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After A Memory of Light...


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I would love to see a series following Mat and Tuon to Seanchan to take the throne back for Tuon. Has there been any talk of this?


I would love to see a series following Mat and Tuon to Seanchan to take the throne back for Tuon. Has there been any talk of this?


That is what the outriggers were to be about. The other planned books were...




Robert Jordan planned to write a total of three short (for him) novels to complement the Wheel of Time main chronology, the first being New Spring. The second prequel was to be the story of how Tam al'Thor found baby Rand on Dragonmount and returned to the Two Rivers. The third was to be the story of how Moiraine and Lan arrived at the Two Rivers just in the nick of time.


Outrigger Novels

In addition to the main chronology and the three prequel novellas, Robert Jordan said that he had an idea that might lead to another two or three novels set in the Wheel of Time world. These would be "outrigger" stories, not a part of the main storyline. He said he had to think about them and flesh out the idea for a couple of years before deciding whether or not they would be worth writing. Later, in his blog, he hinted that the story would be about Mat and Tuon in Seanchan after the Last Battle.


Brandon Sanderson said that this was definitavely his last book to write with the Wheel of Time and that the series needed to be laid to rest. I believe Jordan's wife/editor (is it his wife? not sure about their relationship) has said this is it for WoT as well.


This is Jordan's baby and I'd hate for it to get continued by other authors who don't share his vision. I'm just happy the main series had enough notes to be completed.


You can see a distinct change in the way Brandon has been talking about he outriggers. He used to say he wouldn't want anyone else doing them, so although it was up to Harriet, he's willing. Lately, he only says it's very unlikely, or even not the best way to respect RJ's legacy. So no, I don't think we'll see them, and that's probably a good thing.


Any notes on these outriggers and prequels is likely very sparse, if anything more than just a line or two about the overall goal of the book, I would guess. As said, more recently, speculation that these books would be written has been pretty much put to rest. While it is important to finish Jordan's main concept, something that Jordan himself wanted, going further would be turning the Wheel of Time into a shared world between two authors. That goes further than what Jordan would have wanted.


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