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[Official] Lord of the Rings Thread


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interesting how the big bad in LotR is almost completely offscreen, as he is in WoT. though.... lot of things lifted from LotR for WoT.


The Eye of the World is practically a homage to Tolkien, the thing that stood out to me was when Rand and co reach Taren Ferry (I think? Memory of WoT is hazy...) and the similarity in reactions to the hobbits reaching Bree

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There's definitely similarities, but once you put the scope of the Silmarillion into things, a lot of the parallels drop off pretty quick. Sauron isn't the 'big bad' compared to Morgoth, etc.


The beginning of the story is definitely similar... but then I think Jordan completely surpasses Tolkien in writing style, depth, action and so forth.


Call me nuts, but I'd take WoT over LoTR any day

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There's definitely similarities, but once you put the scope of the Silmarillion into things, a lot of the parallels drop off pretty quick. Sauron isn't the 'big bad' compared to Morgoth, etc.


The beginning of the story is definitely similar... but then I think Jordan completely surpasses Tolkien in writing style, depth, action and so forth.


Call me nuts, but I'd take WoT over LoTR any day


I am calling you nuts :tongue:

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Women characters are non existant in LotR.


WOT has the best women in fantasy lit.


The confessor in the sword of truth and the read leather gals were cool and strong women, but cant beat RJ.


They are scarce, yes, but not non existent. Arwen and Galadriel are both cracking characters

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Eowyn's quite good too, plus I forgot Luthien and no doubt a couple more. Also I'd say WoT females are more prone to irritating foibles (*tugs braid*) than Tolkien's. Still overall, WoT has a stronger female cast, all I'm saying is to say LotR's is 'non existent' is a bit much

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