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Heart's FB Nerd Humor

Aiel Heart

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This all started because I wanted to find the spider related posts on my wall in the last few months.


Then I kept noticing things and thinking about how people here would like them


Sooooo Heart isn't going to get enough sleep again for an even sillier reason than usual









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This all started because I wanted to find the spider related posts on my wall in the last few months.


Then I kept noticing things and thinking about how people here would like them


Sooooo Heart isn't going to get enough sleep again for an even sillier reason than usual






I do this a lot. I dislike reducing things to their simplest elements, like "light is just a waveform pattern" or "a noun is a word that you can attach /s/ or /'s/ to." I've been trying to repersonalize the world for while, so instead of reducing, I magnify. Light provides illumination and I have a hard time accepting that a thing which illuminates is "just a" whatever. Or, a noun is a name we give to phenomena which appear before us - I dislike reducing a word to it's barest element of grammatical rules but try to recognize that words with significant meaning are used to describe and categorize Things we perceive and interact with. All sensation is filtered through perception but what is it outside of our bodies? What is it at all? Magnificent, that's what. And more than just a thing you can attach an apostrophe-S to.


So there you have it.


But here's a cute picture of teddy bear.



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