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Welcome Ms_Fish - our newest Infantrymen!

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Welcome to the BotRH!! We are thrilled to have you here and hope you begin a life of wonderfulness here!


Tell us a little bit about yourself. Ask us some q's to get to know us!


An fyi for you - I'm Jea....short for Jeannaisais and am the current interim social group leader around here (the new leader will be decided by the end of the week!)


*hands the newbie an MG Brew*


Be careful not to spill that!

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Welcome to the Band!! I'm Katiora of the Cavalry! You can call me Kat or Kati or Katiora.. really I don't' care lol.. ANYWAY, I hope you have an awesome time here with us!! And if you have any questions feel free to ask! We're a pretty nice group and don't bite (much)!!!

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Welcome to the Band!! I'm Katiora of the Cavalry! You can call me Kat or Kati or Katiora.. really I don't' care lol.. ANYWAY, I hope you have an awesome time here with us!! And if you have any questions feel free to ask! We're a pretty nice group and don't bite (much)!!!


Hello! Nice to get such a warm welcome.


Welcome to the BotRH!! We are thrilled to have you here and hope you begin a life of wonderfulness here!


Tell us a little bit about yourself. Ask us some q's to get to know us!


An fyi for you - I'm Jea....short for Jeannaisais and am the current interim social group leader around here (the new leader will be decided by the end of the week!)


*hands the newbie an MG Brew*


Be careful not to spill that!


I am Australian and 14 and LOVE the wheel of time. I also have no idea what any of these acronyms mean. Great to be on board :)


What Kat said! :uno: ... Except don't call me Katiora or any derivative thereof! And not SHIRLEY .. never Shirley. Manny, Riva, Dawg, Cap'n, Skipper, that old bag o'dirt ... you pick'em :wink: I'll answer to most anything.


Hi Shirley, nice to meet you.


Hello Ms_Fish! Glad to have you in the Infants! :biggrin:


Infants? Haha such a good pun rofling right now. Thanks for the warm welcome!

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"Ms Fish is a fellow Aussie?? YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! welcome aboard !! "


hands her a shovel "that will be the main thing you use at the infantry!! gotta dig those latrines!!"



btw MG Brew = Marshall Generals Brew


BotRH = Band of the Red hand of course!!



but the only thing you really need to worry about is Jeas warning








if u do DL will swoop down and hand you a spotfine you dont want!



oh and im Dice from Sydney and Im a Cav (cavalry) member

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Correct! Spillage of Brew or ANY of it's derivatives (drinks "derived" from Brew, .. Flaming Shot's, Bandy, Guinfantry to name a few) is HIGHLY frowned upon in the Band and could have you digging a Latrine with a spoon or some other MORE distasteful activity.

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Welcome to the Band Fishy! :biggrin:


I've been a member here some time but keep forgetting to check into here...so I'm pretty much a newbie amongst the Cav too lol :P


O.o ...sooo.....many....Aussies on DM lately! *hides behind the Marmite jar and peers across the ditch*


(Not saying that's a bad thing! :wink: You guys are much more fun :P)


>.> Nobody heard nuffin'

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thats vegemite and its YUMO!!!!!!!!!!!


its also good for you tho strangely it is now banned in america because of one of its ingredients yet that same ingredient helps stave off heart disease go figure


Because America thrives from making money off of its health care industry...why else would our health care premiums so ridiculously high?

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