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What can we do....

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Well honestly right now John we're kinda at a stand still on starting up new stuff because we're waiting to get a new leader... Hopefully that will be done within the next week and we'll be able to move on.. But checking out other social groups that are doing good is definitely a good place to start... Have you gotten access to the private boards yet John??

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We used to do some informal RP on the ProBoards. We did it there because of restrictions placed on RP outside of what are now the RP umm..Groups?


If we had Mysty in here or Tay we might get some clarification on that if anyone cared to travel that road.


Even though I am a former "Bands Game Leader" I don't remember much of the rules. I'm going to have to go in there and snoop around a bit. It's possible though some of it could be "loosened up a bit", meaning more casual/informal. Not without discussion though.


"Footy" and I had some epic tussles in the Arena of Death, a couple of which (well at LEAST one) we did entirely in JotS verses using "Sword Forms" (some of which Footy invented on the spot) and "Pirate Forms".


^^Well here's one of thing this you could do with. Manny himself. Assuming he isn't too busy. Always knew his way around the Band, and was pretty successful at running things. (Hope I didn't throw you under a bus there Manny :wink: Just call'n it as it was.)

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Well honestly right now John we're kinda at a stand still on starting up new stuff because we're waiting to get a new leader... Hopefully that will be done within the next week and we'll be able to move on.. But checking out other social groups that are doing good is definitely a good place to start... Have you gotten access to the private boards yet John??


Ah, that'd make sense. And no access to private boards yet.

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I'm considering it. The problem is, I don't have the time to commit to anything besides spam. I can't even keep up with the Wolfkin Council that I'm ON at the moment. (I tried quitting the Council once because I couldn't keep up, but people keep asking me back on to it... lol) Which wouldn't be of much help.


And the spam, to be fair, is a facade of activity at best.

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Good to see ya' Lanth! And don't worry about throwin' me under the bus. I'm spry ... still .. sorta. My intention though is to let others "run" this show. I'll just toss out more or less useless junk rattling around in my head. This joint could use some of what's in Yours too. Even if only spam for the time being.. It appears to me that poor ol' Dragonlover has been carrying the load alone for quite a long time!

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