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Any faces from the original BT crowd still around?


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I think this is my 4th or 5th account. Hard to tell over the years, it is nearing a decade.


Albeit I am probably the only person who was ever banned not for breaking the rules but simply for having a natural talent in provoking people whilst remaining civil myself.


ys liek making fun of somone with brain damag?mst have broken the ruls becuase it all got deleted.


Sorry. Not to be rude but that English is so horrifically butchered, I couldn't read past the first sentence.


well ecuse me fro havng had a strke recntly; ill tryhardr nex t tiem not to offnd your eyes. ugh wuold thnk its chinse instead


It might as well be Chinese. It's incredibly tedious to read through the text of someone who seems incapable of spelling a single word correctly if it exceeds 3 letters in length. However considering the fact that your brain is damaged and incapable of concocting basic words, why not simply use a spellcheck program?


taht commnt and ons by othres taht were also angry ovre his remrk were deletd by chuckievi in ths thread:




extrmely classy to emphsise somones medicl condition rathre thn stay tlking abuot the debat

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Let's just look at the Points Page. I'm pretty sure I won't exclude older members...


Tina, Tress (?), TMD, Locke, Talya, Ed, Al Jenn Mael, Song, Wombat, Lessa.


There might be a few more, but those are here so little I don't know them... I have also not yet seen Locke, Talya, Song, Wombat and Lessa after I returned. Well, maybe Wombat on the Light Board, I'm not sure.

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