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Welcome to the Band Cloud!!!


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Yay!! I love new victims members!!! Welcome to the Band of the Red Hand!!! I hope you enjoy your time here and I'm sure everyone is looking forward to getting to know you better! I'm Katiora, the Undercommander and second in command! Jea, our illustrious, awesome, beautiful leader will be along soon to welcome you! As well as Dice our Executive Officer who you will be reporting to during your Raw Recruit time! You've come at a very exciting time for the Band!! We're going through some changes so please bear with us! Feel free to post anywhere you can see on here. You can go get some free drinks at the Pink Loincloth and we have some music threads going on, so please join in!! If you have any questions please feel free to post them here or PM any of the Senior Staff, we don't bite (much) :biggrin: *hands cloud a special UC brew* Don't drink it too fast :wink:

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Yay! More newbies! I will get it so you can see all the cool stuffs as soon as possible! For now, enjoy hanging out in the parts currently visible to you!


Btw, I'm Jea, the leader/ruler/person in charge around here, so you best be nice to me :wink:

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