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Points to give!!!!

Moon Sedai

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Don't use insults in front of me. Saying insults is bad *nod nod*


You want to call me names? Fine. Keep calling. I don't lose anything, just you keep wasting your time.

  On 10/29/2012 at 8:09 AM, dapianoplay3r said:



Im sorry I coughed


Points slut


The term slut is highly offensive and misogynistic. please change it to something non-gender specific.


Also, Dapiano, you're a staff member of Shayol Ghul, don't initiate personal attacks.


Sorry i didnt realise it would offend. Ill change it now


Also this wasn't meant to be a personal attack. If someone is chasing points then its something ive always seen done and have done. Ill try think of a better word

  • Club Leader

This is Shayol Ghul. There's going to be a certain amount of insulting going on here. I'll back Canuk on the misogynism, though.


anything that's not based on ethnicity, gender, relationship orientation.


invent your own. i use 'doorknob' instead of retard


a point 'hound' would work as much as 'addict'

  On 11/1/2012 at 4:12 AM, Ahmoondah Sedai said:

Is it cause you are a hound?

That took me a while to get. :tongue: In all seriousness though, thank you for doing it. :smile:


Actually I was feeling honoured that a staff member has nothing better to do than calling a new member names. I must be really important to make a staff member go down to insults :tongue: But when anyone insults me I become a second-grader according to some people in RL.


And better insult me to my face than behind.


I object to all this "point slut is misogynistic" bull.



I am the 2010 and 2011 Ghoulies Point Slut Winner.



And I plan on winning that again for 2012.



SO, get out my way, kids!





Also, Panchi, seriously? This is Shayol Ghul. We live to insult new people. Have to weed out the ones that can't handle it.


I knew I got that from somewhere!


But in all honestly I dont think I was too mean. However I can see how that might offend so ill try not to use it


I will still be mean though. Unless you amuse me. Then I throw out points

(a making it rain joke would be very misogynistic at this point I take it?)


I only took offence at the word used. I have no problems with insults. My friends say those all the time but it was the choice of word.


I would amuse you.


World's shortest joke- A student studying silently in class without teacher.


You can call me clown since I go on amusing everyone.


Panchi, dear, you must revel in the insults, and the words.



They call me Point Slut and Point Whore, and I win a Ghoulie two years in a row for it. Also won "Most Needy" because of it as well.



Enjoy yourself!

  On 11/1/2012 at 12:15 PM, Christine said:

Panchi, dear, you must revel in the insults, and the words.



They call me Point Slut and Point Whore, and I win a Ghoulie two years in a row for it. Also won "Most Needy" because of it as well.



Enjoy yourself!


Too bad that you're not the point slut anymore. :baalzamon: *ahem* NB hat trick :tongue:


See how can you not call him a points whore. Ive seen him do things for poibts that are just sad


Honnestly rand you take points off so many people you must have caught something by now


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