from the X1 reveal.


And the Used game thing, was within the reveal itself. They just never stated the actual costs. Either way, those are all things that are going to be tarnish it.


Anyways, as for Sony, I'm not going to doubt they'll do something as "stupid' as Microsoft did, in their E3 reveal video.


And.. I'm going to seriously laugh my ass off, if the PS4 is also a brick (like the X1) But white. :biggrin:

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@ Nol.  you miss my point.  you're talking about goign to a gamming existance that completely does away with the phsyical disk.  i'm saying that its not going to happen



Books: paper books still out sell the digital formats, and bookstores are still going strong


Movies: you have to buy the PHSYICAL DVD to get that code.


Music: the digital format is nearing a decade old and i can still go to Best Buy and purchase the PHSYICAL CD or order the PHYSICAL CD off Amazon.




point is, you saying that the next gen will go to cloud only format (when the next gens will be release in less than 10 years) is jumping the gun.

Ummm nahhh you're wrong. Next gen or the gen after will definitely be cloud only. 


As for your your counter examples

Books: Digital sales continue to sky rocket while paperback is in decline, Borders went bankrupt and B&N is (or was as of a few years ago) in trouble

Movies: Yeah, but you can also just buy or rent the movie online through various services. That's why when you buy movies these days they usually come with the code, because you paid extra to have a physical copy.

Music: I think that's more about resistance to change and trying to eke out every last penny than anything else. Buying music digitally is vastly superior in terms of price and storage.

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