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RP Idea (attention Hallia, Leala, and others)


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So Kira's major flaw is her temper. If she loses it she loses control of herself and will have tantrums and what not. Kira knows of this issue and is trying to find a way to fix it, so I want to do an RP about it.


In the few posts I've done with her, I've hinted that's she's had some trouble. She yelled at an AS for running into her in the hall and what not, so it's supposed to be known that she has been to the MoN a few times for this issue. Basically I see it starting with her in having a lesson with an AS. She gets frustrated because of failure and loses control which earns her a trip to the MoN. She gets upset and knows she needs help and seeks out her friends (as Hallia is her roomy, I thought she should be a part if this, but other novices would be neat too). They encourage her to seek out the aid of an AS.


What do you guys think and is anyone interested?

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