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[Mafia Game Over] Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark - Mafia Wins!

Ithillian Turambar

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Caught up, man did things ever explode while I was gone... Why do you guys always do this to me? :tongue:



been thinking this whole thing with Peace over. And my conclusion is...

He's been acting too crazy to be mafia. He's been deliberatly drawing

attention, first with his "bloody" the first two days and now whatever

kind of weird PR he has. I've never seen a mafia player do that. Peace

is usually damn good as mafia; I've been mafia with him and I know. He

hasn't been good at all this game (sorry dear). So I think he is town, and with RTE's information, so is Basel.


And with that, I will vote Ed


Ed was a iffy feeling I've had through most of the game without being able to put my finger on exactly why, I sit with the impression that he's done as much as he can to sow chaos and confusion and not contribute much to town. That combined with Peace's info makes me quite sure he is scum.


I'm not buying it. Sorry luv.


Vote Ishy.




Yes, yes you are Mish. 


I FoSed you over it, because it is a good tactic to want to seem to be voting without actually doing it. 

So is voting over after the Hammer. Fyi. 


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