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[Mafia Game Over] Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark - Mafia Wins!

Ithillian Turambar

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Everyone knows bloody scenes are bloody flavor.  Wow, bloody rookies.


Ed is bloody scum.  I've been given a bloody gift.

The best mods mix flavor and truth. As Ithi is one of the best.....


And it figures that you'd miraculously receive some off the wall gift that you refuse to expound on just as you become the main target. Very conveinient. :rolleyes:

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I've been passed bloody info that says Bloody Ed and Bloody Talya are bloody scum.  This bloody info has not come from bloody players.




He is trying to say the Mods gave him info. Nice OMGUS. 


Still no answer, Peace?


So now you are the Super Vig Cop? 

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Everyone knows bloody scenes are bloody flavor.  Wow, bloody rookies.


Ed is bloody scum.  I've been given a bloody gift.

The best mods mix flavor and truth. As Ithi is one of the best.....


And it figures that you'd miraculously receive some off the wall gift that you refuse to expound on just as you become the main target. Very conveinient. :rolleyes:

Herpes is a bloody gift.  My gift is bloody akin to that. 


Who bloody wants me to answer bloody questions so strongly?  Who's bloody pushing me to answer bloody questions so much?  Bloody Ed, that's who? 

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No, because  you make no sense. 


I'm not role fishing in the sense that you've hinted and I'm trying to pull more info. I'm demanding answers because you are a liar, and a thief! 


And your mother was a hamster. 

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And your father smelled of elderberries.


But don't you see Peace? That doesn't add credence to your argument, it detracts from it. Of course you'd cry scum at your biggest detractor. Who's been grilling you the hardest? Len, who's dead now, at your hand I think, and Ed and Talya, who you now have mysterious, convenient info on. Anyone who questions you winds up dead or you wind up with cryptic uber-Cop powers that reveal them as scum. And you're given this info "just cuz."


I ain't buying what you're selling sir.

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Just the one you won't answer. 


And why you won't just admit it was an OMGUS. 


Your play and my gift has caused me to vote you.  Do you not think that I would not realize the OMGUS appearance of my vote?  I'm aware of that appearance but you played you hand too quickly.  You shouldn't have come out firing your questions at me.  It exposes your teams strategy.  Talya as well.


Very poor play on your scummy part cause you will look bad when I flip town and it is obvious that I didn't shoot last night.  Your team made the mistake of believing I could pull the trigger last night. 


What is missing from my posts? 

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Ley's reaction at Lenlo's flip. 



Fake PR is gone! Finally. 



Peace, I could almost, ALMOST believe someone had a role that sent you random info, but your play has not been indicative of Town at all.
Why do you refuse to answer a simple question?  

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I ain't buying what you're selling sir.

I can't make what I'm selling obvious.

Just like you couldn't tell us about your PR. Or any of your roles abilities. Or why you were gifted with this info. You're just a wealth of useless information and a waste of space.


You've given us no reason to trust you and every reason not to.

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