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Three or so years ago I played a character hre named Sereth Arian, and he was advanced through the ranks and was at one point a failry prominent member of the BT community, and I'd like to make him so again. I've missed this place, and the character, and am trying to figure out exactly where he stands, as he was an attack leader, but its... been three years so...


Anywho, after I get this all sorted out, I'd really like to reintroduce him to you guys, though honestly the more I'm reading the more I"m thinking this place may have died... But maybe it just needs some new-old bloods to pump it up? Iunno. Oh, and is Covai still around, or has he gone?


Covai isn't around right now. He might be back in the near future, provided I keep poking him about it. I'm in full charge of the place now ... *cue evil laughter and dimming lights*


Yeah ... activity is a bit slow at the moment. But we've recently had a few new bios submitted, and a raising to Asha'man rank, so things are looking better. We just need consistent writers who are willing to write. Imagine that.


Replied to your PM, by the way. You should be ready to get started again very soon.


Alright, I'll begin working on what I need to. I'll offer up my services as an Attack Leader, so training and what not is definitly on me.


Wow. More old/new blood. Interesting. Don't worry Arath isn't FULLY in charge. I take care of the Infirmary and hence... the drugs. *cue evil laughter of EPIC proportions*


Also, welcome back. I can RP sometimes. But at the moment.. well... not much going on. Doesn't mean we can't go skin a few trollocs eh?


If all else fail, trolloc target practice. I've had some ideas for upper level thought provoking RPs. Sereth left on a binge to find his old mentor to help the tower, but after that whole deal relized that if he wants to help people, he is going to have to do it himself. I'm assuming I'm gonna get a stern reprimand or something from Arath for being gone so long IC, but after/during that I should be free.

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