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The Newsroom

John E. Kelley

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This is one of the best show to have come along in a long time, Jeff Bridges is outstanding. And Sam Waterston is one of my favorite actors anyway.


And I'm pleasantly surprised to see that it hasn't turned into the iberal propaganda show one has come to expect from HBO. After all, this is the network that brings us Bill Maher. HBO's decision to cast Bridges' character as a Republican is a fresh change and really took some guts. Kudos to them.

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my DVR kicked the show off my recording list :dry: bad DVR! i fixed it now though *nods*



Nol, its basically about a political talk show host that used to not take sides but goes rouge and actually starts giving the news like in the old days rather than polarizing and doing a yell fest without pandering to either sides.



atleast, thats what it appears to be about. its really quite good :happy:

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partly true. Daniels character was a media personality that decided to report the safe news and was made popular for being a political talk show host but not appearing to take sides or assert his personal baised into it.



now he's doing exactly what Kovan said; reporting the news as it is without pandering to a base and presenting the facts without devolving into an opinion media-light.

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I don't know, I didn't like the dialogue. It felt unnatural and more like a series of speeches about the importance of the fourth estate. Also, the relationship between Will and Mackenzie reminded me a lot of what Sorkin already did with Studio 60 (though it's been a long time since I've seen Studio 60, so I could be wrong). I like Sam Waterston's character. Sorkin writes good alcoholics. :smile:

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Hmmm maybe you guys are not watching the same show as me.


The main news reporter in the past played it safe because if you don't piss off any viewers they will like you. He compared himself to Leno in that regard. However playing it safe isn't reporting news. They decided to go back to being true journalist, asking hard hitting questions and reporting on both sides of an issue. It isn't their job to skew the viewers opinion one way or the other, but to give the viewer all the facts.


I am assuming most of you based the "he is taking a side" on episode 1. In Episode 2 they begin to flesh out what kind of newscast they want to do, even though their first show with the new format fails and resembles what we see on Fox/MSNBC today.


Anyway, I love the show. I would probably love anything Sorkin created though!

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Hmmm maybe you guys are not watching the same show as me.


The President of the United States accidentally sprains his ankle riding a bicycle into a tree. Some of the members of the staff have various problems. One finds out he slept with someone who also happens to be a high-priced call girl. Another guy's former lover now dates and works for a senator that might run for President. A rumor persists that someone is going to get fired because of a remark they make on a TV show that offends Christian fundamentals. A meeting was set up so the he could apologize, but one of the fundamentalists makes an anti-Semetic remark infuriating the guy the set up the meeting.

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hmmm i wonder how much of what they said about the Tea Party is true *makes a mental note to look up Kohce, or however its spelled*


i disagree with the Debt Ceiling. the thing they left out was, if the fed had been allowed to raise it, the current administration wouldn't have used that new wiggle room on printing to pay off the debt. instead it woudl have been used to fund even more special interest programs, would not have created jobs and would have only increased the amount our dollar is already devauled by for the current amount of printed dollars.


i wish they woudl have gone into that issue more.



you know, reporting unbiased versions of the news is all well and good in hindsight; i'm looking forward to when they finally catch up with current events *nods* i hope they focus more on the politics angle of this show, perhaps some "news" media light will take the lead from this show and actually try somethign liek it. it woudl be nice to have an actual show that follows the format this "drama" proposes.



that said. i'm so tuning into Rush to hear what bad things he has to say about it. i perosnally love this show and for the most part the politics it's reporting. it'll be mucho interesting to hear what trash Rush talks about it seeing as i've already heard he doesn't relaly care for it (and i'm saying that lightly btw :laugh: )

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I am not sure the plan is to catch up to live events from an article I read.


So which news program do you think most closely reports unbiased information? Unless it is election coverage, I never watch the news. I tend to read it for myself.

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honestly, "Newsroom" imo closely resembles Glenn Beck and what happened over at Fox News with him. not that Gleen Beck is unbiased or a reporter by any means, its just the situation seems similar. i woudln't be surprised if ACN fires Jeff Daniels character or if he leaves the station and goes rouge.



as for which program reports unbiased info, none of them. all your "news" agency's (Fox, CNN, MSN, ect) go with talking heads that report for ratings and inster their opinions rather than try to be reporters doing news. i make a point of not watching the TV for news; instead i prefer to listen to commentators on the radio (conservative cause they have to fact check more than the left and i'm more conservative and get less aggrevated) then research any issues i hear that peaks my interest.

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That is an interesting blog.


I agree McAvoy seems to interject his opinion quite often. He does sound like a liberal Glenn Beck at times, which is funny because the character is a republican. However the show would be REAL boring if they just showed him reporting news.

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so what did you guys think abotu last nights episode.



re-guncontrol thing. they conveintly left out the reason behind why everyone was saying that Obama was attacking our guns. 1st, this is when project gun runner happened (ie: the boarder agent was killed) (mid 2010) and also when Obama was pushing for a tax & stronger requirements on gun ammo (early 2010).


so i feel they left out half the story and were just trying to take pot shots at the right sided media. i can't wait to see them get up to todays current events so they can attack the liberal drive bys for their plain FLASE "reporting" on Romney.



re-India trip; i recall this as well and agree that it was poor "reporting" on the right side. i remember it being mentioned, but its fuzzy becuase the focus in 2010 was mostly on the mid-terms. i'm tuning into Beck and Rush today specifically to hear what (if anything) they have to say :laugh:

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Rush is talking abotu the show right now :laugh: needless to say he doesn't like the show.



re-guns: alright i can't recall if it was Beck or Rush that said "burry the administration in paperwork and you ammo one bullet at a time". but he did contribute to fear mongering of Obama attacking our 2nd amendment rights through Janet Nepolitano and Eric Holder; as well as using clips from Obama's past to show his stance on guns and the 2nd amendment. so no rush, the newsroom was pretty spot on with this. and now he's brining up F&F and project gun-runner. *nods*



re-$200 million india trip: calling it a fantasy, twists it to say thatt he show is saying Republicans shoul have to register like sex offenders (when the show specifcially said liars). now he's poitnign out all the outragious spending by the obama's and how that influenced the original release as being believable and said "they purposefully released false info to laugh at who ran with it"




very interesting response there rush. Beck made no comment on the show as far as i heard this morning

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