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Should There be an End


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Hey all


Yes, I am referring to the entire series. Should it end? Do we need a final book? I was thinking not some long time ago that I would probably fall into a multi-year funk were Jordan not to finish the series. As time has gone by, however, and people keep posting, debating, analysing, and flaming, and I keep reading, posting, debating, analysing and refraining from flaming, I have come to the conclusion that few will accept the end Jordan might furnish.


Now, I know he's a clever guy, and a not so bad writer, but I don't think Jordan can achieve a complete finale in one book. I don't know that I would like to read two or three more books of wrap up in any case, but I fear that the ending our admirable author will posit will might fail to satsify even a majority of the readers.


On the flip side, I almost don't care what happens to most of the characters. I want to see the end for Rand, and perhaps for Matt and Thom, but other than that, I am not truly concerend. The perhiphary has expanded to such an extent that I think I would feel about Tuon or even Perrin's death much like one would feel about hearing of an earthquake in Turkey: "Oh, that's a shame." Or perhaps like I would at receiving the knowledge of a high school peer winning the lottery: "That bastard." But that would be where my pathos would end.


No, at this point, I almost wish Jordan would start on something else. Just leave us hanging, gnashing our teeth at the sheer unfairness of it all and let us have our eleven books of speculation, argument, and postmodern, no knowledge is certain, malaise.


Well, that got a little more longwinded than I intended, but I do want to know what the rest of you think.




Got to end it. With the way he's got it set up, and the way he writes, the final book should be amazing. So many threads to tie, so many scenes I despreatly want to see, plus I want the feel of resolution. Even if it's only to most of the plots and not all. The idea of never getting to TG would just upset me, especially when it's THIS close. We're only a few days from it from the feel of the books and the way the story is going. The battle between the Towers, the saving of Moiriane, the unveiling of who Demandred and Messana are posing as. God I need it. I will go crazy without it. Even it's not what I expected at all, even if it's a huge let down, I need that resolution. I need my questions answered. This series is too go not to end.


It's got to end, I think it would be worse for WOT if it didn't, it would be the greatest story ever told; never-finished. Even the Dune series is chronologically, at least, being finished. Speaking for myself I would be seriously pissed if a series I spent countless hours listening to didn't end. I guess we could always have Luckers write AMoL if Jordan doesn't :) but I would like Mr. Jordan to but it need to end, at least this part of the series does


Quite an interesting post....


it's the post of someone who is clearly not a fan of Robert Jordon's "Wheel of Time" series, based both on the fact that you'd prefer no ending to whatever RJ has in store for us and the fact that you're not interested in seeing what happens to any of the characters with the exception of 3 of them.


however, you went out of your way to find the largest WOT site, create a screen name and begin discussion about the books, which you obviously don't really like a lot.


you're a living oxymoron :) :) :)


A living oxymoron. I sort of like that. Contrary to the previous assertion, however, I am a big fan of the series and I think that it is perhaps one of the best fantasy series ever undertaken. Unfortunately, the story has become bloated, the characters hackneyed, and the thematic implication less important than the various mysteries that pervade the texts.


That said, I would like Jordan to complete his work, at the very least for his own sake. There exists the potential for a stunning finale that will defy all of our expectations and wide-ranging theories. I do find however, that the idea of a tragic non-ending, particularly at this late date, has a certain fatalistic appeal to me. I like the idea of perhaps not knowing, and subsequently forgoing disapointment in reading a manufactured attempt at tying up all the loose threads.


Oh, and by the way, I'm glad, BJ, that you have figured me out after that brief post and felt confident enough in your perception to characterize so succintly my pathos for Jordan and his work. Good job.


I've never found the story bloated, the characters hackneyed, or the themetic implications lost in the mysteries of the story. I believe this is a long story, that takes a long time to tell. I'm entirely confident that RJ has never drifted from his focus or where he's wanted to take this story. I believe it to be of very high value to him to finish it as he always intended to finish it, and I believe he will succeed at that purpose. He's writing to a scene, which has always been the case. Certain things must happen before that scene, and it takes a while to build up not only the characters, but the entire world to that pivitol moment. Certainly there are books I like less then others, but the entire series still stands as my favorite and far superior to most other fantasies I've read. If it takes 12 books to tell the story right, I want it in 12, not 6, however long the wait.


Limedust, Wheel of Time is not Lord of the Rings. By that I mean 3 does not =12. If you want a heroic quest story then by all means read LOTR but wheel of time is more in the mold of Dune. Both stories don't have many similarities but one of them is that both are much more than just your average stories. Just as Wheel of time is much more than a chronicle of rustics that save the world Dune is more than how the line of Atreus is critical to the salvation of humanity. Both could have been done in less time but they are HUGE in scope. like Kadere I believe all parts ARE essential though it pains to say it when referring Faile but as Tolkien said it is not possible in a really long tale to please everyone at all points. I repeat ALL PARTS ARE ESSENTIAL. Not trying flame you but I wish people who would criticize WOT would do it somewhere else.


I like the Dune series too.


Too clarify: I don't believe that criticism implies dislike. I appreciate High Fantasy a great deal and am quite aware of all that that term implies. My job is criticizing literature . . . that is what I do and in no way do I use the term "criticism" lightly. I like to analyze the works that I read and thought that others, particularly those that use this cite, did too. I am sorry if I have implied some sort of dislike for Jordan or his books, and am sorry as well if other fans feel that I have impugned their aesthetic perception in some way. I have been reading these books since I was 11 years old and it is one of the series that has fostered my love of literature in general and fantasy in particular.


And hey, my original question was just that. A question, albeit with some commentary thrown in to the mix. I appreciate the replies. THanks Kadere, Demandred, BJ.


Every book opens with how "cyclic" everything is (wheel..time..wind..), so my guess is it will have an ending-of-a-sorts..

I'm not sure how comfortable/satisfied I'd be with that, no matter how well written.



Meh.. guess we'll have to wait and see. A WAFO (Wait and find out.. heheheh)


Definitely wasn't trying to do anything but poke a little fun at a post that, still IMO, is a little "oxymoronic," but please don't take offence- as I mentioned, it seemed very contradictory to the general theme of these forums, nothing more nothing less.


I’m not looking to flame anyone here- I respect everyone's opinions and tried to have an overall fun tone to my post (hence the multiple smiley faces). Unfortunately, tone is hard to interpret via web-posts, so there you have it! My apologies if I offended.


In any event, my personal take on your topic is that any series, regardless of how well it is/isn't written, needs an ending. For no other reason than to have closure and to allow the art (lets face it, his work is a piece of art) to be finished. The old saying “The end justices the means†rings very true here. I think when everything is tied together at the end of the series, RJ will have done a great job of presenting the final book in such a light as to compliment everything in the previous books and justify the world that he created for us to have been a necessary creation.


Imagine how incomplete the Mona Lisa would have been if it was never finished and she didn't have hair? Even though she has bad hair, the artwork is complete and we can all appreciate it for what it is.


hmmm......kind of a weak analogy, but I’m exhausted and its the best i could come up with :D


Dont get me wrong, I have enjoyed the books immensely but i have now reached the point where i just want it all to end and if i dont get some closure i will personally assassinate robert jordan and his entire family.


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