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WT Assassins game Sign Ups


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Len walks out into the Tower grounds dragging a large box behind him. When he is situated in the middle of the grounds he climbs ontop of said box and clears his throught.


Novices and Aspies, Warders and Aes Sedai please gather round. I have something very important to tell you of. As im sure you all know it is currently summer. You know that hot, sweaty, humid, evil season? Well we have come up with a way to enjoy said horrid season. A water weapon fight.


But not just any water weapon fight. An Assassins game with the weapons of watery goodness.


Len jumps off his box and reachs into it.


Here are the rules:


How To Play: Assassinate your assigned target

How To Win: Be the last (wo)man standing!

Where To Play: This is to stay in the WT, Warders Guild and the Ajahs.


How do you assassinate someone? To start, you will be PMed a target. To "assassinate" your target, you just have to post directly after them in the same thread, saying something relevant/on topic to the thread, and then say you had just "assassinated" the person. If you are hit, you are out of the game. If you score a hit, you are then PM'ed the name of the next person you must assassinate. The last person standing is the winner!


Once you have successfully assassinated your target, report it here in this thread. Please provide a link to the assassination for credit. As soon as I verify it, you will be PM'ed your next target.


((Borrowed from Poet's version over in the Aiel. Credit where credit is due after all))


So for now all you need to do is sign up, recieve a water weapon thingy and plan how you are going to destroy defeat spray you know what I mean, all of your opponents. We are compiling a list of off limit boards, threads and locations as we speak so they shall be put up when the game starts. Oh and one more thing. After you get assassinated feel free to retaliate and spray them back. Wont knock them out but im sure they wouldnt mind. :wink:


Sign ups:

RandA lThor



Niel an'Tyomn






hmmm i thought i already signed up but it appears not...*is puzzled* anywho, SIGN ME UPP!!!! water fights are awesome! i wants spot 4 if i may :biggrin:


Following in Pankhuri's feet suppose the Algai and Manshima need to see how it's done from a Der'Manshima. I am on sporadically enough that this could be a LOT of fun. If you have enough space left sign me up. If you get a lot of aspies in front of me I'll step aside so as not to make it over whelmin for ya. If it's more the merrier then I am definitely down.


Peeerfect. Im going to wait afew more days just to see if anyone else shows up. When this is ready to go I shall post the actual start/kill turn in thread over in the Warders guild and will also announce it here.


Lenlo, update the "signed up" list :P


Niel, I'm pretty sure you'll be able to see the private boards by the time that the game starts, so I'm going to say that you can play if you wish.


Yes anyone can play and did I not update? Dang it. I updated it but it didnt save it.


Stupid phone.


Just a heads up I plan on starting this tomorrow when I return home from work. I am going to give it the rest of today and some of tomorrow for others to sign up.


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