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Basel Gill

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For anyone spying, I posted this in my other game but...


This is going to sound somewhat cliche but I spent most of yesterday traveling and finishing an essay before that. However I've kept up through email notifications and will post some ideas soon!

Need to be more active especially given that we've lost too many town :(


However, I am suspicious of Marsh as well.

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Everytime I go to re-read this dang thread, DM craps on me. Never when I'm doing anything else. I can read and post other places fine, but whenever I come over here... "The Site is Offline", "Your post no longer exists", "I ate your soul!"




At this point I'd prefer to vote the inactives. I'm starting to think our mafia is laying back and trying to let the actives/semi-actives pick each other off and just posting enough to get by. So long as you aren't posing the least, you are posting enough. So with that,


So with that.... a severely low poster and the posts made haven't been beneficial.Vote Lolguy.



dude first things first DM IS EVIL (its been offline all day and i can only access it at night before i have to go to bed :rolleyes:)


and another why me??



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Hey look! A lolguy sighting! I understand the DM issues... but you are here right now, so go on and give us some insight... ...take this opportunity to share some thoughts about the current state of the game.




dude i usually dont post much till i get a feel in the game, the game until this point is people voting other to get reactions and to pretty much check who bandwagon......and stuff

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Hey look! A lolguy sighting! I understand the DM issues... but you are here right now, so go on and give us some insight... ...take this opportunity to share some thoughts about the current state of the game.




dude i usually dont post much till i get a feel in the game, the game until this point is people voting other to get reactions and to pretty much check who bandwagon......and stuff

So.... 56 pages in and you don't have much to go on then?

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Hey look! A lolguy sighting! I understand the DM issues... but you are here right now, so go on and give us some insight... ...take this opportunity to share some thoughts about the current state of the game.




dude i usually dont post much till i get a feel in the game, the game until this point is people voting other to get reactions and to pretty much check who bandwagon......and stuff

So.... 56 pages in and you don't have much to go on then?


honestly im still learning so yeah i dont have the advantage of knowing each others metas and all

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Then don't use Meta. Its close to useless most the time anyway.


What do you think about the case on Ironeyes (which has nothing to do with Meta)? Is Doolittle a good claim?

What do you think about the case on Mawth?


Do you think Ithi is buddying to Wombat, or they just have similar opinions?


Was Wombat's "schevenigan" play a scum ploy or a useful town push?


What about Kaylee's casings? She's made a couple.


Thorum's Day Vig-ness? Townie cover up?




In fact, what are other's opinions on these matters? There are a lot of silent people and there is plenty of info to go on as I've looked back over the thread.


As for me, I think people who are claiming they don't have enough info are trying to hold back and not rock the boat. I think likely there are a couple of active mafia and a bunch waiting back, but I think the majority are holding back right now so its better to aim there.


I could move my vote back to Lolsy.

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Then don't use Meta. Its close to useless most the time anyway.


What do you think about the case on Ironeyes (which has nothing to do with Meta)? Is Doolittle a good claim?

What do you think about the case on Mawth?


Do you think Ithi is buddying to Wombat, or they just have similar opinions?


Was Wombat's "schevenigan" play a scum ploy or a useful town push?


What about Kaylee's casings? She's made a couple.


Thorum's Day Vig-ness? Townie cover up?




In fact, what are other's opinions on these matters? There are a lot of silent people and there is plenty of info to go on as I've looked back over the thread.


As for me, I think people who are claiming they don't have enough info are trying to hold back and not rock the boat. I think likely there are a couple of active mafia and a bunch waiting back, but I think the majority are holding back right now so its better to aim there.


I could move my vote back to Lolsy.

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Then don't use Meta. Its close to useless most the time anyway.


What do you think about the case on Ironeyes (which has nothing to do with Meta)? Is Doolittle a good claim?

What do you think about the case on Mawth?


Do you think Ithi is buddying to Wombat, or they just have similar opinions?


Was Wombat's "schevenigan" play a scum ploy or a useful town push?


What about Kaylee's casings? She's made a couple.


Thorum's Day Vig-ness? Townie cover up?




In fact, what are other's opinions on these matters? There are a lot of silent people and there is plenty of info to go on as I've looked back over the thread.


As for me, I think people who are claiming they don't have enough info are trying to hold back and not rock the boat. I think likely there are a couple of active mafia and a bunch waiting back, but I think the majority are holding back right now so its better to aim there.


I could move my vote back to Lolsy.


Dude the biggest problem with me is i get moved by someones case really easily (and i tend to bandwagon sometimes), but to answer your question about wombats "schevenigan" i have a feeling its a town thing , and im  ive forgot my WW2 knowledge, but it could be a fake claim or maybe its a backup role?(im just guessing here).


ive never understood what budding up is exactly but maybe its cuz great minds think alike??


Thorum's Day Vig-ness? Townie cover up?
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Thorum's Day Vig-ness? Townie cover up?



what do you mean by this??


Thorum claimed to be a day vig (Thorum now replaced by Darthe), he said Tina would be deaded and so she was. does this mean he is town or do you think something more malevolent 

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oh ok thanks smiley 


well he said he was going to do it and unless he thinks he can pull something like that and woudnt be CC'd i doubt anyone would claim that if they were mafia !

Could easily be Serial killer though.

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Lenlo you did bold and red your vote.


Lol, do you surf? Only surfers say dude that much. I guess you didn't get your promised read in. Yet you could find a cute picture to post in your "I don't have any opinions" post. I say you are hiding behind your spam.


BG, I didn't like your DM is evil post due to it sounding a little too planned out. Every I dotted and every t crossed. This questioning line sounds better so I will go back to just watching you figuratively speaking.


RTE, man it is time to vote. If you are suspicious of marsh vote him. Otherwise find someone else that you think is mafia. What you are doing looks like distancing. It isn't day one anymore so your noob pass is revoked.


Oh with regard to Thorium/darthe 2.0 vig claim it is iffy to me due to the manner it was handled. He initially said he would shoot who we wanted then went back on that by saying he was gonna shoot smiley. Finally he selected from the pair if Tina and Marsh. And never answered if has more shots. Could easily be mafia with a x-shot day kill.


Last marsh claims backup which I always find suspect. Doolittle is famous enough to be in the game but also a reasonable fake claim. Especially if the mod provided them to mafia.


vote lolguy


I just dropped my trailer and should be around a bit.

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To be honest Turin I don't think we have a day-time serial killer or mafia with day-time shots, admittedly I've never seen either used in any of the games I've played in so I don't know how common they are but for now I put that talk in the same category as people put Ley's obscure role suggesting on D1, that is, unlikely and not really helpful

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@Smiley - Its not uncommon to where it would be unheard of. Serial Killer's/Survivors often get an additional perk of some sort for balance since they are basically a 1 man mafia team. Turin summed up nicely what I was thinking, there are too many questions for my liking on the issue.


@Turin - My DM is evil post was expressing frustration I had in the past. When I wrote that post, it worked fine as I was at home on my computer using Chrome. When I'm at work it's utter crap because I have to use IE8, which apparently allows for no formatting options currently. Plus, it tends to strip out any extra whitespace I put in when I'm posting unless I hit "More Reply Options" then preview my post twice.

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