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Hey guys!


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  • Club Leader

Hey guys! We really need everyone to sign in the roll call. That's how the admins know how we're doing as an SG. And we are one of the smallest ones, as far as active members, so it's really important here. Plus it will keep you from being purged when we do purges. So, the Dark One has compulsed you - go forth and sign!

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don't just assume you've signed in. Go check the thread, look to see if you've signed in already, and if you haven't, then do it.


>.> I'm innocent well I guess nobody here is innocent but you get my point :P


and Rand I just saw Moon's post like 2 minutes ago lol

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the easiest way to check if you have posted in a thread is to see if there is a star or a circle showing next to the thread title.

If there is a star, (black star for a thread with new posts, light grey for a read thread), you have posted in that thread. If there is a circle, (only in unread threads), you have not posted in that thread.

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