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Dark Knight Rises

RandA lThor

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My thoughts.


I thought it was an amazing ending to the trilogy. Wasn't quite so sure why they left so much room for more movies when Nolan said he was done, but I guess it works. Still, though Hathaway was a great catwoman, and if I hadn't already known Talia al Goul was a villian, I'd have been shocked when she knifes Batman. Still, the ending seeing him in Italy with Catwoman was awesome. Caine's performance kinda stole the show at times. Great movie


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My thoughts on this movie: the first half was not as good as the first two movies, it was a little slow, but it was building up. I loved the second half though, one of the best movie experiences I have had. Also, loved how they handled Robin, making it more like him continuting Batman instead of being a kid sidekick. Also loved the ending of the movie actually, loved fight scenes, and like the characters.

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