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Long time fan, Thought I'd finally join up!


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Hi all!! Very pleased to meet ya!

I was introduced to the series when about 14 by my older brother and I have not been able to stop reading since!!

These books are both my first choice and my default.... They are also the books that I pressure my friends to read too, haha!


I actually really like the art work for the covers, so tonight I was browsing and I happened to see some artwork of WOT on another site. The link lead me to a forum on this site, which I have visited before but have never joined. The forum also provided a link to this cool little website where you can design "dolls" and they suggested that you could design some of the characters from WOT. I decided to try making Moiraine, Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne.


Since I started reading the Wheel of Time I have always been interested in picking out people who could act/fit the part if a movie was ever played - this is more for amusement rather than because I actually want a movie made! Hm, I'm not sure who the most difficult person to pick would be. Maybe i'll have a browse of the forums now to see what others think...


Anyway, look forward to crossing paths with you...


Welcome, i'm new on here too and it's sweet so far. I've been told to check out the social groups, apparently they're a blast, so I suggest you look into them too.

any favourite characters or WoT moments you especially liked?


Hiya Chilnsea!


Welcome welcome welcome!

I'm BB, I've been around for a month or two now, love this place, you start and you'll get hooked, believe me. :wink:

I think I was about 14 when I started reading too, and my brother got me into the series. And I pressure my friends to read it too! I'm also into the casting aspect, although I only really stalk the casting threads here.


So, NZ, hey? There are a few kiwis on here. A few Aussies as well, so you ought to feel pretty at home. :)


I actually really like the art work for the covers, so tonight I was browsing and I happened to see some artwork of WOT on another site. The link lead me to a forum on this site, which I have visited before but have never joined. The forum also provided a link to this cool little website where you can design "dolls" and they suggested that you could design some of the characters from WOT. I decided to try making Moiraine, Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne.



Score!! *Does South African Haka* :biggrin:


That is to say ... welcome to DM! I hope you'll find your way back down to the White Tower, where you can further indulge in your "doll"-making passion. We're doing Cadsuane at the moment, with some more to follow soon *winks*


Welcome, i'm new on here too and it's sweet so far. I've been told to check out the social groups, apparently they're a blast, so I suggest you look into them too.

any favourite characters or WoT moments you especially liked?


Nice to meet ya :rolleyes: - what made you join?? um, actually your question got me thinking about favourite parts, took up some of my day actually, haha. I still haven't decided!!

As for character, fav male would be.. Perrin! and female, I guess Siuane and Aviendha would have to be up there, what about you??


haha, aw from good ol SA - I love that country, awesome place for a tourist! thanks for stopping to say welcome!! :smile:

hm, I am trying to make sense of what you mean by white tour, ugh, I'm a little lost with this forum thing! I guess this is a thread?? or am I on the wrong track?? I'm very curious about Cadsuane - should be interesting! I actually tried last night to find the doll forum thing that I first saw when I came to this site, but had no luck. will have to keep searching for it again.


and nice to meet ya BB from Down Under! - that's funny, started at age 14 and brother too - who knows what else we will find in common!!! 14 is a good age to start reading WoT I reckon, means that when I go back to read the books there are somethings I overlooked when I was younger!


This place can be very confusing until you get used to it *nods*


So have you figured things out a bit yet, or do you need some help?


Awesome sauce *grins*


Well have a look around, join in where you want, and if you're interested enough, sign up - you'll find the necessary info in the White Tower & Warders 101 pinned topic. :wink:


Welcome to the boards!


What, you like all the cover art? I like a few of them, but the eBook covers are just superb. That said, the unused cover art for AMoL was Sweet's best one, in my opinion.


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