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Eurovision Song Contest - Semi Final 2 (Thursday 24th May 2012)


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So, after the first semi-final on Tuesday which I felt could have been better, it is time to get ready for the second semi-final from Baku, Azerbaijan. The Eurovision Song Contest is now into its 57th year, and is strong as ever. Yet again, I will be your host for this evening's entertainment, passing my glorious comments on tonight's proceedings! Hopefully tonight's show will be better than what happened on Tuesday.


So, just a quick reminder on how tonight will work. 6 countries - Azerbaijan, last year's winner, along with the Big 5, the UK, Germany, France, Spain and Italy - are all guarenteed a place in the final on Saturday, along with the 10 that qualified from Tuesday night. However, the remaining 18 countries out of the 36 that have entered battle it out for the remaining 10 places.


So, go and grab something to drink and eat, and let's enjoy the evening's entertainment. Not long left to go now!


Not long to go now...


Tonight features Sweden, with their entry being sung by Loreen. The song is considered a favourite, and I think won a pre-Contest vote as the best song.


1. Serbia

- Nice and simple

- Feels similar to Molitva, the winning song a few years ago, but not as powerful

- A polished performance

- Good strong voice

- Agreeing with the cheers from the crowd in the Hall



2. F.Y.R. Macedonia

- Like the beginning...

- ...which is quite deceptive!

- She has quite gruff vocals

- Was that a guitar or the singer screeching?

- Really liked that song!



3. Netherlands

- A big cheer from the crowd before the song...does that mean it is good?

- Not convinced on the vocals of the singer

- Has got a feel good factor to it

- Catchy but not winning me over



4. Malta

- Not a power ballad from Malta - it's not Eurovision!

- Those can't be real feet! Feet don't do that!

- This is the night..that I may win Eurovision!

- Really liking this Europop!

- The feel good factor continues!



5. Belarus

- Is this what a rock/indie/pop group in the year 2500 will look like?

- Singing is very samey

- Wonder what the original rigged winning song was like? It must have been better than this.

- Most definitely the Heroes!



6. Portugal

- Feels very southern Mediterranean

- Plenty of effort in the performance

- The song grows on you...

- ...and another song that has a Molitva feel to it


Serbia...Classic Balkan ballad, nice. No molitva, but has potential to go far.


Macedonia...starts as a nice little ballad, great voice. halfway through it turns into some kind of rock song, not nearly as nice. but i have a feeling Europe might like this.


Netherlands...An indian with a guitar? Wtf? Decent melody, decent voice, but should not reach the final.


Malta...Electropop of the kind that was popular 2-3 years ago. Not a favourite, but should reach the final.


Belarus...Damn, the vocalist looks a lot like Damon Albarn! And that was about the only interesting thing about this boyband spectacle.


Portugal...I really want to like this. Sung in portugese, traditional style, good vocalist...but it never really takes off.


Ukraine...As usual one of ESCs party moment. IMO, not one of their better entries, but i can still not resist to get carried away. Will go really far.


Bulgaria...Modern dancepop. really good, top-3 song.


Slovenia...Beautiful ballad.


Croatia...Another balkan country, another ballad...Bit of a theme this year :) Good ballad, but not as good as Serbia or slovenia.


Sweden...Bleh, this stinks.


Georgia...What the hell? They better be joking. not because it is funny, but...


I´m afraid that Loreen didn´t do quite as good as in the Swedish final. Maybe she was nervous? And the sound is not very good. (But that goes for everyone.)


What did you think?


7. Ukraine

- Hopefully this is good - Ukraine usually sends something good!

- Big, deep vocals for the song

- Feels like a real party tune

- It's catchy, but not catchy enough to win



8. Bulgaria

- A song for everyone - there are 10 different languages in the song!

- That starts sounds like a song from that Romanian dance artist that I can't remember the name of

- Despite not understanding any of the vocals, I am drawn to the song

- Got that name...Alexandra Stan

- Like the vocals...and the song!



9. Slovenia

- A very mystical feel to the beginning

- What is the point of the four non-singers doing on stage? They aren't doing anything

- Oh, they are now!

- A slow-burning song that perks into life a little too late

- Shame it is a bit slow to get to life - that could be it's downfall.

- But I do like it



10. Croatia

- Is this another Balkan ballad?

- Appears it is...

- And another slow-burning song...

- ...but the performance draws you in

- Do I sense a change of clothes?

- Obviously not...

- Another song I like


11. Sweden

- Time for one of the favourites

- Crowd showing their appreacation

- Has a feel of a good dance/club track

- The "up, up, up, up" part seems reminiscent of some track I know (I wish I paid more attention to current music!)

- Quite a simple song, which relies a lot on the hand movement of Loreen

- Kate Bush, anyone?



12. Georgia

- Where is the Gregorian chant?

- One...Two...Three...

- Vocals are a bit flat after the start

- Four...Five...Six

- The numbers represent the changes to the song I noticed...

- Too complex...and it doesn't seem to fit


Oh, and their hair is up...and they actually sung their song! Weird, considering they didn't seem to sing in their performance...


Turkey...Really should have stayed away from the english, the song does not fit with the music. A shame, because instrumental it is quite good.


Estonia...Fells very...familiar. but that is ok, really good ballad. Nice 80s-feel, in a good way.


Slovakia...Metal! Not a great song, but it is quite ok.


Norway...Quite typical commercial pop. But the tiny arab-inspired touch manages to lift the song. My guess is that 90% of all the young girls will vote for this...


Bosnia...And...it's a ballad. Surprise! :) ok little thing, but not as good as Serbia or Slovenia.


Lithuania...Starts as a ballad, then becomes some kind of 70s discopop...It is not bad, but quite confused.


13. Turkey

- Has a very Turkish feel to it

- Shouldn't he be down a coal mine with his hat?

- I think Turkey should go away and bring back their usually belly dancing routine

- That would be more interesting!

- That was a boat out of humans and cloaks I just saw?

- I hate songs with lots of "nah nah nah" lyrics!



14. Estonia

- Time for a Baltic ballad!

- One of the strongest voices (if not the strongest) voice of the night

- Grows and grows as a song

- A very strong performance (one of the best tonight, in my opinion)

- The crowd loved that!



15. Slovakia

- Arghhh!!!!!

- A bit flat...or weak...or both

- His vocals don't carry the song

- I don't think this will win over the European public



16. Norway

- Ummm...what has happening Norway?

- Doesn't do anything for me...

- The dance moves are quite slick...but the vocals are weak



17. Bosnia & Herzegovina

- The Balkan ballad strikes again!

- Very soothing

- I do like her vocals

- Another slow-burning song, which kicks into life a little too late



18. Lithunia

- And another Baltic ballad!

- Not as much power as the ballad from Estonia

- Wow! That cartwheel brought some life into the song!

- Quite dull otherwise


Now that we have heard all the songs, it is time to pick the 10 songs everyone thinks will go through.


My ten (the 10 I want to go through, not necessarily the 10 i think will go through)











The Netherlands


I got preoccupied with other things in the end. I have to save my comments for the final. I didn´t hear anything that I liked much but maybe if I had been more focused I would have found something.


In no particular order:


1. F.Y.R. Macedonia

2. Bulgaria

3. Estonia

4. Bosnia & Herzegovina

5. Serbia

6. Portugal

7. Slovenia

8. Ukraine

9. Croatia

10. Sweden


Ah, super-postcard time! Azerbaijan in all its glory!


And the BBC is actually allowing us to watch the interval performance tonight!


Below is a link to an article on the BBC about Spain's broadcasters not wanting Pastora Soler to win!




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