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How would you prove you're not crazy?


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So you walk into a pharmacy laughing hysterically because a friend just shared a joke over the phone. Only people don't know that coz u listened over a wireless earpiece. You approach the pharmacist, but just then, a bug crawls into your shirt and you spend the next minute trying to violently shake it off. You approach the counter n demand for muscle relaxant, but the pharmacist gives you a suspicious look n asks "are u alright sir?" n u say "yes, i was just speaking with someone" u point to ur earphone, only it's not there! It had fallen off while u were shaking off the bug!


So you walk into a pharmacy laughing hysterically because a friend just shared a joke over the phone. Only people don't know that coz u listened over a wireless earpiece. You approach the pharmacist, but just then, a bug crawls into your shirt and you spend the next minute trying to violently shake it off. You approach the counter n demand for muscle relaxant, but the pharmacist gives you a suspicious look n asks "are u alright sir?" n u say "yes, i was just speaking with someone" u point to ur earphone, only it's not there! It had fallen off while u were shaking off the bug!




I have medical records that says I´m crazy but I´m good at playing normal. Well, not really.


HAHAHAHAHA! Well it is not like they know you - unless you go to that place often - so who cares if they think you are nuts? And if it is a frequent place...I still would not care, if I were you, hahahahahahaha!!!


ROFL. Run with it. Crazy can be fun!


In my sociology class in college we did an experiment for an assignment, to break a few "societal norms" and observe peoples reactions. For instance, get into an elevator, and instead of facing the doors and looking at the numbers, face into the elevator and make eye contact with strangers.


I did 3 or 4 things that made people think I was utterly nuts. Most fun I had in a class that semester.


I did the elevator thing, got the most awkward looks ever... I also went into the library and when someone was looking something up in one of the reference books I would walk up right next to them and read over their shoulder.


As I recall the others involved maniacal laughter at odd times, or shouting odd phrases in the middle of large groups... And I think one time while walking on campus, I did an abrupt about-face and started following a complete stranger rather closely just to see how long it would take him to notice and look at me funny.


You should have did the maniacal laughter! It could have been another class, and while the professor is in the middle of a lecture, you can just go quietly, "Hehehehehe," and then all of a sudden get pretty loud with, "Hahahahaha- MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Hehe, that would probably be a great way to have failed that class if it annoyed the fellow enough!


If you advice on how NOT to be crazy...you're really in the wrong place ;-D


Next time you're in a lift alone: sit cross-legged in the middle of the floor and grin manically at the next person to get in. Or enter wearing "X-Ray" glasses. Both are fun =D


Like man points?


Yeah. It's a scoring system I run on my Tumblr haha. Except girls can win them too =)


B...b...but I can't prove I'm not crazy....that would be like saying rainbows come from dolphins when they do experiments with magnifying glasses and blu-tack. O.o


Which is in effect possible, but everyone knows that rainbows are caused by unicorns stomping on teh clouds :rolleyes:


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