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[Official] Lord of the Rings Thread


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tolkien's women are madonnas. he didn't understand women any more than his BFF CS Lewis.


but they're still better books.


Not many men understand women to be fair


he had a really special kind of ignorance.


and.... i've never noticed a lot of that kind of ignorance but i don't understand men myself.

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tolkien's women are madonnas. he didn't understand women any more than his BFF CS Lewis.


but they're still better books.


Not many men understand women to be fair


he had a really special kind of ignorance.


and.... i've never noticed a lot of that kind of ignorance but i don't understand men myself.


I wasn't being entirely serious


Its a valid criticism of Tolkien, but to make out the Robert Jordan was much better is a mistake imo

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tolkien's women are madonnas. he didn't understand women any more than his BFF CS Lewis.


but they're still better books.


Not many men understand women to be fair


he had a really special kind of ignorance.


and.... i've never noticed a lot of that kind of ignorance but i don't understand men myself.


I wasn't being entirely serious


Its a valid criticism of Tolkien, but to make out the Robert Jordan was much better is a mistake imo


i don't think he was, he just knew what he liked and put lots of it in the books.

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