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Basel Gill

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Just before I go, please note that both Smiley and WoT both responded with a Waaaaaah! Why are you voting me post, and Smiley waited to respond until I said I was going and unable to post anymore.


You are also a follower Smiley. I don't really have any strong leads atm. So I figured I would go for technique #2, which is vote people and see what happens.


Who do you think I would be better voting for?

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and just for you Ithi because I know you don't venture into the 100 000 thread, my last post on there before leaving




link to that post if someone would like to check


and my last post here was http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/77243-advanced-world-war-ii-mafia-night-3/?p=2713777 at 4:33, your question at 4:40


am I alibi'ed enough for you?

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Just before I go, please note that both Smiley and WoT both responded with a Waaaaaah! Why are you voting me post, and Smiley waited to respond until I said I was going and unable to post anymore.


You are also a follower Smiley. I don't really have any strong leads atm. So I figured I would go for technique #2, which is vote people and see what happens.


Who do you think I would be better voting for?


I prefer to say that I try to be conclusive in my defence of myself, don't want anyone else to think I should be the next Ithi created lynch, and for the second part you're just going conspiracy crazy on me. And just because I don't always react with high levels of whatever it is you've got (some sarcasm, snarkiness, ohpuhleeze look at what he's doing now sense) doesn't mean that it isn't a legitimate reaction


I think I've been slightly more than that, I've given reasons for my votes, given my opinion, when prompted to and when not.


Honestly I don't have a direct subject to look at. And to be honest in making this post I suppose you have done something right, so I would suggest the same kind of treatment but on whoever else has been inactive to this point or generally band-wagon-y

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Seems like your trying to hard here to me Smiley.


Your focusing so much on the time stamps and alibis instead of the actual case.


Also mobile is annoying :(


the case was that I'm a band-wagoner, that came out later, at first I was reacting to why I had been gone for half an hour, I think I've dealt with the case now.


yes mobile is annoying

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... Unvote - Vote Len


Likes to agree with an Ithi vote, but doesn't actually vote, never answered my questions about who he suspects in general, and has been very very lurky. Obviously he thought I had forgotten about him. This is my proper vote now people. Follow me :)


Although WoT has just seriously jangled my Mafiometer.

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Hello TG hopefully you are more active and available than BB :) Goodbye Wombat ... I will miss chatty Wombat


**Smiley said


I would posit that that might be due to TGlems coming in (hi) since he would have to read through everything before saying who he would like to investigate (that's assuming that everyone still thinks BB was the cop, apparently Darthe does not)

Darthe got muddled when Ley was revealed as back up to the cop/doc and thought that he actually was the main proper cop or sommat like that. I think he realised that later and said so.


With Wombat being revealed as the American President and the Doc, then it makes sense that the British Prime Minister takes the other major role as the Cop.


I don't like how RTE exploaded into sudden activity when he was poked, but I think a member of the mafia would have been a bit calmer, as they would be guided by their team mates. Is he quite new at Mafia? I can remember going absolutely post mental when as a Town person I was accused of being Mafia in my first few games.


Has he actually said anything else that makes you think he was mafia before the outburst yesterday? The sudden defensiveness seemed over the top, but he could be outraged Town. Then again, he was not just defending, he was pointing in other directions to look for Mafia - me included lol. And it was odd that he used my inactivity as a reason to deflect, especially when it was Darthe he was trying to deflect. Darthe thinks I'm mafia so I'm the perfect person to use to distract him :) He also said that Ithi is an experienced player so it is suspicious she is inactive. I don't think I've ever played with him, or maybe I have, but that made me feel someone was feeding him information about me and how active I normally am in games.


And .... he just did the re-read thing :rolleyes:


I'm turning myself in circles just thinking about it ... so - outraged Town, or guided Mafia?


Len has been very quiet this game, and has been nicely joining in on lynches and stuff. Got any thoughts Len?


Vote RTE


Did you also say you had already role revealed? I can't remember that and I can't go back to check. I will follow your advise to poke people with votes to see what they do :smile:


So, massive amounts of proper worky work today as it my last day before Christmas and no internet at home, as previously mentioned. It's taken me ages to get this written up a little but at a time inbetween stuff I'm supposed to be doing, but I would like to finish work early so I can go home and unpack the bazillion of boxes that are just filling everywhere, so I thought I would make the effor now, as I'm not likely to be about later.



BB claimed Winston Churchill, our Cop on Day 1. TG now has BB's role.It's generally not a good idea to Lynch an uncountered Cop - I've already given my character's name :) and as such I am concerned about Winston.


You are a fiesty thing ... but I like the little Jokey post you made after your omgus vote on me post to try and soften your image here.


I don't have to defend myself and I have no plans to play my game your way, so posturing and demanding things of me isn't really going to work. Have fun :laugh:



erm yeah ...you said the bit underneath -- you know, where the quote was?


Good grief lol.


Quoting is stuffed up on mobile, so I'm having to do the best I can. I'm never going to get home early today - I've got a 36 minute call to listen to, and my manager just shifted my 1-to-1 to today :(


so of course indstead of listening to that call an getting on with it, I'm messing about in a mafia game.



RTE - You never asked me to repeat, you just threw a mental at me and lol@smiley making out I'm having a barney at you. Smiley the peacemaker ...


Yes - I'm Anthony Eden, I'm the British Secretary of State for War. I'm not Winston's Deputy.



Len - It was directed at RTE who has already answered it. My question to you was more general than just, what do you think of RTE, what do you think of the game so far? There is Mafia somewhere, who do you think is Mafia? Who are you suspicious of and why?


Lol (chuckles) - your question to TG is very strange. All results that a Cop gets are useful, be they Town or Mafia. If the Cop has Town reads then they can step in a stop a Town Lynch for example. This wouldn't have been an issue for BB, as she revealed on day 1 - and if she waited till a lot of people had already voted for that person, we could have still got information and it would still be useful. Her inactivity has me puzzled and I hope TG will be more involved with the game. I'm not 100% sure that everything is ok though.

There are 16 of us left ... how many were there to start with? I can't get back to page 1 anymore :sad:



so ... 23 divided by 4 to get a rough 25% means there are possibly 5.75 Mafia out there - maybe more. Smiley, how many are there in your Mafia Team? Is WoT there with you?


Unvote - Vote Smiley



Because WoT, you are a follower and an agree-er.


Did you ever do that re-read? What were the results of it. If you think that RTE is Town, who do you think is Mafia and why?



Ha ha ha ... and conveniently I have a magic ball that tells me what roles everyone has, even before they get anywhere near a Lynch. That has to be the weakest logic I have ever heard. Maybe I should have just sat quietly and just sneaked the odd vote in here or there like you are doing, but I don't play like that. I am trying to find Mafia, and lame followers who offer nothing to the game, or who go inactive, are not helping. I honestly believed that everyone I voted for was Mafia, as apparently did all the other people who voted for them.


Of course I'm not silly enought to believe that it was only Town who agreed with those Lynches, but they didn't take off like wildfire - which further made me believe I was right.


Also, you are wrong about one of those, I think on Day two when Thorum revealed as Vig, Wombat was actually the first to vote for Rand, and I voted second - because I really would have preferred to have voted Marsh at that point. Wombat then possibly unvoted, or Basel's counts went awry, and He ended up at the end with me in position 1. But Darthe, yes - and I'm still glad he died because his Role was really unhelpful to Town, and Marsh yes, because he felt off to me for sometime and his claim was someone I had never heard of, and he just stopped posting. And Rand, come on - could you not see where that came from?


WoT, did you not vote for any of the people who have been Lynched so far? Who did you vote for? Other than me, who do you think is mafia and why?



Who did you vote for the previous days? Why are you NOT suspicious of BB's replacement?


You did a full reread apparently, and all we get is that you are suspicious of everyone? And now you admit that I had no way of knowing what their Roles were, but a little while ago that was one of the reasons you voted for me?


Chuckles ... what did you mean by your question to TG? You asked if he had useful information, he said he was blocked all the time, and I have worries of my own. TG ... you are the Cop and Winston Churchill, right?


Smiley, how come you were all chatty until I asked you about your team mates?


And sadly I have finished my work, hence ---> no more proper internet. It has been fun being able to post properly for a little while, but I have to go again :sad:



Just before I go, please note that both Smiley and WoT both responded with a Waaaaaah! Why are you voting me post, and Smiley waited to respond until I said I was going and unable to post anymore.


You are also a follower Smiley. I don't really have any strong leads atm. So I figured I would go for technique #2, which is vote people and see what happens.


Who do you think I would be better voting for?



Did I have a Case Len? Lmao ... I don't think I did.




Okay all!  Hook, line, and sinker.  I quoted a bunch of other ithi stuff so you could see the various disparities and ways she is bouncing around so far.  See, if we only have 16 left in a game of 23 then today is Lylo.  (assuming an average 7 mafia for this size) So she has voted on three people so far in an attempt to get some of you WIFOM'd and to vote with her.  I love this, she came out with a case on RTE when I had been pushing him all day and she hadn't mentioned him before.  That was the evidence I have been looking for.  It was a push for my kill (which mafia was relying on) and an opportunistic case on a newbie.


Oh yeah, Thorum revealed correctly but he left out one thing.  My Vig was 1 shot.


Vote Ithi

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Vasily Zhaetsev only had one shot?!?!?


I'll have to look over your post later darthe, I'm leaving now, but I must say Ithi has been erratic I've just thought she was  pulling something akin to what you did early game, IIRC you where also everywhere with votes

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Great work Darthe, apart from I was looking to also see who would easily go along with the RTE lynch. No-one bit, so I moved on to Smiley, WoT had a nibble, but Len took my bait, hence my Vote on him.


Sometimes you have to move about and try things to find Mafia, as well you know.


Len, why did you agree with me about Smiley, when I had no case and even said I was just bouncing about on votes to see what happened?

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Ithi I didn't answer you because I'm on mbonile which makes it hard to check who is even still alive. You call me lurky, I don't think I have been.

I'm sure if I had voted you would use that as an excuse to vote me to.


Your hopping around and voting anyone that you think you can get people to bandwagon on and you even encourage bandwagoning with your "Follow me".


Vote Ithi

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I think I just got the record for most OMGUS in a day lol.


I'm encouraging people to vote for you, lenlo - because I seriously believe you are Mafia. I'm on mobile too, and yet have still been able to form an opion of who I think is mafia, I guess it is easier for you to jump on me and use Darthe's reasons. Saves you having to come up with your own.


Len is Mafia.

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Len also couldn't explain why he agreed with me about Smiley, unless he was just admitting he planned to blindly go along with me until I decided to vote for him. And then, he decideds to go along with Darthe. What a surpise.


That was just a few moments ago and he can't explain why he first agreed with me about Smiley, but NOW thinks I am bouncy bouncy Mafiosy. He's a fickle mistake making changey mind and totally caught out MAFIA.


I'm still the British Secretary of State for War :)

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I think I just got the record for most OMGUS in a day lol.


I'm encouraging people to vote for you, lenlo - because I seriously believe you are Mafia. I'm on mobile too, and yet have still been able to form an opion of who I think is mafia, I guess it is easier for you to jump on me and use Darthe's reasons. Saves you having to come up with your own.


Len is Mafia.


In all honesty, Darthe's reason alone isn't a bad one. That being said, I think people have had reason to suspect you for a while.

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Got caught up here: I'm glad you guys are finally seeing what I've been saying: Ithi is mafia. Darthe's collection of her more incriminating posts from today helps, but she's been pinging me since the Marsh train, and nothing she has said since makes me think otherwise.


vote Ithi

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I've been getting intelligence reports each night.


Night 1. This War will be fought on 2 fronts.


I'm thinking again there are Germans and Japanese to find.


Night 2. The enemy has recruited a Master Forger. No-one can be trusted.


I'm thinking there are definitely fake claims out there.


Night 3. Final preparations for the Nuclear Bunker have been completed.


I think there may be a Bomb. I've had to simplify and paraphrase of course.


So ... I don't mind now. Have a nice game. It will free me up for christmas and I'm about to go inactive mostly anyways. I would pay careful attention to the people who have voted for me and trust no-one. It's a nice fast train. Practically a BULLET TRAIN.


Bah! Go Town.

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On my phone so no quoting


I stake whatever Town cred I have on Ithi being Town, yes her posts were all over the place but I think their aim was good, I'm not quite ready to vote yet but I'll see what I can do later tonight, since mobile ain't great fo multipage reviewing and whatnot

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