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Novice/Algai Quarters

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Hi Kepan, nice to see ya here! And, I'm sure Lor (the Mistress of Novices) will contact you soon! Until then....*hands Kepan a plate of her extra special chocolate fudge brownies and a few pillow bombs while muttering to herself about making an agreal for pillow bombs like the one she has for brownies* That should help keep ya busy! :) Oh, and do join in the mischief! We all love to have it around here, so, it'll be hard to escape, lol!


Chili! Hey, nice to see you here! :) And with a giant pie gun too? Wow....well...you all have fun, I'll join in later....after I play my flute solo at State Friday and after I'm done studying for tomorrow's history test....:)

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Oh how very true that is concerning little brothers, lol! I'm doing good....off to Columbia, MO to play my flute solo at State...wish me luck! :) And...we didn't have school yesterday because it was take your child to work day and I'm not going to be at school for all but one hour today because I'm going to State! :) So...I've got two tests to make up on Monday and a couple extra days to study! :D

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I have 3. Two younger and one older. The oldest one annoyed me the worst. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't beat him at anything! Except brain stuff. I have the bestest brain! :D All my brothers are idiots!


*hands Jea a polishing cloth*


Good luck, hon! Polish up that flute so it's nice and shiny! I always played better when my instrument looked pretty. :wink: You'll do excellent! You couldn't do otherwise, you over-achiever, you!


*sits back and waits for Jea to bring home another 1*

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ooh, a new polishing cloth! I've been needing one of those, lol! :) Well, in my opinion I did quite well on my solo, wasn't my best run through of it, but it was good....but apparently the judge did not. She had me play the two hardest movements.....the third one, which is by far the hardest song I have ever played in a solo performance, is basically all fingering technique....from low register to high register and so much stuff....the first movement is pretty, but I rushed all my sixteenth notes. But overall, I give myself a 2 in place of the judges idiotic three...:) lol! Of course, when I started there were still people coming into the room when there shouldn't have been. So, that kinda threw me off and made me forgot to say my name.... :oops: Oh well....in my opinion, I should've gotten a 2...which a 2 at State for a Sophomore in HS is quite an accomplishment! :D But at least I made it to State, thats what counts the most right now!


And...I'm the oldest in my family and have a younger brother and sister....the other day before I left my last words to them were, "Please don't kill each other and stop arguing!" lol! No joke....they argue day in and day out and I get SO sick of it!

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I bet you do.....but the aggravation caused by a bad judge is worse....trust me, judges can be so annoying sometimes...especially when they have you play the two harder movements in the three movement piece....I might have pulled off a one if the judge had let me play the second movement....*grumbles*

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