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Well, I had an MRI yesterday. I need surgery. I'm waiting on the neurosurgeon. I have spinal stenosis..... It's narrowing of the spine. If nothing is done, I would be eventually be paralyzed. I also have a disc that need to be removed. Good news, is that it's not a difficult surgery and the pain will be gone and yes, I will still be able to walk. The doctor took me off work tomorrow until whenever I am healed. While I love my job, it's very stressful and it was difficult for me to cover three counties. I should also be around here more!

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I'm always at a loss to respond to these without feeling trite (not that feeling trite is the biggest issue on the table :rolleyes: ).


Really glad to hear that the operation is simple enough and will prevent any paralyzation.


All the best continued fortune. :smile:

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I'm always at a loss to respond to these without feeling trite (not that feeling trite is the biggest issue on the table :rolleyes: ).


Really glad to hear that the operation is simple enough and will prevent any paralyzation.


All the best continued fortune. :smile:



Oh, thank you! It's really not that difficult of an operation or recovery and it will take away the nerve pain.


I have a private disability policy that kicks in after one month and I have an employed husband so I'm good on that end. I just have to wait to get an appointment and then a surgery date. After that it could be 2-3 months recovery.


I really love my job. I provide case management services to people with developmental disabilities and many have psychiatric issues as well. I love my co-workers and my new supervisor. It's a good situation. On the other hand, I have been doing this for years and a break, even this kind, will give me a chance to take a breather.

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My Dad had a similar surgery and his back is a million times better. *hugs* I'm glad they figured out what to do to fix it! And I know you need a bit of a break, too! Hopefully recovery will be swift and you'll get some relaxation in, too!

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My Dad had a similar surgery and his back is a million times better. *hugs* I'm glad they figured out what to do to fix it! And I know you need a bit of a break, too! Hopefully recovery will be swift and you'll get some relaxation in, too!



I am so glad to hear your dad did well. I hope it goes the same for me. I'm a go, go, go, type of person so it will be kind of hard.

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It was for him, too . We had to replace a garage door just after he started physical therapy. He had to sit and watch my brother and I do all the work. Just about killed him!


Lol. I want to call my co-workers and tell them what to do for my clients.


I'm also going to read, read and read some more. I'll probably take some of the warm water exercise classes at the gym.

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I wish you the best, Ryrin! Spinal surgeries are a rough thing to endure but if it's for the best, then so be it. My kid sister had her spine fused and straightened after it had developed two forty-five degree curves. She's completely recovered now but the first few months after the surgery were a hard ordeal.


Keep us informed!

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Here's hoping everything runs smoothly, Ryrin! 3 inches doesn't sound like much until it's cut. They heal pretty quickly, though. So, happy thoughts!


Ok, I didn't go to work today, sad but relaxed. I had to go to DMV for my husband's registration for his car. It's amazing how fast you get in and out when you have a cane and wobble a little bit.

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I'm glad that you're relaxed, hopefully it wasn't too difficult of a trip... Don't really know what to say, I'm very sorry.


Oh, I'll be ok... just out for a little while. I see the neurosurgeon tomorrow.

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Appointment went good but I need cardiac clearance and I need to see a hematologist. Unfortunately, my EKG was slightly abnormal so next week I have to have an echo- cardiogram and a chemical stress test. I need to have the surgery soon.

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I hope everything's ok! *hugs long distance*


If these tests come back clean, have they talked about how long a wait you'll have before surgery is scheduled?


Heart stuff going on tomorrow. I know the Dr wants to do surgery ASAP.

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That sounds pretty rotten! So the new cardio doctor appt... is it a meet & greet or are they going to do the EKG, etc for you?


I think they will do another. Appt on Monday at 1:45pm.

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Well, here's hoping this cardio is a better fit for you! *hugs*


Yeah, me too and I'm still trying to get the neurosurgeon's office to fill out my disability forms. I have a state claim and a private policy which does me no good if I can't send the paper work in. I've been off 3 weeks.

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