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um, Hi?

El Barto 227

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i'm a new fan of the Wheel of Time, i've been reading the books over the last two months. i'm currently up to Knife of Dreams.

i am 15yrs old, and i live in australia. i've always been a huge bookworm, especially when it comes to sci-fi and fantasy genres, i also enjoy gaming quite a lot.

i like forums alot, so expect to see me popping out in random places and generally being a pest active.

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I'm an old fan to the Wheel of Time series, and I'm doing a reread! On the sixth book now.


We have lots of Australians around here, and lots of sci fi and fantasy fans. And, of course, the gaming.


I hope you find that you fit in a lot around here! There is lots to do!



And, you can't be a pest! I'm sure you'll just be very spammish, and we have lots of those too!

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Hey Barto, welcome to DM! If you like discussing general wheel of time ideas for the last book, you can check out the general wheel of time discussion boards. Also, on the general discussion board, you can debate real life issues, spam and play mafia games. You can join the social groups to play more games, meet people, and have fun. Also, if you like RPing, you should check out the RP boards. And you can also wait for Dice, my master, who is Australian.

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You think?! Oh, you are in trouble, Rand.


Welcome, Barto! I definitely second the suggestion to check out the Social Group area. Each of the groups has a bit of a different focus and a different atmosphere, and you are welcome to join as many as suit you.


But if you are a bit nuts, and like to spam, the Black Tower is where you belong. Just sayin' :wink:


Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2

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Welcome to DM!!! And watch out for your countrymen.. I figure one will be along shortly (his name is dicetosser be wary...) :wink:


And while you're pestering, be sure to stop by the Band of the Red Hand, the White Tower, and the Wolfkin :laugh:

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Woop woop, another young Aussie!!! I love it! We're flooding this place!


I'm BB, your friendly neighbourhood muso. :p


Whereabouts are ya? As I remember off the top of my head, you've got me and Starrik from QLD, and Dice and Amadine from NSW... Yeah, watch out for that Dice guy, he's just sore cause the blues lost Origin. XD *uses Bunyan as a shield so Dice doesn't attack her when he arrives on this thread, if ever*


Definitely join both SG and RP sides-they're great. The RP side is in need of some more active players, so definitely join up!


As for the different social groups, the ones I remember: the Band is focussed on travel and music, Wolfkin on nature and the Ogier on...architecture and books? I should know this...something like that, but it doesn't reaaaally matter, everyone is very welcoming, and it's easy to get to know them no matter where you are. :)


Welcome, I hope you have a great time!!

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Woop woop, another young Aussie!!! I love it! We're flooding this place!


I'm BB, your friendly neighbourhood muso. :p


Whereabouts are ya? As I remember off the top of my head, you've got me and Starrik from QLD, and Dice and Amadine from NSW... Yeah, watch out for that Dice guy, he's just sore cause the blues lost Origin. XD *uses Bunyan as a shield so Dice doesn't attack her when he arrives on this thread, if ever*


Definitely join both SG and RP sides-they're great. The RP side is in need of some more active players, so definitely join up!


As for the different social groups, the ones I remember: the Band is focussed on travel and music, Wolfkin on nature and the Ogier on...architecture and books? I should know this...something like that, but it doesn't reaaaally matter, everyone is very welcoming, and it's easy to get to know them no matter where you are. :)


Welcome, I hope you have a great time!!

i just got accepted into the Black Tower, along with a plate of brownies!

i'm in QLD. i'm applying for SG atm. and working on creating an RP character.

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Oooh BB you forgot to mention that this is most definitely the seventh year in a row that they've lost, isn't it? Anyway, hi El Barto! Watch yourself in Shayol Ghul, I recently joined and there's some shady stuff going on there. If you want to help spam, help us reclaim the Blight from the clutches of Naked_Frog!

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BB, see you around!

Oooh BB you forgot to mention that this is most definitely the seventh year in a row that they've lost, isn't it? Anyway, hi El Barto! Watch yourself in Shayol Ghul, I recently joined and there's some shady stuff going on there. If you want to help spam, help us reclaim the Blight from the clutches of Naked_Frog!

challenge accepted?
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