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Who will pass on the a'dam to Egwene?


Seanchan Woman to Help Egwene  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Seanchanette will pass the a'dam (figuratively?) to Egwene? And why do you think so?

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I had this image of Seta and Bethamin submitting themselves to Egwene because she essentially freed them from their fates as damane - initially they interpreted the situation incorrectly, however their time with Joline, Teslyn and the other AS might have shown them the light. And these characters have had to be set up for some reason, and Seta being collared by Egwene and crew would make a nice balance for the ending...

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I am with GB. She has severed her ties to the Seanchan (apparently, in any case) and she is currently on her way to the White Tower.


Fortuna is aswell, but she is Empress, even though she knows about the a'dam sul'dam thing, she would not risk the Empire to make such radical changes, she would certainly not "hand" anything to the Amyrlin of the White Tower.


Obviously, this could change in aMoL, but as it stands now, Egeanin is the most likely.


It also mentioned something about a Seanchan woman with a sword I think?


It could be taken a few ways.


Egeanin uses a sword, back when she was captain of her ship she did, the others don't. Except if you want to include Tylee, but I don't think she has much to do with the WT as it stands, although it could change in aMoL.


It could also mean Fortuna, and Rand giving her Hawkwing's sword as a token of friendship or whatever.

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D**n my temporary bout with dyslexia! Tylee, not Kylee.


Barid and GB -

I understand where you are coming with the Egeanin option, it would also give her the opportunity to get some revenge against Tuon for singlehandedly lowering her status. Egeanin has been the rare character, too, to toss off the chains that bind and really take a look and interest in Randland; however, that being said, if she has given up on Seanchan what would her motivation be in actively seeking to destroy it (of which, that great hatred we have yet to see from her)? This is why I believe one of the sul'dam-made-damane would have quite the motivation to take the system down - rather than accepting slavery, the two have been given second chances and would not like those chances dashed by Tuon. They are the poster-child damane that Egwene has been waiting for whilst impatiently sitting on her hands.

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D**n my temporary bout with dyslexia! Tylee, not Kylee.


Barid and GB -

I understand where you are coming with the Egeanin option, it would also give her the opportunity to get some revenge against Tuon for singlehandedly lowering her status. Egeanin has been the rare character, too, to toss off the chains that bind and really take a look and interest in Randland; however, that being said, if she has given up on Seanchan what would her motivation be in actively seeking to destroy it (of which, that great hatred we have yet to see from her)? This is why I believe one of the sul'dam-made-damane would have quite the motivation to take the system down - rather than accepting slavery, the two have been given second chances and would not like those chances dashed by Tuon. They are the poster-child damane that Egwene has been waiting for whilst impatiently sitting on her hands.


i am not sure if revenge is a motivation factor for Egeanin, she accepted her fall to Leilwin and had made "peace" as far as we know to the new identity.


i think from her previous interaction with Nynaeve, and Elayne, and most recently Joline, Teslyn and Edesina, she could see that leashing is not the solution, and she has been quite the radical one, taking bayle as husband, etc.



i do get the former suldam choice though elayne and egwene are aware of elayne's scheme to undermine the seanchan, i dont really see how having egwene do the same thing will be that significant and the passing of the adam together with the cliff dream of hers should be of more significance. though a suldam uprising will be quite the way for the whole thing to go. :)

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