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Good news, I got the disability papers today. I was really stressed (no checks since 8/17) and my husband has a good job but I have lots of medicine and doctor co-pays plus my son is starting his orthodontic treatment and I have to put $475.00 down. He had 4 teeth pulled out about a week and a half ago.


I saw the new cardiologist today. I really liked him and had an EKG. Tomorrow I have an echocardiogram and on Thursday a chemical stress test and a test where they put a little radioactive stuff in an IV and watch it go thru your heart. I have to do all of this before I can have surgery on my back. Still waiting to get an appt with a hematologist.

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you had me nervous at "IV." I hate needles!

you had me nervous at "IV." I hate needles!


Lol, it was a kid sized I.V. Unfortunately, that didn't turn out so well either. I'm sure if it was terrible they would have told me but I need to go back tomorrow for another I.V. with radioactive stuff in it and more scans. I meet with the cardiologist on Tuesday and the hematologist on Monday.

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I've only had two IV's that I remember, both times were when I was having a C-section. The first time, the nurse looked at me and said, "I'm really not very good at this," while holding that freakin' huge needle at my arm. Talk about warm fuzzies! I looked the other way and did my best to focus on the girl reading me paperwork so I could sign it. Since it was my first one, I took the pain as normal, since I've never heard of anyone NOT being in pain while they put an IV in. When she was finished, there were thick streaks of blood under the tape (that she couldn't clean up because she'd put the tape on top of it) and it was right in the bend of my wrist. So every time I picked up the baby, the damned needled scratched my wrist bone. HURT LIKE (%$%($%!!! The second time hurt a lot less, but the meds made me jumpy. I didn't realize they were giving me something to stop contractions because I didn't even realize I was having contractions. They told me to rest, which was pretty funny, because I couldn't close my eyes and settle down without muscle spasms keeping me awake. They piled blankets on because I was cold and that didn't help, either. *sighs* That wasn't the needle's fault, but oddly enough the IV didn't hurt nearly as much that time. It was in the back of my hand, though, so maybe that's why??


Ah, well, anyway. I hope your treatment tomorrow goes well and everything is clear so they can schedule your surgery!!! *crosses her fingers tight*

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I've only had two IV's that I remember, both times were when I was having a C-section. The first time, the nurse looked at me and said, "I'm really not very good at this," while holding that freakin' huge needle at my arm. Talk about warm fuzzies! I looked the other way and did my best to focus on the girl reading me paperwork so I could sign it. Since it was my first one, I took the pain as normal, since I've never heard of anyone NOT being in pain while they put an IV in. When she was finished, there were thick streaks of blood under the tape (that she couldn't clean up because she'd put the tape on top of it) and it was right in the bend of my wrist. So every time I picked up the baby, the damned needled scratched my wrist bone. HURT LIKE (%$%($%!!! The second time hurt a lot less, but the meds made me jumpy. I didn't realize they were giving me something to stop contractions because I didn't even realize I was having contractions. They told me to rest, which was pretty funny, because I couldn't close my eyes and settle down without muscle spasms keeping me awake. They piled blankets on because I was cold and that didn't help, either. *sighs* That wasn't the needle's fault, but oddly enough the IV didn't hurt nearly as much that time. It was in the back of my hand, though, so maybe that's why??


Ah, well, anyway. I hope your treatment tomorrow goes well and everything is clear so they can schedule your surgery!!! *crosses her fingers tight*


Well, I was mistaken. They just injected radioactive stuff in a vein. Lol.

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Oh, fun! Don't you love it when your kids share EVERYTHING?



I'm actually getting depressed. Saw the hematologist today and what he will do, depends on when the cardiologist clears me and then his conversation my neurologist and no, I am not 80 years old. I just have an inherited genetic blood clotting disorder otherwise this would be simple.

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Ok, got cleared by the cardiologist. Now the hematologist needs to speak with the neurologist, I should be good to go in a couple of weeks. My cold did not turn into bronchitis (like it does 99.9% of the time.) Blessed.

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Ok I responded via phone the other day, but apparently the net lizards ate it!


Yay for getting cleared by the cardio!

Yay for not turning into bronchitis (which would've made this all so much more fun *coughcoughnotcoughcough*)!!


So, how long will it take for the other two docs to get together over coffee and can I send them some to speed the process along?

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Ok I responded via phone the other day, but apparently the net lizards ate it!


Yay for getting cleared by the cardio!

Yay for not turning into bronchitis (which would've made this all so much more fun *coughcoughnotcoughcough*)!!


So, how long will it take for the other two docs to get together over coffee and can I send them some to speed the process along?


The cardiologist sent a letter off to all the others. I'm going to follow up on Monday.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's a total nightmare. I had labs as instructed this morning. Called the doctors office in the afternoon. They didn't know I got my labs that morning even though I told them I would. More labs tomorrow regarding bleeding time. Insurance still had not authorized. I called them myself and advised that I'm off blood thinners for a week and will need to be off them another week if they don't authorize tomorrow..... risking a TIA.

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