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New Spring


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I read New Spring first because a local store had hardback copies of the book for a dollar and I figured if I hated the guys writing it would only be a dollar wasted. I didn't get very far before I knew that I loved the book and found Path Of Daggers cheap and bought it. I knew that I would make it to at least there reading them. Do you guys think I would have gotten more out of the books by reading Eye of the World first?

Do you guys think I would have gotten more out of the books by reading Eye of the World first?


Well you certainly would have understood more of the plot and how things were working, by starting at the original begining

Guest Wynne Jessal
Do you guys think I would have gotten more out of the books by reading Eye of the World first?


I think Moiraine and Lan would have lost the mystery they first carry from the Two Rivers's folk POV. The best fantasy/adventure stories seem to work best by throwing you in the middle without knowing what's going on' date=' and then you figure it out with the characters as they go.


So, no, I think New Spring works best as back-story, to give a tintillating peek of backstory into Siuan, Moiraine, and Lan.[/color']


RJ recommends reading the books in the order they were published ... and I think you might miss some of the things in New Spring which aren't fully explained unless you had read at least some of the main books. So, I also recommend starting with The Eye of the World.


i read the story when "legends"(is that the right name?) first came out. i can't remember where i was in the series at that time, but i remember thinking it was a very cool read because a) it was jordan and b) it did give a lot of understanding of moraine's and suiane's motivations for what they do. i definitely think both the eye of the world (and maybe even further into the story) and new spring would be more enjoyable if you started the series first, then read new spring. but either way they're good.


wynne, quick personal question...is that your pic in your avatar/signature?


I read it in between LoC and CoS and for me it was a good time. I understood most of it but it was still revealing many new things to me that I found interesting.

Guest Wynne Jessal
wynne' date=' quick personal question...is that your pic in your avatar/signature?[/quote']


No. :wink: It's my RP character. I wouldn't dream of going around with my picture plastered everywhere just so everyone could see how hot I was. That would not be cool.

No. It's my RP character. I wouldn't dream of going around with my picture plastered everywhere just so everyone could see how hot I was. That would not be cool.


Yeah, that would be as dumb as using your real name in the ...




..... oh crap.

No. :wink: It's my RP character. I wouldn't dream of going around with my picture plastered everywhere just so everyone could see how hot I was. That would not be cool.


Yeah. It would be so hot I'd never be able to do any posting. I'd just be glued to it. :wink:

Guest Wynne Jessal

LOL. Although, maybe I should re-think it, because she is not supposed to be THAT hot. Hm...

Guest Wynne Jessal
I think you got a good-ol'fashioned problem.


Maybe I'll go back and give her a moustache and receeding hairline. :lol:


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