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Intro to RP (October '12 WT) - Lesson Four (RP TIME!)


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Lesson Four: Planning and Executing An RP


In this lesson, I will put you into groups or pairs and we will head to Revolution One to RP. I have posted all of your bios HERE so that you can learn a bit about your writing partners. Please take the time to read the bios of those you are grouped with before starting your RP.


Planning an RP takes a bit of organization, especially if it is a large scale RP. All RPs should have a basic idea behind them, even if it is a loose idea for an Open RP.


When planning an RP of any sort, it is a good idea to ask the basic questions: Who, What, Where, When, How and Why.


Who: Who will be participating in the RP? Will it be an open RP, participants you select yourself, or will you be posting signups for it (as a Major RP would do). For the purposes of your class RP, you’d be doing a small/closed RP with pre-selected participants.


What: What is the basic premise of your idea? To coin a Monty Python phrase..."What is your quest?" Perhaps it is something serious and dramatic, or perhaps it is just to get a few drinks at a Tar Valon pub.


Where: Where will the RP be taking place? Which boards will you be using to post your RP on? Where in the world of Randland will your characters be doing this RP? While for this class, we’ll be using the Revolution One board for all RPs, the PSW has specific RP boards for each “Region” of the world- North, South, East, West, etc. Be sure to familiarize yourself with these boards so you know which one is right for the area your RPs are set in.


When: When is your RP set? Is it a retroactive RP set in the past, or is it in the current timeline? What time of day is it? How will people know when to post to the thread (especially important to think about in major RPs--you sometimes need to assign a “coordinator” to prompt members that lag behind in posting.)


How: How will the RP fall out? Are there certain methods the RPers will have to use to achieve their goals?


Why: What is the purpose or significance of your RP? Is it to fulfill a raising requirement? Is it to be a character development RP? Is it going to be a main plotline RP?


If you are planning an RP out with others, it is smart to discuss it through email, PM or by starting a planning thread on the RP Planning board. Revolution One (where we will be RPing for this class) has its own planning board HERE. The PSW also has a planning board, so if you join the PSW you can use THIS board to plan RPs if you desire.


You should address all of the questions listed above, and keep your thoughts organized.


Here is an example of a major RP planning thread: Bowl of Winds Outline


In that example, the outline has already been written and approved, but you can get an idea of the kind of organization that Major RPs take. Now you don't need to be that in depth with your RP planning, but a few of the techniques used in that thread are useful to get in the habit of:


Link to the bios of the players. By having easily accessible links to the Bios somewhere, all people involved in the RP can read the bios of the people they are playing with to make the RP more realistic.


Plot Timeline. Have at least a general timeline of what will go down when in the RP.


Who's turn is it? Know what people are supposed to be posting to the RP and when, so that if somebody needs reminding it can be taken care of without the RP stalling out.


Most RPs will have somebody that is generally considered the organizer of the RP, and that person is usually the one responsible for keeping the RP moving and preventing a stall out. If you are that person, try to do your best to poke the participants along if it is needed.


Grouping Up for RP on Rev One


Ok, here are the pairings for RP on Revolution One. Please make sure to review your partner(s) bios first in this thread.


Daruya: Emarys Toveya, White Tower is paired with

blank: Leysade Turund, White Tower


_CLOUD: Qual, Band of the Red Hand is paired with

Leala: Aldeyza Imon, Wolfkin


Wildfire: Shaia Trakand, Wolfkin is paired with

Cyan: Maud Risath, Darkfriend


Valeria: Valeria Alterra, White Tower is paired with

Misheru: Edena Rhoswani, White Tower


Lenlo: Oren Rennal, Warders is paired with

Sakaea: Re’ara Atarin, Warders


Fnorrll: Jayel Aledrid, Freelanders is paired with

Wolfbrother: Jace Maren, Wolfkin


Panchi: Jendha of the Shaido Aiel is paired with

Me! (as I thought it would be tough to find a reason for her to be in the wetlands where the others are).


In addition to your pairings, I can play any part you guys need me to in your RPs.


What you need to do now is plan out your RP. I am sending PMs to each of you, copying your writing partners in the conversation as well as myself. Please plan your RP out in this PM conversation.


Refer back to lesson three and the common types of RP, as well as my useful links to writing prompts and RP ideas you can adapt.


Your homework is to loosely plan an RP in the PMs I make for you, then start your RPs on the Rev One RP Board.


There will be a very basic requirement of 3 posts each at 250 words a post, or 750 words total for your character in the thread. You are welcome to go beyond that if you want. ^^


Please post here if you have any questions, and reply here with Links to your RP threads when you have them started.






Question....Let's say my character is going to do something...like...shoot an arrow at an animal or something...how is success determined. Having done a lot of table top RP (i.e. D & D) those things are determined by the rolling of dice. How are those things determined here?


I'd say it's up to you if it's at an animal. But if it's at another character, you'd need to plan with their player.


You determine through your story writing if he succeeds or not. This even extends to fights with non players you make up for your RP like a random white cloak you meet on a road. If it isn't played by another real person, it is fair game.


I dunno if Claire is ok with this but... If any of you require a Storm Leader or a Blue or a Head of Yellows to RP, I'm happy to join in since it's Revolution One. Their Bios are here:


Skechid, Storm Leader: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/45199-returning-bt-bio-for-skechid-teobon-no-cc/page__hl__%2Bskechid

Camigwen. Head of Yellow Ajah: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/48814-approved-wt-bio-for-camigwen-klatsang-marivin-full-character-cced-by-fl/page__hl__+camigwen#entry1546268

Regalia, Blue Sister: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/46275-approved-white-tower-bio-for-ishara-tolen-ccd-by-bt/page__hl__+regalia#entry1415562


Happy to help out if you need me.


*grins* SO EXCITING! Let's hope you guys make it over to the main RP someday. The Black Tower WELCOMES YOU! And your pets, friends, lovers, "roommates". Anyone, really.


I'm not sure how much I'll get done today. *sigh* The server my work computer is on is "experiencing difficulties" and even just opening an e-mail or navigating to a web page takes an interminable amount of time. *headdesk* Once I got to DM, it took awhile to even open this thread . . . :dry:


I'm excited! Once I finish this lesson, I can get my little novice to Accepted! xD


A note to everyone: the WT RP Group may be offering credit for this class as well, so if any of you choose to join the WT RP, please include that you took this class as a note on your bio. :)


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