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I am so bored....


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Christine, do you remember what we talked about, how Lily was a symbol of BA being chosen over and over for the SG leader. How they have corrupted the admins themselves to become the new SGL! You know that you want to become SGL Christine, look at all those minions. Imagine that as all the members of Shayol Ghul. You want that don't you. Power, points, anything you want, all at your feet. You want this, I can feel the desire burning in your heart. Look inside yourself. Wouldn't you want to be the Dark One? Forget about who actually is the DO for now, and think about if you would want to be the Dark One. Now you know how much you want to be it, I can help you accomplish that. Along with 20 points, I can give you influence, promote you in the SS, and help you overall. All you have to do, is turn against Lily.


Why would I want to be promoted in the SS?

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