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2nd tool for Graendal?

joeron bigelow

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So I reread one of my favortie parts of ToM...and it made me think (just a bit, not enough to make me wanna start brushing my teeth...)


But anyway - After Perrin gets rid of the Dreamspike, she has Slayer in her hideout and says go ahead with the plan...


She mentions she has a tool in place to kill Perrin, and another one she has yet to release...


I always assumed that Jarret Byar was the first tool - which is the second?


Or was Slayer the first tool, Byar the second?


So I reread one of my favortie parts of ToM...and it made me think (just a bit, not enough to make me wanna start brushing my teeth...)


But anyway - After Perrin gets rid of the Dreamspike, she has Slayer in her hideout and says go ahead with the plan...


She mentions she has a tool in place to kill Perrin, and another one she has yet to release...


I always assumed that Jarret Byar was the first tool - which is the second?


Or was Slayer the first tool, Byar the second?


Yes, Slayer the first, Byar the second.


Does that mean Byar was a darkfriend? How do we know it was Byar?


Not likely. Graendal spurns working with friends of the dark when she can just compel a dupe into doing her bidding. She probably managed to plant compulsion orders in Byar wired to activate under specific circumstances.


I always assumed the 2nd tool was the 'shadowspawn army given me to cause chaos' that was portal stoned in. Perhaps I didnt give Graendal enough credit.


I always assumed the 2nd tool was the 'shadowspawn army given me to cause chaos' that was portal stoned in. Perhaps I didnt give Graendal enough credit.


Look at the context.


ToM- Epilogue:

Waves surged against the rocks outside. It was still dark. Only moments had passed since her last tool had failed her, Aybara surviving the battlefield. That was supposed to have worked!

She was in her elegant manor house a few leagues from Ebou Dar. Noe that Semirhage was gone, Graendal had begun placing some strings around their new, childlike Empress. She'd have to abandon those schemes now.

Perrin Aybara had escaped. She felt stunned. Plan after perfect plan had fallen into place. And the...he'd escaped. How? The prophecy...it had said...

That fool Isam, Graendal thought, stuffing the papers in her pack. And that idiot Whitecloak! She was sweating. She shouldn't be sweating.


She was given 2 tools, Isam and the Dreamspike, 3 if you count the Shadowspawn army and the channelers needed to used the Way Stone. Shaidar Haran only mention one tool given her, Isam. He/it makes no mention of any other tools.

But she is clearly not referring to those. She is referring to her own tool and mentions the Idiot Whitecloak.

And by idiot Whitecloak, she is not referring to Galad. If Galad getting in the way was what she was referring to, she wouldn't have said perfect plan after perfect plan falling into place. Any interuption of her plans by Galad were loooong before that moment.


I think Graendal intimates that the trolloc army is really just a distraction to give Byar an opportunity (the shaft shot from a distance will miss but the dagger in his back wont, or however she put it).


It is too bad, Grandael could have been a far greater villian. Even with LTT's knowledge and taking precautions, superb planning, Grandael escaped him.


LTT does not think anyone is better than him, including the likes of Ishamael, Demandred and Lanfear, HOWEVER, he knows Grandael is more intelligent than him and will out plan him.


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