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Hello there fellow WoT lovers!

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hello all! i may not be the most meticulous reader of the series (only on my 3rd read through) but, just like you all, i cant help but laugh when Mat continues to complain to Talmanas snide (yet hilarious) comments, marvel in Perrin's rise to such modest leadership and of course, cry to Rand's crushing internal war and have those tears turn to joy at the sight of his rebirth in The Gathering Storm....so...so beautiful....but aside from the amazing emotion turmoil that is the Wot im glad i have joined a community that can also appreciate this beautifully crafted epic by the beloved and dearly missed Robert Jordan, May the Light shine on him where ever he may be....


hello all! i may not be the most meticulous reader of the series (only on my 3rd read through) but, just like you all, i cant help but laugh when Mat continues to complain to Talmanas snide (yet hilarious) comments, marvel in Perrin's rise to such modest leadership and of course, cry to Rand's crushing internal war and have those tears turn to joy at the sight of his rebirth in The Gathering Storm....so...so beautiful....but aside from the amazing emotion turmoil that is the Wot im glad i have joined a community that can also appreciate this beautifully crafted epic by the beloved and dearly missed Robert Jordan, May the Light shine on him where ever he may be....


Well, I'm glad you found us and decided to join! Yes, this series is amazing. I can't even find words to describe it. Have you had a chance to look around?


Hi and welcome to DM! Glad you found us :)

And actually, I'm still doing my first read-through >.> It's really not the times you read WoT through, but how you enjoy it. And it seems you really do.


Do you have a favorite WoT nation?


Feel free to ask if you've got any questions. I hope you'll like it here!!


To ryrin: yes i have and i must say that i have liked everything that i have seen! i have already took part in some discussion and even started my own discussion on the philosophy and motives of the DO. so far the responses have been great and keep coming. please join if you have anything to add! :)


To Ledinna Sedai: thank you for such a warm welcome :) and YES i really enjoy this series and i also agree with you about the number of times reading, my friend is one his first read through yet has made some remarkable discoveries despite just starting (he called the aes sedai rebellion waayyy early...*sniff* i was so proud) hahaha

as for my favorite nation.....Shinear probably, their code of honor and their willingness to throw themselves at the blight...beyond admirable, i just love how their culture is so embedded into their struggle and their love and devotion to their fellow country men. That part in the ToM where Masema talks about receiving his sword from his father and how if he made him proud made me tear up, it was so touching


Welcome welcome! Glad you've joined us!


Along with the book discussion, make sure not to miss the social side of the site -- I lurked around these parts for about a year before I discovered the social groups, where there is a lot of fun to be had and great people to get to know. :smile:


Feel free to ask if you have any questions, there are a lot of very helpful folks around here who'd be happy to help.


Welcome welcome! Glad you've joined us!


Along with the book discussion, make sure not to miss the social side of the site -- I lurked around these parts for about a year before I discovered the social groups, where there is a lot of fun to be had and great people to get to know. :smile:


Feel free to ask if you have any questions, there are a lot of very helpful folks around here who'd be happy to help.

i actually am curious about the social groups and the roleplay forums. i took a gander at the Band of the Red Hand and other social groups, but i dont really get what exactly they do?


Sir Dice gallops in on his warhorse bunyan! (bunyan bucks irritably) "alright alright SIR Bunyan then!"


Pulls up in front of IAETS "so!! youre a potential recruit are you?? Want to join the mighty Band of the Red hand do you?" pokes the newbie with the butt of his ashdarei " got what it takes you think? "



The bands main themes are Music and Military history. It has 4 regiments the Awesome CAVALRY, the archers and the the infantry and well A mason lol We talk we drink we BRAWL!! Come have a look! i'll set yo some tasks as a welcome present! "so will i see u there recruit?? You could become a mighty Knight and have to put up with ummm i mean have a mighty Warhorse like Bunyan here! not too like...he has a temper and drinks more Bandy then i do!"



i actually am curious about the social groups and the roleplay forums. i took a gander at the Band of the Red Hand and other social groups, but i dont really get what exactly they do?


There should be a pinned topic in each social group, and in welcoming Inn in RP side, that tell what the group is about and other stuff. Seems like Dice already cleared the Band's themes, but what are those other social groups you'd like to know about? We could help :)


Im in the band the wolfkin the Black tower and ... well the elders are gonna drag me home for being a runaway Ogier! So i can help out with those if any of them interest you.

i actually am curious about the social groups and the roleplay forums. i took a gander at the Band of the Red Hand and other social groups, but i dont really get what exactly they do?


There should be a pinned topic in each social group, and in welcoming Inn in RP side, that tell what the group is about and other stuff. Seems like Dice already cleared the Band's themes, but what are those other social groups you'd like to know about? We could help :)


Dice: whats the black tower and wolk kin about? also the Red Hand sounder pretty coooool. so the Red hand converses about military history and music?


Ledinna: what societies are you in? and whats up with those ones?


those are our themes but we also just generally play around have brawls and jousts and stuff. Come check it out i'll put you thru raw Recruit training, Those are tasks so you get to know the regiments better


Now let me see Ogier is i think history and books of course and ale


Wolfkin wolves obviously it is a very playful place


And the BT is about SPAM!!! well that and channeling Saidin. There are 2 factions Lighties like Sonstress and Shadowies like me! Its a LOT of fun!! and its Tainted!!! which just adds to everything!


Well, I'm in White Tower, Aiel, Shayol Ghul, Wolfkin, Ogier and ACW Guild. So pretty many :)


I can't say only one thing what Tower's about, cause there are so many sides in it (all the Ajahs, Houses for Aspirants, Warders). But like all the social groups, it's fun.


The Aiel have two factions, Algai'd'siswai and Wise Ones. I'm in the ADS. The Aiel are about culture, traveling and that sorts of things. There is also this lovely Aiel humour :)


It's pretty easy to guess, but Shayol Ghul is for evil and wicked people with evil and wicked humour :P They have three factions, Black Ajah, Shadowspawn and Dreadlords.


The Wolfkin is really fun!! It's full of silly humour, chili and tequila :)


The Ogier are about books, history and that sorts of things. It's easy to enjoy yourself there :)


The ACW Guild gives interesting discussions, advices, challenges and chance to see other people's awesome works and opinions. It's great too :)


You are the one that knows the best, which group fits you, or if there are multiple groups you like. I can just recommend them all ;)

If you want more specific info, the info topics really are the best tellers.


And the BT is about SPAM!!! well that and channeling Saidin. There are 2 factions Lighties like Sonstress and Shadowies like me! Its a LOT of fun!! and its Tainted!!! which just adds to everything!


Full of insanity.


And picking on one another, especially cross-faction. *pokes Dice in the ribs*


I'm not officially a lightie yet, but I've declared my intentions once I get through the intro to channeling class (and I'm gonna be in all kinds of trouble if I don't follow through now).


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