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Welcome to the Band WolfbrotherKronos!!!!


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Howdy and welcome to the Band of the Red Hand!! You made a marvelous choice joining us!!! I'm Katiora the Undercommander (2iC) and we're glad to have you with us! Jea, our illustrious MG should be by soon to welcome you, as well as Dice, our XO who is in charge of Raw Recruits. He's a pretty nice guy, just watch out for Bunyan, his horse... He has a serious drinking problem and likes to bite >.> <.< Your permissions should be set up in a few days, but until then, feel free to post around in here!! We have a few book discussions going on, and you should go by and get a few drinks at the Pink Loincloth :wink: Also, if you have any questions feel free to post them here or shoot me, dice or Jea a message!!! Most importantly, HAVE FUN!!! *hands a few special UC Brews to get the newest RR started off right* :biggrin:

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And many musical discussions you will find!


Welcome welcome! I'm Jea, the leader of this big place. I'm working on getting some more musicy threads back in place and also getting the Band to have some book discussions, so have a great time roaming around and soon you will see lots more boards!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would say that I am a little late to the party, but we all know the party doesn't start till I arrive!



*offers WBK a beer*



Welcome to the Band! You always know the Infantry are here for you if need be, recruit! ;)


Tis true :laugh: (btw I just figure out how to do that emoticon in my phone and am now overusing it :laugh:) *takes the offered beer and begins todrink*

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