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September Check in chatter


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Triumphe! ... This is the month our local SCA group hosts our primary event every year (Mooneschadowe's Triumphe of the Eclipse is the name of the event). So September is a month of medieval preparations, the event, friends and feasting. This past weekend Lyliann and I served up a Russian feast for 150 people!


Oh, and I think of cool weather. Because it finally dropped into the 50s-low 80s! It's no longer 110+! And it was cloudy all weekend. It was beautiful!


OMG! I'm in California. Am I close?

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OMG! I'm in California. Am I close?


Alas not at all close to me personally. I'm out in Oklahoma. But there are SCA groups in California! So I am sure there are lots of folks somewhere near you hosting events with fabulous feasts too! The SCA started in California.



From what I can tell, you are either in the West Kingdom or the Kingdom of Caid (see list) depending on which part of California you hail from. :smile:

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OMG! I'm in California. Am I close?


Alas not at all close to me personally. I'm out in Oklahoma. But there are SCA groups in California! So I am sure there are lots of folks somewhere near you hosting events with fabulous feasts too! The SCA started in California.



From what I can tell, you are either in the West Kingdom or the Kingdom of Caid (see list) depending on which part of California you hail from. :smile:


Thank you! This is so great! I want to check them out after I recover from surgery. My oldest son is 22 and youngest is 15. I'm now having more time for myself and my own interests.

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Thank you! This is so great! I want to check them out after I recover from surgery. My oldest son is 22 and youngest is 15. I'm now having more time for myself and my own interests.


*Grins* You're welcome! I hope you find a great local group to come and enjoy time with.


Also, we are a family-friendly society, with plenty of things for teens and kids to do as well if your younger is at all interested. My son is seven and my niece is thirteen, and they have a blast.

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Thank you! This is so great! I want to check them out after I recover from surgery. My oldest son is 22 and youngest is 15. I'm now having more time for myself and my own interests.


*Grins* You're welcome! I hope you find a great local group to come and enjoy time with.


Also, we are a family-friendly society, with plenty of things for teens and kids to do as well if your younger is at all interested. My son is seven and my niece is thirteen, and they have a blast.


Great to hear! I checked it out and I will be joining as soon as my health permits. I know my son would love it. He also wants to participate in the Civil War re-enactment next year.

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Just letting you know that I split this conversation off and we can keep on chattering here! I just need the number of replies to the sign in to represent the number of people who responded. :)


So, lots of SCA folks around, huh?

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