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Red Ajah Autumn Festival Second Annual Snugglebite Booth

Moon Sedai

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Welcome to the Red Ajah’s Autumn Fair Snugglebiting Booth!

The Red Ajah is infamous for our Snugglebiting abilities. Each and every Red learns to snugglebite without spilling a drop of blood.


Most of the time, we Reds snugglebite freely. This week, for the Autumn Fair, we’ve decided to bring snugglebiting out of the Red Halls and the Phoenix Lounge to the rest of the Tower.


However, just like last year, snugglebites do not come free. Just like paying for kisses at a kissing booth, we will require a form of payment. You may pay in any number of ways: Servitude, ego stroking, and pampering are excellent forms of payments. If you contribute to the White Tower, you can earn extra snugglebites. (This is something like posting a thread in the Warders or one of the Ajahs).

To collect your snugglebites, post a link to the payment you are offering.

If you can’t think of a good offering, ask one of the Reds what we will accept, we will all be happy to assign a task.

Be sure to follow all the rules of the White Tower boards. If one Ajah has said they don’t like spam, then do not spam. If a Higher Ranking member tells you to stop, then stop. Please keep all threads for payment within the White Tower.


Most of all, have a good time!


I think it should become a tradition. We will see how many of these annual snugglebite booths I can earn a snugglebite from all of the reds.


But this time, you all have to actually pay up afterwards! :dry:


*pushes to the front of the line*




I will let Elgee shred all of Christine's stockings! *puts a bag of stockings onto the counter*


And I have a pink-repelling charm that Myst can put on her office walls. *scrawls her name on the promisorry note for the spell*


Since Myst is on LoA, I'll give you a small snugglebite to tide you over.

*snugglebutes Dar*


Snarly, what do you propose to do that is so epic that you get snugglebites from all of us?

  On 10/9/2012 at 6:47 PM, Sunrise Lord said:

I sent you all to the resort and spa...


Bad form to claim that back now old boy :tongue:


Moon. Set me a challenge. See it done. Thats how things work around here.


Snarly is right, Sunny. Do something new.


Now, for Snarly....

Give us a post in the Reds about how wonderful your Bonded is, but also include mention of how awesome the rest of us are.


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