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Favourite Songs from Musicals!


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Bedknobs and Broomsticks is another one I really like and haven't seen for aaaaaages.


The production of Mary Poppins just came round, did you see it Dice?  I'm assuming they went down south...




Also, South Pacific is on at the moment and I really wanna go and see it...but I has no moneys...*sigh*

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My Aunt was staying with me over the weekend and is planning on seeing Les Mis this week...  As such we were listening to one of the recordings and despite loving the music(!) I'm wondering why Maurius is so popular, as a character he's just wet, he's an absolutely rubbish hero (I understand his character has been changed somewhat for the film?), thinking about it out of all the named characters he's my least favourite (although Cosette isn't far behind (ahead?) - I find Castle on a Cloud far to annoying) and would take most of the student rebels over him.  Am I alone in this?


Also has anyone been to see Les Mis, is it any good?  At the moment I'm quite sceptical of going, as Anne Hathaways and Russel Crowes singing voices (based on trailers) isn't great, but some friends are going to see it next week sometime...


On a side note I love Chicage for the dancing and production, Lion King for the costumes, but I don't think I'll see anything that has a better list of songs than Les Mis.

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^^  THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   i said to someone the otherday that i hate this  song and you shoulda seen the look i got! I cant stand cossette.
And marius is a wimp! 

As for the movie I went boxing day and saw the hobbit then 10 mins later Les Mis so perhaps i was tired but the first half was great  the second half long and slow. But i always think that when i listen to the DVD.


Russel Crowe cant sing   the first half he kinda does that thing where you speak in a singsong kinda? BUT he does get much better latter on in the movie   i liked his version of Stars. Id give it a 6 or 7 out of 10.


Hathaway deserves an Oscar for just one scene.  I dreamed a Dream was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I haven't seen it yet, but I have the CD on in the car, it turns out that with the 1 exception of On My Own, Epinine only needs to open her mouth and I burst into tears (or want to), starting with her addition of 'waiting here' in A Heart Full Of Love  :rolleyes:


Dice thanks for the videos, but my computer doesn't want to access them, I'll try another 1 later...  Torn between Empty Chairs, Stars and Jean va Jon, Who Am I as best solo, but in general I like the duets and ensemble pieces more - (the duet that comes soon after Who Am I? between Javert and Jean va Jon, a Little Fall of Rain, Red and Black, Turning...)


The first time I saw it I was 12(ish) and Maurius was my second favourite character (after the boy - Gavroche(sp?)) but I really can't remember why now.


I think Castle is an annoying song, but On My Own and I Dreamed a Dream have been covered too many times for me to really enjoy them any more.

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